Thanks for giving these morons a voice, Internet

Oh Twitter, sometimes you sap away the only remaining hope I have for humanity. The unfiltered garbage that’s excreted out of the mouths of cretins is enough to drive you mad. Eventually, you reach a threshold of tolerance where it all sounds eerily similar to bees buzzing around. Once in a while, you find a few hot topics that really make our species truly shine, in both verbosity and compassion that one is forced to dig deeper inside of this noise to find out what the fuss is all about. Today’s inanity comes as a reaction to hot hashtag #GodIsNotGreat trending, and some ignorant Christians losing their shit over it. The following is a sample of some of my favorites, with grammar left intact:

Whoever started dis #GodIsNotGreat I will personally beat yu da fuck asswhole…I jus prayed for yu thp

What a nice fellow. I wonder if he’ll also pray to his imaginary friend when he sends some poor kid to the hospital for having a different belief than him.

Whoever made this TT #GodIsNotGreat should burn in hell and yo whole family

So even if this person’s family is religious, this guy still wants them to burn in hell forever because someone dared to talk smack his to sky daddy. Totally reasonable.

#GodIsNotGreat who ever created that trending topic MUST die today!!wt sort of human beings r in here?geeeez

Geeeez, I was thinking the very same thing.

#GodIsNotGreat<——anybody this hateful got to have aids

Anybody that profoundly ignorant has to be a bigot


God is the best thing ever, therefore I’m going to kill someone in cold blood in his name. Amen!

I seriously wanna kill whoever started the #GodIsNotGreat”

I seriously want to call the fucking police right now


If God is everything, does that mean he’s also this extremely hateful tweet? What are the rules in this strange cult of yours?

Christian Barber-Shop

What the hell is this song about? Why are they all dressed like gay candy-stripers? Is one of them incredibly short or is everyone else just super tall? So many questions, so few answers…


While I hate their fucking commercials, I am rather pleased at the news that the Axe Deodorant spray (which smells a lot like hair spray from the 90′s) is causing something of a stir with Christians in South Africa. Apparently they don’t find the thought of an angel renouncing immortality in order to have a gang-bang amusing. Who would have thought?

I’m earthbound, and I’m delusional

Can’t wait to hear that trumpet sound, eh? And you wonder why people who haven’t been brainwashed by your bullshit think that Christianity is a creepy death cult. The sheer ecstasy you try to convey when talking about dying scares the fucking shit out of us, honestly.

Thunderfoot Jesus

I’m digging this new satirical, lampooning Thunderfoot. I’ve read some chatter about how this YouTube giant should stick with his old bag of tricks, but I think the science stuff was getting a little stale by now. We don’t have a lot of arguments left to win against Religion (today’s challenge: try and name one). The best solution so far is to spoof their crazy bullshit right in their faces. I say if you’re going to believe in nonsense, I’m going to make fun of you for it. I’m a dick, and I’m loving it (as is the Religious Antagonist).

The Flizbins want you to dance for God’s love

Sick and tired of children’s entertainment that’s fun, informational, and secularist? Well, The Flizbins are here, and they promise you “safe” children’s programming. Presumably, the stuff that’s currently out there for preschoolers must all be evil or unsafe. Luckily, their totally inoffensive songs are sure to delight parents and kids alike!

You can tell from their stiff, forced dances that something educational is happening, especially after they say the word “Dance” a total of 46 times. I especially love the clumsy rap introduced – rather inelegantly – by primitive beat-boxing. Their odd message, interspersed by the supposed need to dance, seems utterly drowned out by the repetitive music. If they are trying to communicate anything with your children, it’s quickly lost in their meaningless chorus. Dance because God loves spending time with you! Dance because the sky reminds some cowboy how awesome your imaginary friend is! Dance because you’re trying to make money in this overcrowded market!

Nintendo Jesus

A fan found this article on Kotaku of a woman who supposedly found the image of Jesus on her old Nintendo. Truly it’s a message of hope for all of you gamers out there who worry that the “King of Kings” doesn’t approve of your lifestyle.

A Maryland woman said she was surprised to find what appears to be an image of Jesus Christ on the top of a used Nintendo Entertainment System she purchased on eBay for $US31 this week.

“We were inspecting it for cracks/damage and when we turned it just right into the light, the image showed up,” she said. “Our reaction was mainly curiosity at first. Then as we looked at it closer and ruled out what it couldn’t be, we began to get excited about it.”

They should be excited: think of how much money they can sell this console for now! Some gullible idiot paid $28,000 for a partially digested “Virgin Mary” grill-cheese sandwich, and that thing had to be encased in plastic to ensure it wouldn’t disintegrate into nothingness. Think of how much bread a hard-core Christian gamer will fork out for this piece of Jesus Junk? It’ll be way more than 31 bucks, I can guarantee you that!

5 Life Lessons I learned from “The Unbeatables”

You can learn a lot from a video. Did you know that all drugs, once your brain is “on them”, will resemble a fried egg? I know this for a fact because Rachel Leah Cook smashed someone’s house up with a frying pan to prove it. Clearly, lessons abound in the digital format, so I thought it might be nice to extract some lessons of our own from this Christian cartoon courtesy of NuBeat Music (a Christian music label that occasionally dabbles in videos).

#1 – God will give you directions if you’re lost.

Forget about advances in science and technology that allows us to circumnavigate the world through GPS: God is the only navigator you’ll ever need. Just close your eyes, make a wish, and voila! God (who looks suspiciously like Santa Claus) will appear and give you the directions you so desperately need. It’s better than OnStar, people! All you need to do is surrender yourself (and a massive part of your income) to a deity that needs constant praise and approval!

#2 – Evil people are incompetent.

Are you worried that Satan and his hoards of minions might slaughter you in the night? Don’t worry: evil is in fact completely and utterly incompetent. While you may have heard “rumors” of genocides and various holocausts throughout human history, these bumbling fools are easily out-matched through the awesome power of prayer.

#3 – Everyone finds the answer “Because the Bible told me so” 100% convincing.

Your children will never be exposed to skeptical human beings vastly more knowledgeable than they are concerning the historicity of Jesus, Moses, or any other Biblical figure. Everyone is so receptive to the idea of Jesus that any need to further educate yourself is unnecessary.

#4 – When you pray, angels with giant mullets will beat-up the demons that cause cramps.

The power of prayer can cause any miracle to happen, and while your cynical mind may wonder “why can’t they do the same thing for the poor little crippled girl”, keep in mind that the added sympathy she gets from potential converts isn’t something you can easily measure. It must certainly be part of God’s “big plan”, regardless of how cruel or random it might appear to your limited mind.

#5 – Little kids are way more effective at conversion than adults.

Adults are merely chauffeurs, driving around the wisdom of 5 year old children where ever they go. You see, we begin knowing everything about the world, being infinitely wise and only slowly polluting our minds with facts, experimental evidence, and skepticism about the world. That’s why when the only grown up starts to speak, it’s because she needs to be “taught” something by someone who still wets the bed. She has so much to unlearn, and all of that starts the minute she stop thinking and starts feeling!

Well, I feel properly educated now. With my navigation, health and entire future in the hands of Santa Claus, I feel ready for the wider world. Is it finally time for me to leave the nest and start preaching the word of the Lord? If this video is anything like real life, then the answer is a resounding “Fuck Yeah!”

This Christian video is terrible

Here’s a Christian video trying to pretend that they understand anything about rock and roll gods. It feels so real that you could swear it was taken right from “Behind the Music”. Somehow I never seem to get tired of Jesus-Junk.

My favorite part of the video is when the blond haired guy asks God-boy: “How do you know the book is true?” and he’s given the non-answer of: “My book is the Bible. Ever since I started living by what it says in there, my life has changed so much.”

That’s not really an answer, bro. In any case, I would never deny that a person’s life can change when they start reading the Bible. If you aren’t busy trying to ensure that you’re not wearing clothes made of two different fabrics or trying to cook your bread using your own feces, there’s tons of confusing stories to find a way to somehow make relevant in today’s modern world.

Conservapedia thinks I’m a sinner

I’m truly honored today. Conservapedia, apparently aware that I was poking fun at their ridiculous “Question Evolution!” campaign, decided to inform me that my objection to their fantasy has something to do with the excessive amount of “sinning” going on at my house. I guess all of those orgies finally caught up with me, huh?

To celebrate this momentous occasion, I’m going to go snort cocaine off a prostitute’s chest on a satanic altar…or maybe I’ll just have a beer or something. Either works.

Atheist Where’s Waldo

I hope I’m not too anachronistic here, but if you’ll humor me for a second, I think you’ll enjoy spotting the kid in the crowd who quite rightly feels like he’s surrounded by a bunch of childish morons. Stop jumping up and down waiting for your sky-pappy to show up and give you presents and hugs. It’s embarrassing not just to us, but to the human race.

Ben Stein is an idiot

Wow, he’s right: Evolution doesn’t explain how gravity works, and it certainly doesn’t explain the second law of thermodynamics. Did you also know Newton’s First Law (the velocity of a body is constant unless another force acts against it) doesn’t explain why Ben Stein thinks he understands what the fuck he’s talking about? It must mean the Theory has no real value. It’s much more logical to assume that God did everything slightly difficult to explain. Who wants to live in a world of quantum indeterminacy? If you’re Ben Stein, all you need to do is jam your fingers in your ears so tightly that it starts to effect blood-flow to your brain, and presto: no more pesky science that makes God look like an incompetent fool.

Pastafarian allowed to wear strainer in ID

I get annoyed every time there’s a news story about some religious rube trying to get dress codes changed in order to wear whatever ridiculous bullshit their faith forces them to wear. In response to this kind of nonsense, Niko Alm of Austria decided to do something about it. He petitioned to wear a spaghetti strainer on his head as a display of his “pastafarian” faith. It took 3 years of negotiations to make happen: at one point, he even had to submit himself to a psychological evaluation to prove he was ‘fit” to drive. But he finally got his wish, and I must say that I’m both impressed and extremely amused at the same time.

Niko isn’t done just yet: he promises to try and get Austria to recognize the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as an official church. I’ve tried getting in touch with him and see if I can’t set up an interview (we’ll see if he knows any English). Hey, if he’s serious, Niko is going to need all the help he can get!