This guy is pleasant

Never heard of A. Whitney Brown before, but I think I’ll check out more of his act. I liked what I saw. It’s twisted in just the right way.

Dolphins in Australia think they’re hot shit

Bloody dolphins! Don’t they know playing and having fun is strictly a human activity? Apparently no one bothered to tell them culturally transmitted behavior is not unique to upright primates, as a group of Australian dolphins appear to have learned and passed on a new trick: water walking. By furiously paddling their tails, they manage to pop out of the water and do a kind of “dolphin moonwalk”.

Gullible woman sees Jesus in MRI

Sure, it looks like Jesus, if he had his face re-arranged by a crowbar. Hey, I don’t want to seem like a bummer for pointing out blurry images are hardly proof of the existence of a deity, but shit this dumb makes my head hurt. Why does the media ALWAYS answer the call every time some gullible idiot claims to see their chosen god in a taco, grill-cheese sandwich or a dog’s butt-hole? Surely there are more interesting stories than “highly impressionable rube is tricked by pareidolia“.

Shoot the Devil in the face, and you’ll stop being afraid

I’ve never been able to fully appreciate the kind of fear mongering religions are well known for, mostly because I was never influenced by their terrifying dogma. It’s easy for many of us non-believers to scoff at the claims devils casually walk the earth, looking for souls to devour. But for millions of impressionable children, these kinds of messages often create fear and panic over the thought of being possessed or even destroyed by supernatural forces.

The Escapist has an interesting article about how a young man found the courage to face his fear of the Devil by playing Doom and Diablo II. Since his church filled his head with vague stories of demons waiting around every corner without shape or substance, he found shooting their physical manifestations, even if they were in video game form, was therapeutic. For the first time in his life he was able to confront the imagery that had so terrified him:

Satan, as presented in my religious indoctrination, haunted me because I could never truly perceive him. He was an invisible being that could strike at any time and turn me into the head-spinning, bile spitting torture victim from The Exorcist. In Doom, supernatural evil had corporeal bodies, ones that I could puncture with a full arsenal of weaponry found lying around like discarded trash. They had the ability to return the hurt, sure, but that’s what picking up med kits and new suits of armor were for.

It kind of makes me wonder if that isn’t the best way to get young people to stop being so afraid of the “monsters under their beds”. Preachers are often notorious when it comes to drumming up fear to terrify their flock, but they can’t contend with the entertainment value of a good video game. And rather than being a passive observer, the player is an integral part of the story, leading the charge against demon hordes. Have video games helped more kids get over their fear of the supernatural? Maybe not, but would you stop playing them even if they didn’t?

Don’t mess with Baldy

Another great video from The Thinking Atheist. I think the artist actually used a picture of the actor who played Elisha in another video about the very same story. I don’t know who the guy’s name is, but he should probably get some royalties or something!

Christine O’Donnell’s greatest hits

You know how I occasionally post videos that just make you want to pull your hair out? I wouldn’t be surprised if you were all bald by the end of this one…Watch at your own risk! If you’re unaware of who this woman is, I apologize in advance for making you aware of her.

Dude, you have no Koran

This fucking song is stuck in my head, and now it’s stuck in yours, sucka!

Spaceology is the future!

Have you ever looked up at the sky,
seen all the lights and wondered why?
Well my friend, ponder no more,
Spaceology is what you’re looking for!

What kind of God would destroy His Styrofoam son?

The San Francisco Chronicle’s website has a hilarious column detailing 19 reasons why God allowed Touchdown Jesus to burn last week. Here’s some of my favorites:

6) The real Jesus of historical record, being a grizzled, husky, musky, dark-skinned Jew with short, curly black hair who rarely showered and smelled of goat droppings and dried sweat, and who had a thing for screaming random prophesies in the streets and talking about doom, fire and the unbearable hotness of Mary Magdalene, well, the real Jesus’ spirit has been quite displeased with being eternally depicted as a pale, soft-focus blond European hippie in bleached-out robes who likes to give lots of there-there-now hugs while watching professional sports. Basta.

10) Word has it the Hustler Hollywood sign sitting atop the adult bookstore across the street from the torched Touchdown Jesus was left unscathed, thus proving (once again) that God really does like porn. And irony. Or just needs a new contact lens prescription.

12) Really, who doesn’t like to watch fundamentalists scurry about in a baffled frenzy, unsure what it all might mean, vowing to rebuild the tacky roadside hellbeast in honor of, well, of not really understanding much about divinity, or art, or how nature works? Not God, that’s who.

13) Thor had had just about enough.

14) Correction: Zeus.

Touchdown Jesus hit by lightning, burns to the ground

It’s a miracle! The One True God has finally revealed himself to us, and has decided to show his complete disapproval of idolatry by burning the effigy of some 2000 year old Jewish hippie with his Zeus lightning. It’s clear from this random disaster that “He” would much prefer his proper form to be represented by a thin, partially charred stick figure. Truly his form is both magnificent and thankfully easy to draw!

Oh shit, apparently they’re rebuilding that Jesus monstrosity this summer. Do they not see the writing on the wall? If I believed that natural disasters were the result of an anthropomorphic deity’s anxieties, would it not be normal to conclude that perhaps remaking this gaudy eye-sore isn’t entirely wise? Hey, here’s an idea: make the next version fireproof!

Religion makes old fart act like a child

Is it just me or does this guy look like he took a couple “poppers” before heading off to his tiny hole-in-the-wall church? How is this any different than a 4 year old child having a little freak-out with their imaginary friend? You need to stop giving this guy sugar in the morning!


Jesus penis abs causes controversy

It’s hard to draw the human body; take it from me, I should know. If you’re not completely familiar with all the muscles and what they look like, your design might end up looking a little bit off. Take this crucifix, for instance: The artist is clearly drawing on older versions of depictions of Jesus, and at first glance, it would appear rather than having normal abdominal muscles, this skinny Jesus is sporting a massive hard-on. Hey, I’m not the only one who sees an erect penis; lots of people in this Oklahoma church have left the parish because of the design.

Sure, the Bible says not to worship false idols, but where is the fun in that? Surely if there was a God, he would be cool with being depicted as having a massive shlong, am I right?

Christ-like Cruisin’

I generally dislike most hip-hop and R&B (except for my man Greydon Square), but this has to be the worst Christian music I’ve heard in a long while. Like most Jesus-junk, this testament to terrible is a reminder of the general skill level of believing musicians. Feel like making money writing music but lack the raw talent to make it big? Try Christian music instead! No one will tire of your off-key poorly produced record so long as you jerk off your music to lyrics that inspire acid redux in non-believers.

What exactly is “Christ-like cruising” anyways? Does it involve driving around in an overpriced neon monstrosity, while blaring terrible music that shakes people’s houses like they’re on the San Andreas Fault Line?  I guess that’s what cruising around like Jesus is all about; annoying the shit out of nonbelievers who simply want to enjoy their breakfast in peace on a sunny Saturday morning.