More evil in the name of religion

Remember the old saying that for people to do evil things, you need religion [note: ok, the quote is actually from Steven Weinberg and is “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you’d have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.”, but I wanted to save the space! Sue me!]? Well, here’s another great example of why this is true. You’ll find our usual moral compass can often be hijacked when following the code of ethics of now extinct civilizations.

Case in point: It is against Iranian law to execute a girl if she is a virgin. That’s why any young woman facing execution in Iran are typically ‘married’ to the prison guards who are then instructed to rape them. This is how the Ayatollahs want things to be run, and because they have religious infallibility on their side, they get their way.

I won’t even get into the details of why these women are killed in the first place; it could be from accidentally killing her male attacker (this is a fairly popular one, as it seems these are not the types of women you want to be messing with), or being a political dissident. The disturbing thing here is the guard being interviewed in this article doesn’t even sound like he wanted to do this at all. In fact, if anything, he seems most disturbed by his actions. How could he not be?

I could tell that the girls were more afraid of their ‘wedding’ night than of the execution that awaited them in the morning. And they would always fight back, so we would have to put sleeping pills in their food. By morning the girls would have an empty expression; it seemed like they were ready or wanted to die.

“I remember hearing them cry and scream after [the rape] was over,” he said. “I will never forget how this one girl clawed at her own face and neck with her finger nails afterwards. She had deep scratches all over her.”

Instinctually, there are bound to be certain religious doctrines we find morally repulsive, but the unfortunate thing here is our cultural and religious traditions discourage us from abandoning these terrible and dehumanizing practices.

Muslim extremist jailed for arson

You might remember a few months ago, I wrote a story about the book, The Jewel of Medina, and the subsequent firebombing of her publisher’s home by Muslim extremists. It seems now the case has gone to trial, with Ali Beheshti  and his two accomplices sentenced to four and a half years behind bars. The judge issued this statement, which I strongly agree with:

“If you choose to live in this country, you live by its rules. There is no such thing as ‘a la carte citizenship’ and, in your case, there is no such thing as ‘a la carte obedience’ to the law”

The book that caused the conflict in the first place is a historical fiction novel centered on Muhammad’s child bride, Aisha. It’s a part of his history many Muslims like to whitewash; they don’t like the idea that their prophet was involved sexually with such a young child, and any reference to Aisha is usually met with swift violence.

For future reference, when you commit a violent crime, it’s usually a good idea not to have a bunch of pictures of you holding a gun. That tends to send a pretty clear message that you aren’t right in the head. Just saying…

Men get amputated in Somalia for stealing phones and guns

Whenever you hear the words ‘Sharia’ and ‘Court’ uttered in the same sentence, you can bet something fucked up is about to happen. In Somalia, a radical Muslim group known as al-Shabaab has seized control over much of southern Somalia, and they have instituted Sharia Law in that region. Yesterday, 300 onlookers, mostly women and children, watched on as 4 men had their right hands and left feet amputated for stealing some phones and guns.

Somalia’s government is rapidly losing ground in the country, and al-Shabaab is poised to continue to gain more control. Their followers are dedicated and hardened combatants, all supremely dedicated to their goal of defeating the ‘enemies of Islam’; anyone, in other words, who doesn’t share their fundamentalist views.

Onlookers watched as the men screamed for help while their limbs were chopped off, and witnesses refused to comment on what happened, presumably too frightened to say anything. The accused had confessed to their crimes, but the fact they had no lawyers or representation makes me think these confessions were probably coerced. Hey, when you’ve already sharpened all your unsanitary knives in preparation for an amputation, you can’t have anyone being found not guilty, can you?

Somalians are accustomed to a much more reasonable and peaceful version of Islam, but it looks like the fundamentalist bullies are trying to turn the country into another radical state. This is the real ‘War on Terror’ here; a country’s population is being held hostage by maniacs who think cutting off a man’s hands for stealing is appropriate punishment. Things in Somalia are going to get worse before they get better.

Should the burqa be banned?

France sure thinks so; President Sarkozy is backing moves to make it illegal in his country, and according to this article, Britain should follow suit. Saira Khan is a devoted Muslim woman who says the burqa not a religious tradition, but rather an ultra fundamentalist practice originating in Saudi Arabia that has no place in modern society. She believes these outfits are a type of female oppression, robbing women of their ability to interact with society and alienating them. Even worse, the practice has caused some women to develop rickets (a softening of the bones due to a lack of vitamin D) due to a lack of exposure to sunlight.

Many of my adult British/Muslim friends cover their heads with a headscarf – and I have no problem with that.

The burqa is an entirely different matter. It is an imported Saudi Arabian tradition, and the growing number of women veiling their faces in Britain is a sign of creeping radicalization, which is not just regressive, it is oppressive and downright dangerous.

The burqa is an extreme practice. It is never right for a woman to hide behind a veil and shut herself off from people in the community. But it is particularly wrong in Britain, where it is alien to the mainstream culture for someone to walk around wearing a mask.

I’m normally uncomfortable with the idea of banning anything; it doesn’t really set a precedent I’m too happy about (after all, what’s to prevent people from banning other religious symbols and practices, or even non-religious ones), but in the case of burqas, I can understand why it’s necessary. After all, although I’m sure many Muslims claim the decision to wear them is entirely up to women, we all know the ‘choice’ to do so was never theirs to begin with. The burqa has come to symbolize the fundamental incompatibility of conservative Islam with modern society, and is a repressive tool to control and segregate women.

I think it’s important to mention not all forms of traditional Muslim clothing are being targeted here: just burqas. The custom has no place in a country where women are treated as equal members of society. Banning anything isn’t something we should take lightly, but we cannot allow an obviously sexist and demeaning tradition from taking place on our soil. Being tolerant of religion does not mean we must accept every single tradition and ritual of any religion. We don’t allow many voodoo ceremonies for both health and animal cruelty reasons. Forcing women to completely veil themselves and act in a submissive manner towards men does not reflect the values that define our modern society. There are plenty of places where this sort of thing is allowed; to those who object to the burqa being banned, might I suggest relocating there.

No really, Islam is a religion of peace…

The Kunduz province in northern Afghanistan is in turmoil. Although there is a German military base there, 600 soldiers have to patrol and defend an area the size of Massachusetts. The Taliban has been gaining ground rapidly, threatening to kill school girls if they try to attend class. School administrators are powerless to do anything about it, and scared parents are capitulating to the treats.

If you recall, the Taliban takes a very literal approach to the Qur’an, which discourages the education of women. The region right now is a mess, and if this trend continues, it is only a matter of time before these guys take over again.

Afghanistan is a complete mess of a country. The place has never (and I mean never) had a stable government for more than 60 years since the 11th century. Because each province is almost a miniature country in itself, small yet organized religious/paramilitary forces can impose their will on the population with little resistance.

All of this violence and conflict is entirely based on religion. Softies like Karen Armstrong might try to tell you that at their core, all religions preach peace, compassion and tolerance, but the true purpose of religion is control; Islam means submission, not compassion. In this case, the ability to control the population of Kunduz with fear, intimidation, and murder. Wow, what a religion of peace, eh?

MI5 tries to force Muslims to become informants

A few weeks ago I wrote an article about how poorly Muslims in England have integrated within their society, especially when compared to other European countries like France and Germany. Although I’m not in any position to speculate as to why that is, a recent story about MI5 and their campaign of harassment is telling me that relations are not about to improve anytime soon.

It seems that the desperate intelligence organization has been blackmailing some British Muslims, threatening to put them on terrorist lists if they do not become informants. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out these types of tactics are not impressing the Muslim community, and I can’t blame them; although I will admit terrorism is a serious issue, forcing people to become informants under threat seems to me like a pretty piss-poor way of getting reliable information. Why would anyone tell you the truth when you’re demanding answers at the end of a bayonet?

The real problem here is Britain’s paranoia. I think the reason their Muslim population is so poorly integrated in their society has to do with the fact their government is one of the major nations to have participated in the whole ‘War on Terror’ offensive. Naturally, this will result in being targeted by extremist groups, and because they are living in constant fear of an attack, their intelligence community treat their Muslim immigrant population as potential enemies. This negative and combative attitude actually works contrary to everyone’s interest; by antagonizing the community, they as a whole are less likely to provide information that might actually be helpful in preventing further incidents.

Here’s a pretty basic idea that might work wonders for MI5: don’t be a bunch of dicks. Don’t force people to become informants. Don’t mistreat your citizens just because they believe in a religion you feel uncomfortable about. Sounds pretty simple to me…

Publishers in Britain fear terrorism in response to “Jewel of Medina”

I hate the use of the word ‘war’ in reference to any particular conflict. When I think of a war, I think of the innocents who suffer at the hands of sadistic and murderous zealots that would do anything for power. Wars bring out the very worst attributes of mankind; in conflicts we are cruel, barbaric, and savage. Because we often fear for our very lives, this removes our natural impulse to be cooperative and trusting. The very fabric of our society is often unraveled as we find reasons not to trust our fellow man.

Today we talk about the ‘War on Terror’, which is, ironically enough, a kind of politically correct term to refer to the West’s violent clashing with fundamentalist Islam. This conflict is the result of the growing marginalization of religion in secular society, and the clash of ancient traditions that are in opposition to many of our modern values. Islam seems unable to shed its 7th century clothing, and as such, the literal interpretation of the religion by conservative and often poorly educated mullahs fuel the mistrust their flocks have for the west. Slowly but surely, the foot soldiers of the ‘army of God’ are being recruited for what they think is a noble cause: the Islamification of the world.

Our response to such violent vitriol half way around the world is tame; we write books and publish editorial cartoons, only to become targets of threats and violence as a result. In an effort not to exacerbate the conflict, we relent; choosing to censor ourselves to avoid trouble. Recently, Sherry Jones learned the hard way what kind of courage we possess here in the West. Her publisher’s London home was recently firebombed in response to her book, The Jewel of Medina, a historical fiction novel about the life of Muhammad’s 6 year old child bride, Aisha.

Random House bought the rights to publish the book but by the due date of August 2008, they were having cold feet. Frightened their employees might be the target of violent extremists, they decided not to publish it. It was later picked up by Gibson Square, but shortly after one of publisher’s house was firebombed, which quickly prompted them to again delay publication in Britain.

We now live in fear of a native population that has a murderous need to defend their religion from anyone they consider a threat. The problem lies in the fact that although it is only a relatively small percentage of all Muslims that engage in violent tactics, there is little condemnation for these acts on the part of moderates. They too, fear retribution, and there are those who secretly support the violence and destruction brought on by these extremists. How else can you explain the deafening silence coming from the Islamic community in Britain over such violent blackmail?

We are not engaged in a war, for our enemy is not a person but an ideology. The principles of free speech and the rights of man conflict with the supposed ‘values’ of submission and obedience to God. So far we are losing; we are showing we are too timid and afraid to fight for our right to say what we wish. Do we really deserve freedom of speech when we cower in the face of opposition? How would those who died for that freedom feel about the fact we allow religiously motivated arsonists and murderers to tell us how to live our lives?

Can we all stop allowing Muslim extremists to bully us into silence, please? These are the same guys who want to make it a crime to disparage their religion. Clearly, this isn’t the kind of belief that takes kindly to criticism. Wonder why that is….

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 057

Welcome to another episode of The Good Atheist podcast! This week, Ryan and I discuss a new Gallup poll that shows how poorly integrated British Muslims are, as well as talk about WorldNetDaily and the Fairness Doctrine. If you’re not yet a patron and enjoy our free show, please consider becoming a member: it’s how we keep this dream alive.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 057

Iraqi militia torturing and killing gays

It’s bad enough the situation is Iraq is a mess; now we have to deal with the knowledge the Iraqi military is engaging in some sick and twisted tactics to torture and kill homosexuals in the country:

“A prominent Iraqi human rights activist says that Iraqi militia have deployed a painful form of torture against homosexuals by closing their anuses using ‘Iranian gum.’ …Yina Mohammad told that, ‘Iraqi militias have deployed an unprecedented form of torture against homosexuals by using a very strong glue that will close their anus.’ According to her, the new substance ‘is known as the American hum, which is an Iranian-manufactured glue that if applied to the skin, sticks to it and can only be removed by surgery. After they glue the anuses of homosexuals, they give them a drink that causes diarrhea. Since the anus is closed, the diarrhea causes death. Videos of this form of torture are being distributed on mobile cellphones in Iraq.’”

Reports are sketchy, but over 60 gay men have been killed since December, and many fear for their lives. The video above is a disturbing report about the state of affairs in Iraq, and the news is not encouraging for their gay population.

This only amplifies the failure of the West to inculcate our values and moral ideals in the Middle East. Islamic countries will always be a deadly place for homosexuals, all because of a religion bent on their annihilation. Just another example of how Islam is a ‘religion of peace’, eh?

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 053

In this episode, Ryan and I talk about the accuracy of the moniker ‘Islamofascism’ when talking about the more radical side of Islam. Also on the show we discuss Jim Carrey’s pet project to destroy the MMR vaccine, and muse on the situation in Pakistan.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 053

Taliban moving closer to Islamabad

I’m not a fear monger, but right now, the whole world needs to pay attention to what is going on in Pakistan. Taliban militants are continuing their assault, and have had a series of victories that continue to move them closer to the capital of Pakistan. It’s risen fears the country is on the brink of collapse, and the secular Awami National party is on the verge of being overrun. If you don’t think that’s a very big deal, try and remember what they did with Afghanistan. The Taliban is interested in only one thing; Islam, and they are ready to spread the ‘good word’ with sword in hand. The problem, of course, is Pakistan is one of the few countries in this world with the deadliest of swords: The Atomic Bomb.

I don’t want to be needlessly alarmist, but we cannot allow Pakistan to fall into the hands of theologically motivated whackos. It’s one thing to battle individuals based on politics, but it’s quite another to battle someone’s religion. The Taliban does not negotiate, does not compromise, and does not care for anything other than the complete submission of every Muslim.

The Taliban in control of a nuclear state is one of those doomsday scenarios that plays out like a Tom Clancy novel without the super cool international special forces. Hopefully, the Pakistani government will be able to suppress this rebellion (especially with help from the West), but it’s very likely that over time they may gain more support, especially with the quagmire in Iraq providing them with fresh recruits and political fodder.

Dark times are ahead, people.

Saudi police prevent fire rescue

People sometimes criticize me for taking such a strong stance against Islam. I’m told it’s a religion of peace by many of its practitioners. I’d like very much to believe them, but the actions of its strictest adherents continues to shock and dismay. Take this story in Saudi Arabia where 15 school girls died in a fire. Their deaths could have been prevented, but the rescue was hindered by the fact the police would not let them out of the building because they were dressed too provocatively.

It’s one of those tragedies you wish was a joke. Surely, no human being could possibly prevent someone from leaving a burning building for not obeying the dress code, right? Well, Saudi Arabia benefits from a religious police force called the ‘Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice’, which is just a long winded nomenclature for what is essentially a thought police. These guys are feared, and they enforce dress codes, prayers and sexual segregation with intimidation, beatings, and incarceration. If you want an example of police who’s main duty is the subjugation of its citizens rather than their protection, look no further.

The school was already a death trap, the doors having been locked down prior to the fire in accordance to segregation policy. The police only added to the tragedy by literally beating anyone who tried to go in or come out. That 15 women died seems of little concern to them; after all, they were only women in their eyes.

I’m supposed to believe the bullshit story this religion is peaceful rather than the misogynistic, barbaric and morally bankrupt belief it is? Sorry, but in my book, a religion is judged by it’s actions. So far, Islam has proven itself to be incompatible with our modern values, and free thinkers like myself will continue to warn people against its tyranny.

Afghan women are pelted by rocks at protest

A couple of days ago, I wrote a passionate entry stating my opposition to the Canadian government’s involvement in Afghanistan. It was in response to their new laws that make it impossible for women to refuse sex from their husbands, as well as making women eligible for marriage immediately following menstruation. As far as I’m concerned, these two laws alone make both rape and sexual abuse to children legal.

Yesterday, about 300 Afghan women protested these laws, and for their bravery, they were pelted with stones. Police had to hold back the angry mob that accused the women of being ‘slaves to Christians’ and for not being ‘proper Shia women’.

The law as it’s written is only for the minority Shia community, but it would appear few native Afghans consider the issue important. In a way I can’t blame them; the country is a mess, and there are probably many who feel laws of this nature are not a huge concern.

I’m relieved the violence didn’t escalate any further, but it would be naive to assume this issue resolved. What usually scares me is the people who agitate for equal rights are usually met by people who physically crush all opposition. To say these women are in danger for holding their beliefs is an understatement.

Many Muslims feel attitudes of gender equality is a form of Western oppression, and I have no doubt these opposing world views will continue to be a great source of friction. It would appear we cannot force individuals to take the rights of women seriously, and that’s a very frightening reality.

Canadian government isn’t doing the right thing

I’ve never understood why the Canadian government is so adamant about keeping certain immigrants while simultaneously trying to kick others out, especially when the people we send back to their home countries are in danger. While we harbor ex Nazis, mafia criminals, and other genocidal monsters, we also try to get rid of good people who seek our protection.

Roohi Tabassum is an illegal immigrant who says she will be killed by her estranged husband if she returns to her native Pakistan. She has received numerous threatening letters from him, but even with this evidence, my government seems not to care too much.

“The decision to remove someone from Canada is not taken lightly,” Giolti said by e-mail. “Under our laws, removal orders must be enforced as soon as possible.”

Giolti is a coward who is hiding behind the law; it’s quite clear here Roohi is in danger, and yet, our useless bureaucracy will end up failing her. Roohi is not a drain on society; she works at as a hair dresser, and has managed to make a life for herself in this country. Despite this, we are sending her back to a place where honor killings are common place.

I feel sick to my stomach about this. By sending her back, every Canadian is a silent partner on her eventual death. It isn’t too hard for us to do the right thing in this situation. All we need to do is let her stay and continue to live her life as she sees fit. Does that sound like a big deal to you?

More honor killings in Germany

Here’s another tragic honor killing in Germany, this time by the woman’s own brother. According to reports, he lured her to the countryside, where he strangled her unconscious with a clothes line before beating her to death.

Her crime? Well, it turns out the family was trying to set up an arranged marriage and found out that not only wasn’t she a virgin, but she had also undergone at least one abortion. That was all it took for her to die at the hands of her family.

Europe is facing a unique problem these days. Their immigrant population is increasing, and as they do so, they bring with them many customs and rituals we find morally repugnant. It’s a serious issue, and it’s not disappearing anytime soon. My sad prediction is we’re going to continue to read about these tragedies for some time, at least until we stop beating around the bush on this issue and take a hard stance. Right now all we can do is prosecute the murderers. It seems to me that we should be doing more to protect these women when they are still alive.