Salem Satanic Temple Attacked with Pipe Bomb

Christians feel persecuted. There is no reason for them to feel this way, but that doesn’t stop them from claiming that other faiths are out to get them. They fear the loss of their power so much that anyone they deem an enemy is fair game.

Take the case of Sean Patrick Palmer, a 49 year old man from Perkins, Oklahoma. He was recently arrested after being captured of film throwing a pipe bomb at a Satanic Temple located in Salem, Mass on April 8th of this year. His intent, it seems, was to destroy “crybaby Satan” with an improvised explosive device.

According to the charging documents, the pipe bomb appeared to have been constructed from a section of plastic pipe covered with metal nails, which were attached to the pipe with tape. The inside of the pipe was filled with a powder-like substance, preliminarily identified as smokeless gunpowder.

He also left a letter, written in all caps, telling Satanists that he was sent by God to first give them a peaceful message to abandon their faith. When that failed, he was then told to “smite” them. The whole thing seems as though it was written by a 5 year old. He certainly has a great deal of mental problems, which were no doubt masked for years under the guise of piety.


Palmer was caught because he had posts on social media that matches the clothing of the assailant caught on film. He was also posting weird messages that echoed the hand written note he left at the scene. This jackass now faces up to 20 years in prison. I’m sure he will claim to be yet another religious martyr. It’s easier than facing the truth: that he’s a low IQ arsonist who belongs behind bars.

Prison Justice for Pastor accused of Killing Girl During Exorcism

Prisons have their own form of justice. For those of us not familiar with prison life, we generally think that a building full of criminals must be chaotic, and filled with random violence. It’s far more complicated than that. Inmates have their own code of justice, which can largely be dependent on the state that you are in. This code has a kind of hierarchy of bad, meaning that there are some crimes that are considered “good” (like robbing a bank), and others considered evil (like raping or killing a child). Prisoners will often dispense their own form of punishment, which tends to be deadly.

Now, for the sake of clarity, I must also specify that there is a difference between prison and jail. Prison is where people convicted of a crime go. Jail is the holdover for people suspected of a crime. This is why those in jail still have the presumption of innocence. With that in mind, when former pastor Rene Tigueros Hernandez was booked recently in San Jose over allegations that he killed his 3 year old granddaughter following a botched exorcism, it didn’t take long for one of his neighbors to find out what he had done, and a bunch of them decided to do something about it. Hernandez is 60 years old, so odds are, he didn’t put up much of a fight.

The thing is, the details of the incident are what’s putting his life in danger.

On Monday, a coroner testified that 3-year-old Arely had so many injuries — including blunt force trauma on her face and internal abdominal injuries — that it was impossible to know which injury was “the final blow.” The coroner said she determined Arely’s cause of death was a combination of mechanical asphyxia and smothering

The defense attorney requested that the judge bar the media from publishing or airing “up-to-date-in-court images and video” that make it “easier for hostile inmates in jail to identify and attack him,” Fite wrote.

The thing is, all of this is merely to keep him alive before he can actually go to trial. Once he’s actually in prison, then he’s in big trouble. Prisoners have a way of finding things out about you. Usually this is done on the first day with what is called a “heart check”. A scary looking man approaches you, demands to know for what crimes you are there for, and will often instigate a fight to see if you have any “heart”, and will defend yourself even against a tougher opponent. The worst thing you can be is a child rapist or murderer. These people typically have short stays, followed by a quick trip to the morgue.

Given the extend of the little girl’s injuries, I can’t imagine that his fellow prisoners will give him much leeway. Keep in mind that many of these men are fathers first, and criminals second. No doubt the time away from their loved ones only amplifies their hatred for these types of crimes. Their distorted sense of justice will inevitably lead to more death, perhaps as a way for them to try and atone for their crimes. Such is the primitive nature of prisons. They have their own laws, and codes of justice, and this spells bad news for the Hernandez family.

You see, Hernandez isn’t the only one of the family that was in jail, and the other  members have all said that they’ve been threatened multiple times. Considering the brutality and severity of their victims injuries, I have a feeling that prison life is going to be extremely difficult for them.

All of this tragedy was the result of the fact that Catholics still believe in dangerously stupid shit like demon possession. They think that behavioral problems are the result of satanic forces, and so strong is this belief that the welfare of their own child was less important that their superstitions.

Lutheran Scamming Priest gets 8 months instead of 10 years in Jail

Imagine you steal more than $80,000 from your employer by selling a property and then pocketing the cash. How much time should you be in jail for? A few years maybe? Well, if you’re a religious figure, that number can be brought down to the low low price of only 8 months.

That’s how much time Erin Gullickson, who was the former pastor for the Our Savior Lutheran Church, got: an 8 months in prison handed down by an Illinois court. She’s also been ordered to pay back the 82 grand she stole, with the judge demanding that it be paid back in a year’s time. Unless she joins another church and starts stealing from them, I doubt she’ll be able to make good on it. So far, she’s only agreed to pay back 1000 bucks a month. At this rate, it will take her roughly 7 years to square things off.

Prosecutors were obviously upset that she got the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. A few months in jail and some probation sends a pretty clear message to other would-be scammers: Do the crime, do only a small portion of the time. You see, this is a class B felony, which usually carries a maximum prison sentence of around 10 years. She got less than 10 months.

Feland also disagreed with the notion that Gullickson, who has been in custody since her conviction, should not be subject to further imprisonment. The judge sentenced Gullickson to 10 years in prison but suspended all but time already served and an additional seven months, in addition to three years of supervised probation.

Why is it that the law works differently for religious people? Do they just have to promise that they will do better and are instantly believed? She abused the trust of the people that she ministered to, and literally stole from them. What was the reason for such leniency? If this person had embezzled this money while working at a bank, would she have been given such mercy on her sentence? I highly doubt it.

This shit stinks to high heaven of religious privilege. When will we be free of this special treatment that the faithful get? My guess is never.

Denver Pastor Scammed flock with Cryptocurrency

I feel bad for today’s young people. When I was entering my adulthood, the Internet was coming into itself, which meant that there were real opportunities for people to succeed with the invention of new technology. Today, however, all that’s been invented is new ways to scam people. The creation of cryptocurrency has tanked an estimated 2 trillion dollars from the economy. That’s not counting the 3 billion that is stolen annually by hackers, which account for almost half of their own losses. This is the grifted generation, to be sure.

Imagine now what happens when you combine the scam of crypto, with the fraud of religion? Why, you get something called INDXcoin. The brainchild of Rev. Eli Regalado, an online only pastor that congregates his virtual flock on a (former) website called The site has since been taken down, as Regalado is currently in a legal battle with State regulators, for his little scam.

Regalado and his wife did what all of these crypto hucksters do when they have people’s money: they spent it. So, while easily manipulated people sent him their savings under the promise that the proceeds would be donated to “orphans and widows”, it went instead into purchasing handbag, snowmobiles, a Range rover and countless other luxuries. Almost 300k of it went to their “church”, which again was simply a way for these people to pay themselves.

Both of these bozos were also not very experienced coders which meant that their crypto and virtual exchange were sloppy messes that was given a “zero out of 10” grade by a company that specializes in evaluating crypto security. It mattered little, as all of the transactions were done via Regalado’s Venmo account, or by direct money transfers. Since they were both spending the money so quickly, they routinely had to close their exchange to avoid running out of money. They were essentially operating as a bank, and then spending any deposits they received. The virtual coin they were given was merely a representation of what they thought was in investment in new technology. In reality, it was nothing more than a basic con with a fresh coat of virtual paint.

What’s crazy in all of this is the fact that the 3.9 million they stole from their own flock is a civil matter, and not a criminal one. This means that they face no jail time for this huge scam. All the victims can hope for is that some of the money can be recouped. Judging by how quickly these bozos burned through the funds, it’s not looking too good.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 346

This week, we discuss how Christianity is a death cult, the Catholic Church and how it defends pedophiles, and Mormon leaders being accused of covering up abuse.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 346

Nigerian pastor faked kidnapping to extort parishoners

Nigeria has a big problem: the country is cursed with a recent glut of kidnappings. For enterprising criminals, this has become a daily activity. Just last month, 50 people were kidnapped in a raid in the village of Bagega, a small mining town in the north of Nigeria.

There are so many kidnappings, in fact, that people now have to contend with fake ones instead. There’s a cottage industry of fakers who use the fear of death to extort people they know out of money. One such scammer is Pastor Adegoke Adewuyi, who decided that the best way to get rich was to kidnap himself, and trick his flock into paying for his “release”. His congregation was actually in the middle of getting the money together when the police busted down the door to Adewuyi hotel room, and arrested him, along with his accomplice.

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has condemned pastor Adewuyi’s conduct, saying it was ungodly and unbiblical. Chairman of the association, Rev. Joshua Orikogbe said such conducts bring Christendom into disrepute.

Meanwhile, a church member of pastor Adewuyi revealed that he was in the habit of engaging in fraudulent activities, including forging signatures to withdraw money from the church’s accounts.

Let’s recap: a known thief, elevated to a position of authority, abused his power and scammed his own flock. When that wasn’t paying the bills, he kicked it into high gear. This time, it blew up in his face.

Honestly, this sort of thing doesn’t surprise us nonbelievers. Taking people’s money by offering them a place in the afterlife is already a con. You are literally charging people to sell them piece of mind. Orders of weirdos in outfits have been making large claims and demanding people’s money for a long time. It’s not that much of a stretch to imagine someone taking this deceit to the next level. Who knows what kind of innovations pastors like Adewuyi have in store?

Did anyone learn a lesson in all of this? No. If you hoped that perhaps Ademuyi getting arrested might have taught him a lesson, then allow me to dispel such illusions. He’s blaming Satan for what happened. You see, it had to be the devil that possessed the poor man, since the only alternative would have been to take accountability for his actions.

I got 10 bucks that says he’ll eventually be forgiven, and goes right back to preaching once the heat has died down. I mean, his living appears to rely primarily on stealing money from his own church to enrich himself. Since Christians are always falling over themselves to forgive scumbags, all he has to do is say he’s repented, loves god, and they will give him the red carpet treatment.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 345

This week, we discuss the whistleblower who exposed the Mormon Church’s insane financial schemes, a woman who tried to attack Jews but targeted a hate group instead, and a pastor gets away with running over a child.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 345

Christianity is a sinister death cult

The term death cult is not often used to describe Christianity, but it should be. I believe it is only because we have become numb to the sinister nature of this religion. It seems that every so often, we need to be reminded that their obsession with the afterlife is a driving force of their ideology.

How about something so terrifying, you would think it the plot of some horror movie: a mentally deranged woman, fed the lie of the afterlife, killed her young son in the hope that doing so would send him to be with “Jesus and God”.

The report said when James Short and the officers went into the bathroom, they discovered the 11-month-old who had been stabbed. The child was pronounced dead at the hospital shortly after.

When interviewing April Short following her arrest, the court document said she admitted to hurting the child. Her two children told authorities that she told them she was doing it because then the child could “be with Jesus and God.”

This horror show is courtesy of a lifetime of delusion, and the absolving of personal responsibility by claiming it to be the work of a higher power. God is merely the unleashed ego of people who wish to behave in troubling ways that their own conscience cannot bare.

For how long did people ignore her troubling behavior because it masqueraded as religious devotion? This is how pervasive this death cult has become: even as their adherents tell us openly that they pray for the day we are all destroyed so that they no longer have to live in a world that challenges their beliefs. What else is heaven but a safe-space for Christians, who want to bask in the certainty of their choices. And where else but a make-believe fantasy land could offer them such satisfaction, when even they cannot agree on matters as trivial as the to which part of the triune nature of their god is more important?

Atheist wins Religious Coercion Lawsuit

Imagine you go to prison, and when it’s time for your parole, you get denied because the only way to get accepted into the program is to take a bullshit religious 12-step program.  Would you fight it, or out of desperation to get out, just go along with it.

That wat the dilemma that Andrew Miller faced. I think most of us, with the prospect of freedom on the line, would have just suffered through it and pretended, just like most people, that these types of programs worked.  Credit where credit is do, he chose to stick to his conviction, and even took the matter to a federal court to make it so that no one else like him would need to do the same.

American Atheist, in cooperation with Mountain State Justice, an organization designed to help lower income West Virginians that need legal assistance, won a judgement on behalf of Miller, which included the removal of the requirement for the 12 step program, and $80,000 to cover the legal fees. Now, because of their good work, other criminals who seek to reform themselves won’t have to do so under the guise of religion.

Now, is it our fault that atheists make up a tiny proportion of the prison population? At least now you can rest east knowing that if you commit a crime in West Virginia, your freedom won’t be contingent on some pastor’s bullshit 12-step program. We celebrate the small victories, people.

Hit and Run Pastor Seeks Leniency

There’s no denying that cars are dangerous. In the United States alone, vehicles account for roughly 40,000 deaths a year, with the numbers increasing year on year. The problem is particularly bad in states like Florida, Mississippi, and South Carolina, which have twice the average road fatalities when compared to other states. One place that tends to have a much lower average is Washington, DC. Perhaps people tend to drive more conservatively there.

Still, it doesn’t mean some people don’t driving recklessly. On October 4th, Reverend Samuel Holloway, drove his car dangerously close to a small family, pinning a 6 year old boy’s foot was under his SUV’s tires after he accelerated past a crosswalk they were using. Following the frightening incident, it appeared that the man was pulling his vehicle over when instructed by a witness, but instead he quickly fled the scene.

Unaware that his accident had been caught on camera, when Holloway finally turned himself in (after 2 weeks of being in what he called a “mental fog”)  it turns out that he also had a suspended license. Now, rather than getting jail time, his attorney is requested leniency, claiming that there were extenuating circumstances that led him to both hit the family, and drive away.

Holloway’s motion goes on to say that at the time of the accident, he had not eaten or taken his blood pressure medication. The document states that a “stressful day,” “high blood pressure” and “mental confusion” following the crash, all contributed to Holloway’s “uncharacteristic, unacceptable and unreasonable flight response.”

Holloway is trying to use his status in the community to skirt responsibility and jail. It’s unsurprising. Instead of taking responsibility for his actions, he wants instead to be given a slap on the wrist. He’s likely to get his wish, as American judges tend to have massive blinders when it comes to the priestly class.

While there hasn’t been an official decision, I’m willing to bet that he walks away scot-free. It’s the great advantage that pious people can still boast. All they need to do is look sad, say they love Jesus, and the rest is forgiven. No wonder they love their religion so much; it’s a goddamn get out of jail free card!

Woman targets Jews, mistakenly attacks hate group instead

Conflict often brings out the worst in people. When Palestine attacked Israel by kidnapping and murdering over 1400 people, the retribution visited upon them has been tenfold, with over 10,000 people now dead. It is not a pleasant equation, and undoubtedly, countless innocent lives have been lost as two rival ideologies seek to annihilate each other. Israel wants revenge, and Palestine wants to see the destruction of the lonely Jewish state surrounded by Muslim neighbors. The outcome of such hatred and animosity is depressingly predictable. Things are bound to get worse instead of better.

The rest of the world has also reacted poorly. From fights in the streets to protestors chanting anti-Semitic rhetoric, it’s an unpleasant time to for those of us that cherish peace and good will towards men.

This brings us to the story of one Ruba Almaghtheh, a 34 year old woman who drove her car into what she thought was a Jewish school. It turned out to be a sect of “Black Israelites”, called the Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge. These Black supremacists have been identified as a hate group, but Ruba had only seen the star of David on the building, and that was all she needed to know to ram her vehicle into the structure.

The “school” teaches things like hatred of gays, white people, Jews, with a generous dash of sexism. The locals, however, are usually more worried about the decibel level of their protests rather than their hateful message, which seems more silly than terrifying.

Some homeowners say that the group accuses white and gay people of destroying historically black neighborhoods, and at least one resident has complained of being called a “cracker, a slave owner, [and] a white devil,” but they reiterate that the volume of the group’s message, rather than the message’s content, is the real problem.

Ruba is being charged as a terrorist, regardless of attacking the wrong group, who no doubt shares some of her ideology. Such a label is bound to only extend the prison sentence she faces.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 344

This week, we discuss the scam of prosperity gospels, JW’s continue to try and fight courts to deny child life saving treatment, and the new Speaker of the House being a religious nutbag.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 344

Christian University Fined for Deceiving Students

Christian Universities are a joke. The notion that an educational institution would have an official religion is against the very idea of learning. Forget being able to challenge the beliefs and ideas of others, which is the bedrock of any liberal education. Instead, if you are a sensitive Christian that despises the idea that you might share real-estate with people who don’t believe in exactly the same this, then the University of Grand Canyon might be for you. All you need to accept is the idea that the amount of money you’ll be spending on your education will be way different than what you were originally quoted.

This is because they were recently fined 37 million dollars for deceiving students pursuing doctoral programs into paying more money than they were originally slated to give. This represents the largest penalty ever issued to an “educational” institution for this kind of activity. They should feel proud.

The University ranks 395th out of 435 in the US, which means that if you were to randomly pick any school in America, the odds of getting a worst one would be quite low. Grand Canyon ranks in the bottom 25% of American Universities, and from the graduation rates, it’s obvious that the school is far more interested in registrations than graduations.

Here are a few reviews that seem to corroborate this

I spent eight years working on a PhD only to have incompetent dissertation chairs. I was put in an extension course after extension course writing my dissertation proposal with no end in sight. Paying out of pocket. They use up all your student loan money and they don’t care to see you graduate. Horrible experience.

I don’t even know where to start. I am in my first class and can already see I made a huge mistake. The interface is awful and half assed. I was given bad in financial info. It is not worth what you pay.

Were you expecting a religious organization to be interested in anything other than money? Where have you been for the last millennium or two?

Church warns of Fake Priest scammers

It’s not often that the Catholic church tries to do something right. It’s so uncommon that when it happens, the cynical part of me wonders if there might be some ulterior motive behind it. For instance, the Diocese in California is trying to put a stop to fake priests who are tricking recent immigrants into paying thousands of dollars for “services” that would typically be either free or inexpensive.

Diocesan spokesperson Erin Haight told NBC News the bogus clerics “are charging these poor people thousands and thousands of dollars for things like health blessings for communions and confirmations.”

The church is learning lesson in humility, as the police have stated that only victims of the fraud can come forward. There is no legal way to distinguish between a destructive cult and an established religion, so it turns out that anyone that wears a crown of thorns can ask believers for whatever they want, and this kind of theft is totally legal.

Since so many of the victims are illegal immigrants, it’s almost assured that the perpetrators of these scams will continue to do so without resistance. Since they utilize the veneer of religion, they are practically untouchable. All the church can do is try to educate its flock to prevent them from being conned. The irony here is almost palpable.

Police Failed to catch abuser because he belonged to their church

Religion makes you blind and dumb. Believers always assume that people who share their faith must also share their morality, with devastating consequences. Take for example the case of Roc Anthony Byrd, recently accused of rape, and a number of other sexual battery charges. He would have been caught sooner, but when some of his victims came to the police, they were sent away because Byrd was a fellow member of their church.

One other woman said she attempted to file a report around 2004 to 2005 after being touched inappropriately but the officers involved reportedly said, “oh he would never do that he goes to our church… why would he do that?”

The 52 year old chiropractor had been inappropriately touching his female victims for years with impudence. He must have believed himself invincible, what with the police believing him an upstanding member of society simply because he showed up to their church ceremonies. So strong was the indoctrination of faith that even his victims were in denial about the whole thing”

Court records said another anonymous victim trusted Byrd because she believed he was “such a great Christian man.” When she was touched inappropriately, she thought to herself that the chiropractor surely couldn’t’ve been doing what “he was doing.”

This and other more heinous crimes are perpetuated every day, and the faithful close their eyes to it all. Even when all of their instincts tell them that something is wrong, the power of their indoctrination makes it almost impossible for them to see evil for what it truly is. It’s no wonder pastors and other men of the cloth have gotten away with the rape and mental torture of their flocks’ children; when their victims are in this level of denial about reality, it’s easy pickin’.