Some classic comedy from the legendary Kids in the Hall show. If you’ve never seen them before, then you need to go and watch all their stuff right now!
Tag Archives: funny
Betty Bowers on traditional Christian marriages
It’s a great shtick they have going with this video. I’ve been enjoying their other YouTube videos. Always nice to know we haven’t lost our sense of humor!
10 reasons why Superman is better than Jesus
This article made me want to include a little list of why Superman is better than Jesus. I’ve made a comparative list so I can definitively prove the last son of Krypton is superior to the King of Kings in almost every way.
- Superman has saved the planet for destruction numerous times. Jesus has threatened to return and bring on the end of the earth with him, but so far is a fucking ‘no-show’.
- Jesus performed a few miracles, but Superman can shoot laser beams out of his eyes, he can fly, is indestructible, and can see through everything except lead. In one movie he turned back time. How awesome is that?
- Jesus may have died for your sins, but Superman died to protect us from an intergalactic killing machine called Doomsday.
- When Jesus died, he was resurrected 3 days later and then abruptly left, telling his disciples he’d be back within their lifetimes (an obvious lie). Superman died, was in stasis for a while, and emerged with long glorious 90’s hair. Unlike Jesus, however, Superman stuck around and has been busy keeping the world safe from evil.
- Although not a God, Superman still risks his life all the time trying to combat super villains. Jesus, on the other hand, is apparently all powerful, and yet refuses to do something as basic as healing amputees.
- Superman can move mountains. Jesus claims praying to him will accomplish the same feat, but no noticeable effects from prayer have ever been measured.
- Superman is an expert in dozens of languages, and is an accomplished journalist. Jesus never left any writings, or evidence of any of his works.
- Superman hooked up with the insanely hot Lois Lane, while the only women who showed any interest in Jesus were prostitutes.
- Jesus said “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me” (Luke 19:27). Superman, on the other hand, has a strict code of conduct that forbids him to kill anyone.
- If you fell out of your apartment window and cried for help, Superman would try and save you. Not only will Jesus not even bother to save you; he will send you to hell for all eternity if you don’t believe in him.
Now some people may criticize me for this article, and they might be right: what’s the point in debating which fictional character is better, anyways?
Butthole Jesus!
With Jesus apparently busy appearing in all sorts of foods and stained glass buildings, it was inevitable he would try and find new ways to impress us. Lo and behold, the King of Kings has outdone himself yet again, this time appearing on a dog’s anus. No, I’m not making this up as a way of disparaging Christianity. Angus, a terrier, was apparently engaged in his morning ritual in 2006 when his owners took a serious gander at his ass, only to find a striking resemblance to their savior: Jesus Christ.
They set up a website to help spread the word about this obviously blessed canine. Who wouldn’t want to have a holy image in their backside? I hate to seem crass and what have you, but before taking that picture, did they wipe him down or something? A dog’s star fish anus isn’t exactly the cleanest thing in the world, and taking a picture of it just has to feel awkward and weird. Can we all just go back to making fun of pancakes, cheese toast and old tree stumps? This dog anus thing is most unsettling…
God doesn’t write books!
You have to love Bill. Most of this material ended up in his movie Religulous, but it’s still funny to hear.
Another damn Cheesus
Let’s be honest here and just say that the story of how these two people found a Jesus shaped Cheetos is about as mundane, stupid and annoying as you can get. Is the news day so slow this kind of story takes precedence over the conflict in the Middle East, or child witches in Nigeria? Hey journalists, look a bit deeper for a story, will you?
Will you know people in Heaven, David?
So according to the article he’s reading angels are actually the chauffeurs of heaven or something. Man, if I was an angel, I’d be rebelling against God. I mean, first off he doesn’t give them a soul, and then he makes his angels drive a bunch of dead people around for eternity. I would have left with Satan over that kind of bullshit treatment!
Magnus Betner is funny
Once you get used to his weird delivery, you’ll be laughing your ass off. I love how he points out Moses took 40 years to walk 300 miles. An all powerful God can’t get you a GPS or something? That would be a fairy tale!
Taste my Jesus!
No, I don’t think this guy really understands what ‘evidence’, ‘science’, and ‘statistical probability’ is all about. Just another example of how crazy Florida is, I guess. Don’t think we’ve forgotten about you just because Texas is out-shining you in the stupidity department.
Madonna of Orgasm Church gets the shaft
Remember these guys? Last time they were in the news, the government of Sweden had given it the right to register as a faith community. Since then, however, they’ve had a change of heart, saying the name is purposefully offensive to the Christian faith, and it has therefore been bitch slapped back to ‘weirdo’ status.
Personally, I find it hilarious that the only reason they deny these guys the title and privileges of religion is because of their general prudishness. For some reason, all world governments are intimidated by orgasms. Does it really seem that far fetched someone would end up worshiping pleasure? I’m not a religious man, but I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: if there’s one religion I could get behind, it’s this one!
If you live in Sweden, you need to support these guys. Why? Well, I believe major religions have way too much sway in people’s lives. Why does Christianity get to be a religion but Madonna of Orgasm doesn’t? I say we let those smaller religions to get a bit of face time. The more alternatives there are, the less people end up believing in any one of them. Let’s water down this concept they call ‘religion’, shall we?
Faith Fighter
Here’s a way to kill an afternoon and simultaneously engage in delicious blasphemy: play Faith Fighter, a web based fighting game featuring prophets and gods of different faiths. Your selection includes Jesus, Old Testament God, Ganesha, Buddha and if you pass it at least once, Xenu, the intergalactic tyrant.
The game has stirred the usually controversy, with some people saying it should be taken down because it’s offensive, and of course, the Muslim population feels hurt and targeted because of the depiction of Muhammad. There’s a hilarious option to play the censored version, which just puts a black dot over Muhammad’s face.
The creator of the game has attracted media attention before with his controversial game “Operation: Pedopriest“, where your task is to prevent priests from going to jail for molesting kids. You can do this by either intimidating the parents, or by airlifting the molesters with a helicopter.
Did I mention how much I love crazy creative people before?
This can’t be a real movie…
This is so terrible it has to somehow be a parody. I mean, they just showed me the entire fucking movie in 3 minutes. And the Ten Commandments are on a CD ROM? Seriously???!!
The Things Atheists Say
Ultimate praying championship
Funniest line in the whole video: “His fighting is anything but orthodox…”. Hilarious.
Kaleidoscopic preacher
Praise Yahweh, and dance while sitting on a chair!