Egyptian Attacks 12 Year Old Atheist

The religion of peace has a problem. Islam seems incapable of living in harmony with other beliefs. In countries where the faith is the majority, religious minorities live in constant fear of retaliation over the slightest provocation. It’s not unlike the situation in Mediaeval Europe during the time of the Jewish pogroms. Now that Christians have taken a back seat to physically attacking people for not sharing their beliefs (which I’m sure there are many in America who feel it’s time for a violent comeback), it’s up to Islam to bully people for being different, old school style.

In Italy, a 12 year old boy was attacked when an Egyptian man overheard him tell his friend that he was an atheist. It was then that this coward decided that it would be a good idea to punch a young child in the face. Luckily, after he tried to escape, he was stopped by a brave woman until the authorities arrived.

It’s almost impossible to learn more about what happened, since the only news outlets to cover this incidents are both Italian, and seemingly uninterested in the details of the assault. The boy is fine, physically, but who knows what kind of lasting damage this random assault will have on him. This kind of behavior has become the norm for Muslims. Every other day, someone is assaulted, shot, or mutilated simply because the world’s most insecure faith chooses violence on a regular basis.

Just imagine the outrage if a 12 year old Muslim child had been randomly punched in the face simply because they told their friend they were a believer. There would be massive protest on the streets. Consulates would be on fire, and Italian flags would be burning. Instead, we sweep this under the rug, call it a day, and pretend that these types of incidents are rare. They are not, and we are fools for continuing to bury our heads in the sand.

Australian Muslims Double Down on Antisemitism

It can sometimes appear, to the very naïve, as though differing religions have a great deal in common. Islam and Christianity are offshoots of Judaism, and despite the occasional proclamation that they all have high regards for one another (saying they are all “People of the Book”), in truth these are all lies meant to draw focus away from the daily conflict the intersection of these faiths create. While it would be fair to say that the recent conflict in Gaza has only worsened the situation, only a fool believes that the so-called “Great Monotheistic Faiths” have anything but murderous intent for the other.

In Australia, authorities are investigating two Muslim nurses who posted a video online claiming they had purposefully killed Jewish babies in hospitals. This comes on the heel of multiple acts of vandalism at schools and synagogues, capping in a record year for anti-Semitic crimes in the country. The death of countless Palestinians is a perfect opportunity for vengeful theists to recruit more soldiers in their relentless sectarian crusade, and it seems as though there are plenty of believers willing to take things very seriously indeed.

Now, with such a dreadful admission, you would think that the Muslim community would distance themselves from such an obviously deranged person. They did the opposite, of course, claiming that the nurses who maid the sick comment are the real victims in the situation, since they have been placed on a leave of absence pending the investigation.

You could pretend that these are just bad eggs. I believe it is only the tip of this shit iceberg. Religious folks are perfectly fine lying to the faces of infidels, as there is no obligation in their belief system that they need to be truthful with the rest of us. I believe this sentiment is felt by the majority of Muslims, who think they have been humiliated and “wronged” for hundreds of years. They want the demise of western democracies, whom they see as being allied with their mortal enemy, and think that living under a theocracy is the best way to live.

The tragedy in all of this is that there will probably be soft headed idiots trying to defend the very people who despise them. All they see is a marginalized group, rather than a sick death cult that is secretly trying to destroy the foundations of their government to claim power for themselves. My advise to them is this: stop seeing only the color of their skin, and start listening to what they preach about. You will be shocked, to say the least.

Bangladeshi Muslims Attack Christians and Hindus

If you ever see people of different faiths getting along, you can be sure that this is only happening in the West. Because of our tradition of secularism, faiths that are deeply incompatible with one another are able to live in relative peace. In countries where sectarianism rules, however, is a different story. Religious minorities are often victims of pogroms over perceived incidents of “blasphemy”. The latest news comes out of Bangladesh, where Christians and Hindus were attacked during a protest they organized wanting equal treatment. The response from the Muslim majority was violent and swift. Within minutes the groups were attacked in broad daylight.

The catalyst for this was a pogrom that occurred in mid December. a young man was accused of posting negative things about the Koran on social media, and word quickly spread around the community, who gathered weapons and began destroying the homes of religious minorities.

A young Hindu man, Akash Das, had allegedly posted an insulting comment about the Quran on Facebook. The comment quickly spread across social media, igniting protests and escalating tensions, particularly in the predominantly Muslim community of Dowarabazar, about 270km (168 miles) from the national capital Dhaka.

Religious representatives were quick to downplay the violence, claiming that randomly attacking innocent people is really no big deal:

…Meher Nigar Tanu, the top bureaucrat for the subdistrict in which Monglargaon falls, downplayed the scale of the violence, arguing that “only a few homes and shops had been slightly damaged”.

Don’t worry folks, it was just a run of the mill mob attack. Nothing to see here, folks! What a load of horseshit! It didn’t take much for people to turn to violence, and then pretend that it was just a silly misunderstanding. This is what happens when you allow religious assholes to have power: they abuse it, and then pretend that they have God on their side. It’s the kind of shit straight out of the Inquisition, and it’s happening on a constant basis in religious countries.

This did little to reassure these religious minorities, who went to the streets to protest how they are being treated. The response? Another Muslim mob formed, and began to attack peaceful protesters in the open. There are videos of the attacks circulating, and it’s not a pretty sight. It’s just yet another example of the religion of peace demonstrating the kind of tolerance that awaits anyone who dares to question them. If you aren’t disgusted and convinced that this faith is a bane on mankind, then I just have to ask: what would it take for you to see the light?

Why Religions Are Winning

Before I try and explain why I think that religions are currently kicking our butts, I’d like to make one thing abundantly clear: one does not need to be right to win an argument. It’s becoming evident that facts are dead, and the only thing that matters now is how loudly you can say something. Is there anyone that yells more loudly than religion?

Take the insane situation in England. There is a significant Muslim population that lives there. Like all Western nations, the birthrates are in massive decline, which means that they must look to immigration for help. The influx of large groups of foreigners has fundamentally shifted the population, which means that any politician that wishes to keep their jobs have to appeal to a demographic that has its own customs, and more importantly, its own beliefs about how the country should be run. It’s why when the scandal of rape gangs broke out, the response was to try and broom it under the rug, lest the facts “offend” a religious community. This will have serious future implications for the country. Once I am not sure most Brits are ready for.

We’ve all seen this kind of thing before. It used to be the Catholic Church burying information regarding their chronic abuses. They were a sheltered group once. Now, the protected minorities are those of a religious denomination that views the secular world as its enemy, primarily because their adherents have a darker shade of skin color. Their allies are naïve young people willing to fight racism in any form, real or perceived. They react as though revealing the truth about how Islam views women is an abhorrent act. To call this kind of behavior suicidal would be an understatement.

The tradition of liberalism is now at risk, because the experiment of tolerance is now being truly tested. Once, it had the advantage of a relative homogenous society. The paradox of toleration wasn’t apparent until now. What is to be done when newcomers to their nations do not share the values of the society that harbors them? What makes matters even worse is the fact that religious fundamentalists use laws meant for victims of oppression as a shield to spew hatred and lies, and they do so with increasing belligerence. They push the very limits of our own values of free speech without consequence. Then, as soon as there is any pushback to what they say, accusations of racism and hurt feelings quickly arise, which instantly attracts soft minded people, who want to believe in the good intentions of everyone, to their defense. It is a losing battle we are ill prepared to fight.

The inability to see the truth of how Islam is undermining our societies because of political biases is what has given the Christian right so much power. Most people are apolitical, and I would argue areligious as well. They are swayed by whatever side offers them reassurance and safety. The left has proven itself unable to properly deal with the threat that Islam poses to the West and its institutions. Christianity has declared itself as the only panacea against the threat, while the remnants of the tradition of the Enlightenment argue about whether something is racist or not.

This is not dissimilar to the fight Germany had between Communists and Fascists in the 1930’s. Fascists offered themselves as the only solution to Communism, and the Center folded to the Right thinking they were the lesser of two evils. The same thing is occurring now. The Left, having used up all of it’s political capital trying to argue about the definition of a woman, the center is now ready to fold to the right and their supposed “solutions”. To say this is a disaster for reason is an understatement. This is the death of truth, which will soon be ushering a new Dark Age, where facts are hidden under a mountain of falsehoods, and truths are indiscernible from lies.

Malala Yousafzai is Confused About Islam

If you don’t remember Malala Yousafzai, she was the young woman who was shot in the head by a Taliban extremist while she was on her way to school. She survived, and was the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for her activism in promoting education for young women.

Now, there’s no doubt that she is brave: she continually receives threats on her life, and despite this, she continues to fight for what she believes in. The problem, however, is that she is lacking in self awareness, as many religious adherents are. While she rightly criticizes the Taliban for its treatment of women, she is in complete denial that the second class status of the fairer sex is not an aberration of her faith, but rather the expression of it. Just listen to her latest criticism of what’s going on in Afghanistan:

“In Afghanistan, an entire generation of girls will be robbed of its future,” she said. “As Muslim leaders, now is the time to raise your voice, use your power.”

They are using their voices, and the message is clear: if you’re a woman, get your asses home, and shut your fucking mouths. It seems as though barefoot and preggers is the only future they see for the opposite sex.

It’s not only the Taliban that hates to see little girls learning to read. Just look at countries like Iran, or Yemen, where every day women are losing more and more rights. The solutiuon is not to ask Muslim leaders to step up. They already have, and the results are not good. Gender apartheid is a not simply a religious problem of extremists. It is symptomatic of the entire faith. Malala is unknowingly promoting the very thing she despises. She’s simply too caught up in her faith to realize that it’s the fundamental issue at hand.

Taliban Bans Women From Talking to each other

the Taliban has been busy. Just a few weeks ago, they had just finished banning images of living creatures. When that genius plan was done, they moved on to Ban music and dancing. With all the joy gone in their lives, they have now moved on to banning women from talking to each other.

Feeling abandoned and alone, many women are now so desperate that they have begun to kill themselves in protest.

“I feel depressed. The world is advancing in technology and having fun with their lives, but here we cannot even hear each other’s voices… They want us not to exist at all, and there’s nothing we can do about it,” another woman in western Herat province said.

Things are getting so crazy that Moderate Taliban Leaders (whatever that means) are worried that the citizens would eventually rebel against these extreme restrictions. They think that these unpopular decisions are bound to have the reverse effect. How many dead women will it take for everyone to wake up from this religious fever dream?

Islamic Terrorists Kill 150 in Burkina Faso

There is a war of ideologies happening all over the continent of Africa. The conflict between faiths mimics the conflicts of old. It is the final parting “gift” of colonialism, with the added tragedy of local superstition to add to the misery. Countries like Mali, Nigeria, Kenya and Somalia are all regularly home to sectarian conflicts, and now, Burkina Faso is anxious to top that list. Over the years, both Islamic and Christian group have been regularly attacking each other periodically. Just in April 2023, a group of militants (suspected to actually be the armed forces) attacked a mosque in the village of Karma, killing the imam and a suspected 160 others. This had been a retaliatory attack of 40 soldiers that had been killed during a Jihadist attack.

Now, yet another tragedy has occurred, all part of the endless cycle of violence that plagues the country. The town of Manni was attacked, and over 150 people are dead.

Local sources told ACN that the terrorists first cut off all telephone communications before attacking the market, where many people had gathered after attending Sunday Mass. They then fired indiscriminately, looted shops, and set fire to several buildings, burning some victims alive.

The next day, the terrorists returned to attack medical staff and kill the wounded who were being treated. Then, on Oct. 8, they returned to the village again, this time killing all the men they could find.

There’s something very familiar about all of this violence, isn’t there. It’s exactly the kind of behavior that the Bible and the Koran encourage: crush your enemies, and kill all the men in the village, leaving the women who have not yet “known” a man alive to take for yourselves. They aren’t violating any laws in their holy book. They are in fact following them. This is why religion is so terrifying. It openly encourages people to kill each other over their imaginary friend. How many more will die before we finally stop listening to the life advice of Bronze Age morons?

Taliban Bans All Images of Living Things

If there’s one thing that religious fundies love to do, it’s to ban things. Books, music, and television shows, you name it, they’ll forbid it. The most egregious of religious nutjobs come to you courtesy of Afghanistan, where the Taliban is busy making everyone’s life miserable. When they aren’t busy banning music, dancing, and anything that’s fun, it’s now on to the really important stuff: banning images of living things.

It’s all in the name, folks. “Tal-i-BAN” Banning things is in their DNA so bad, they just had to put it at the end of their names! In all seriousness, all of this would be hilariously stupid if it wasn’t so tragic.

Afghanistan’s Taliban morality ministry pledged on Monday to implement a law banning news media from publishing images of all living things, with journalists told the rule will be gradually enforced.

Now, you might be wondering how journalists would be able to report the news. Luckily, the Taliban has them covered:

They advised visual journalists to take photos from further away and film fewer events “to get in the habit”, a journalist who did not want to give his name for fear of reprisal told AFP.

You see? They just need to get in the habit of filming, and by extension reporting, fewer and fewer things, until all news is basically a feed from the local mosque. If there had ever been a more miserable and loveless government, I would love to hear it. This is medieval level of ignorance, and as is typical, this stupidity is brought to you by religion: Yes religion: still making the world a worst place since time immemorial.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 361

After a long Summer break, TGA is back, baby! This episode, we have more drama coming out of America, the tragic death of a young woman in a forced marriage, and Iran trying to legalize child brides! It’s an episode you won’t want to miss.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 361

Taliban Denies Human Rights Abuses

No one ever wants to look like the bad guy. In Afghanistan, the Taliban rules, which means that women and young girls are living in a distopian hell, where they can’t even leave their house without a male family member having to escort them.

The Taliban’s deputy spokesman Hamdullah Fitrat said human rights were protected in Afghanistan and that nobody faces discrimination.

“Unfortunately, an attempt is being made to spread propaganda against Afghanistan through the mouths of several fugitive (Afghan) women and misrepresent the situation,” he said on social media platform X.

“It is absurd to accuse the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan of violating human rights and gender discrimination,” he added.

Yeah, it’s totally ridiculous! Sure, women are being stoned to death for adultery, but that’s in the Koran, so obviously it’s not abuse!

What I find interesting is the endless hypocrisy of religion. The Taliban loves to use the language of peace in their official responses to the media, but we know that behind closed doors, what they have to say is very different. Their contempt for women and girls has been on full display for a thousand years. We need not distrust our own instincts simply because their response to “are you abusing women?” amounts to: not according to this book written countless ages ago.

Bangladeshi Mob Attacks Man Over Blasphemy

A mob in the city of Khulna in Bangladesh has attacked and possibly killed a young man over accusations that he “insulted the prophet”. The details are scant, but what we do know is that the man, previously reported as being 15, was barely alive when the army finally stepped in to break up the crowd, which had begun beating him severely.

Originally, he was declared as dead, but this was only done in order to disperse the blood thirsty crowd. They then took to announcing the “good news” on the loudspeakers of a nearby mosques, triumphantly celebrating his supposed demise.

So, the youth is alive. Surely it’s over, right?

The statement issued by ISPR states that after Utsab Mandal is released from hospital, he will be handed over to law enforcement agencies as he is booked in a blasphemy case. Referring to the attempt to lynch him by an Islamist mob, the statement said that the Bangladesh army is always committed to preventing extrajudicial killings and upholding the rule of law.

Of course! They are excellent defenders of their broken and disgusting laws. The only exception is whenever a mob just wants to let loose and have a little bit of medieval fun. They call it “hurting religious sentiments”. Is that not all you need to know about just how pathetic Islam is, when it needs to put to death anyone who dares to say something they don’t like? When will the world be rid of such evil?

Pakistani Woman Sentenced to Death for Blasphemy

A mother of four is facing a death sentence, after a judge in Pakistan convicted her of the ridiculous “crime” of blasphemy. The incident occurred after she was allegedly sharing content on WhatsApp that small minded and dangerous weirdos considered blasphemous, and this alone was enough to convict her of the harshest punishment a human can receive: a sentence of death.

TGA has previously reported of another incident in which a man was killed by a mob for similar reasons. It seems the country is on a roll, and has no plans on stopping anytime soon:

Nearly 3,000 persons have been accused of blasphemy in Pakistan since 1987, according to the Center for Social Justice (CSJ). The actual scale of abuse of these laws may be three to four times higher, it noted in a report.

It stated that hundreds of accused were incarcerated last year in Pakistan, with 552 detained in prisons in Punjab Province alone. At least 350 persons remained behind bars as of June, according to the report, adding that 103 new persons had been accused of blasphemy this year between January and June.

The news source that published this, a christian rag called Morning Star News, makes it seems as though this problem is uniquely Christian. However, it must be noted that blasphemy accusations also occur among believers, as it is a convenient way to eliminate a rival or a hated neighbor. One needs only agitate the mob, and the rest is easy.

I find it disgusting that we are still killing each other for offending people’s imaginary friend. It is as though we’ve handed a gun to a child, and told him that he can shoot anyone that refuses to play his games. Then, to compound the irony, we are told by these same people that the world would descend into chaos if not for their sinister machinations. Utterly ridiculous.

Being a Woman in Afghanistan Sucks

If there’s one thing that the followers of the prophet Mohammed are afraid of, it’s women. How else could you explain their obsession with ensuring that they are in a state of near constant subjugation? If they aren’t suffocating in the world’s most restrictive clothing, they are denied the basic rights that are given to men. They are considered no better than property, with all the rights that entails.

In Afghanistan, where the Taliban rule, women have been the target of increasingly draconian rules. The latest is an edict that forbids women from singing, or even from reading in public:

A woman’s voice is deemed intimate and so should not be heard singing, reciting, or reading aloud in public. It is forbidden for women to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa. “Inshallah we assure you that this Islamic law will be of great help in the promotion of virtue and the elimination of vice,” said ministry spokesman Maulvi Abdul Ghafar Farooq on Thursday, of the new laws.

These sexually repressed weirdos are so pathetic, they consider the voice of a woman to be enough to corrupt their men. No wonder they have such high incidences of sexual assault: Muslim men want to blame everyone but themselves for their shitty, entitled behavior. This is the male ego writ large, and it’s a profoundly ugly thing.

You can imagine what “enforcement” of these ridiculous laws will be like. In Iran, where similar laws exists, women are routinely beaten, and sometimes killed, simply for the crime of not following ridiculous laws.

There will never be peace in our time, or the full emancipation of women, until religions like Islam are abandoned completely. Until the last prayer is uttered, this pathetic religion will continue to impose it’s limited vision of humanity, cursing the opposite sex to a life of servitude and ignorance.

Iranian Morality Police Paralyze Woman over Hijab

In North America, Muslim women will often be seen wearing a head covering in public. Supporters of the hijab say that it’s an important tradition, and the more liberal factions will claim that it is women who chose to wear them out of respect for their faith, and that there is no inherent pressure to force them to do so.

The rest of the world with their heads screwed on right know that this is just straight-up bullshit. While it’s true that if a Muslim woman wants to wear the restrictive headdress, she is exercising her freedom of choice, but rarely do we witness the real consequences for disobeying their little rules in their private lives. Already there is immense social pressure to wear it in secular countries. In sectarian ones, it is often with the end of a bayonet that these rules are enforced. To say it’s a choice is like saying that a hostage has a choice: to listen or to die.

In Iran, a woman was shot while driving her car, specifically because she was not wearing the hijab in her car. Arezoo Badri was returning home in her vehicle when police attempted to pull her over. She had apparently multiple “violations” for not wearing the restrictive headscarf, and this was enough justification to arrest her. When she failed to comply, they opened fire on her, striking her in the lung and spinal cord.

With the women of Iran already up at arms with the recent beatings and death of a number of women for the “crime” of not wanting to wear the hijab, police have attempted to keep the incident under wraps:

According to the source, her family is allowed only brief visits, during which their mobile phones are confiscated. Authorities have prohibited visitors from taking photos or video of Ms Badri – though some have emerged.

They know they fucked up, and they want to stop the “metaphorical” bleeding. They are fools. If anything, this will only add fuel to the fire. It is time that the inhumane theocratic government be toppled. It will be women who make the major difference in Iran, this I promise you. With the country threatening to attack Israel, it’s only a matter of time before this unstable government goes too far, and finds itself on the execution block. So long as the women there continue to live in terror, the country will never know peace.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 360

In this episode (that’s admittedly a little late), we talk about the growing fascist movement in the US called Christian Nationalism, the Mormon church being sued, and why Protestants are walking away from religion. Don’t miss this one!

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 360