Playing with fire gets you burned

The attacks of September 11th, 2001 had a profound impact on Beverly Giesebrecht. Unlike most of her Canadian peers, Beverly felt the attacks were more than justified, and she quickly converted to Islam and began work on a website with clear pro-Taliban leanings. She traveled to Egypt for two years to study the Qur’an before finally ending up in Pakistan where she met up with them. The meeting, however, appears to have gone differently from what she hoped for. Rather than take her into their fold, the Taliban kidnapped her and are holding her hostage. She is now pleading for her life, and the Canadian government is trying to rescue her.

Beverly’s problem was she failed to realize what she was getting herself into. Her interpretation of the events, and of the organizations involved, was quite obviously flawed. The Taliban are not ‘freedom fighters’ that combat the oppression of the West; they are a militant religious organization which hold extreme conservative views, and as far as they are concerned, Beverly’s worth to the cause is as a hostage, not a peer.

She is now begging for her life, only a few days away from the deadline. I have to wonder the degree of commitment the Canadian government has to save her. They are, more than likely, unwilling to negotiate with the Taliban, and they may feel that Beverly betrayed her country in favor of Islam. Regardless of what she may have said and done, it’s obvious her comprehension of the issues were flawed. She had hoped to ally with Al Qaeda to fight ‘Western oppression’, but in truth her allies have no need for an educated woman in their ranks. They would rather a 300k paycheck.

I have a feeling this story will end in tragedy. The Canadian government is unlikely to bust their asses saving her, and the Taliban will quickly grow tired of their hostage. If the situation is resolved, I have the feeling that Beverly may look well to lose her pro ‘terrorist’ leanings. I just hope she has that chance.

Afghanistan’s government plans to introduce scary laws

I’ve spoken many times about the fact Canada needs to leave this country. Proportionally, we’ve taken the heaviest casualties, and even with the hard work accomplished, the country still seems bent on converting itself into a theocratic hellhole. Here are some of the proposed amendments to their constitution President Karzai is trying to pass:

Article 132 says. “Unless the wife is ill or has any kind of illness that intercourse could aggravate, the wife is bound to give a positive response to the sexual desires of her husband.”

Article 133 reintroduces the Taliban restrictions on women’s movements outside their homes, stating: “A wife cannot leave the house without the permission of the husband” unless in a medical or other emergency.

Article 27 endorses child marriage with girls legally able to marry once they begin to menstruate.

The Canadian government has threatened to pull its troops if these amendments aren’t killed, but even if they are, it’s only a matter of time before they eventually become law. It’s inevitable. The religious conservative element is too big and too entrenched to ever leave. All we can do is hold them at bay, but the second we leave they’ll jump in, establish their own religious government, and prove this entire thing was just a gigantic waste of time and human life.

As much as we’d like to believe other countries envy our modern values, the truth is much of the world doesn’t really care about concepts such as human rights, women’s rights, or personal liberties. We believe these values are the building blocks of any free society, and we find it shocking when a country, like Afghanistan, begins to introduce draconian laws which allow marital rape, or child marriages to occur. We feel insulted that anyone would refuse to live by our code of conduct. We are confused because we are under the delusion that the rest of the world wants to be like us. Why wouldn’t they? We rock, don’t we?

Step outside your own world view for a moment and imagine you were born and raised in a culture that sees women as second class citizens. Your neighbor recently killed his daughter because she kissed a boy, and when you hear the details about her stoning, you find yourself agreeing the punishment fit the crime. Now your country is invaded by individuals with a much different set of values attempting to impose them on you. They set up a democracy for you however, and so you do the only thing that seems rational to you: you demand the government change its constitution so the code you live by (and everyone you know lives by as well) is now accepted as law. This isn’t rocket science; you cannot hope to change the opinions of a generation, especially one with already established customs and rituals laden with values, with ideas that drastically conflict with their own.

A democracy in the hands of ethically unenlightened population only brings tyranny back into power. We naively believed the only reason the country was so fucked was due to being ruled by the ‘Iron Fist’ of the Taliban. If a heavily trained army with sophisticated weapons can’t stabilize the place, then why would we assume a shitty poorly armed group would be any different? Afghanistan is so poorly developed many areas are essentially self governing entities much more like ancient tribes than modern cities. The reason is for more than 1000 years, the area has seen nothing but bloody conflict after bloody conflict. The longest recorded political stability in this country was 40 years. That’s it.

I’m not saying everyone in Afghanistan is religiously conservative, or they don’t wish to secularize. In the past, the country’s leaders tried at various times to modernize their own governments. One of these reformers was assassinated. The other was overthrown. In other words, the country is a quagmire.

I wish it wasn’t this way at all. I wish we really could go there, free their population from religious tyranny, and let the population live happily ever after. We are stuck in a no-win situation. We can’t win by staying there, since we only delay the inevitable and continue to send more soldiers to die. If we leave, the country falls into chaos.

Saudi women are becoming bold

I am not a rebel. Although I like to think I am controversial, in reality if push came to shove, I would probably retreat to the safety of conformity rather than suffer an ignoble fate. It’s why I find the following story so striking: It’s an article in the Saudi Gazette about all girl coffee shops, which is where today’s young Saudi girls are going to let loose, have fun, and enjoy life. All of this is highly subversive, and there are lots of people who want to see them shut down.

Women have no real rights in this country. They instead have duties and responsibilities, most of them unpleasant and restrictive, that do not allow them to truly enjoy life. Although they make up about 70% of University graduates, they make up only 5% of the workforce. So to escape their shitty lives, young women are retreating from this cold reality by going to these all girl coffee shops, putting on makeup, and smoking shisha until their throats hurt.

Government officials and religious clergy are aghast at this type of behavior, which they see as the corrupting influence of the west. They aren’t wrong. We believe individuals are free to pursue their own interests, regardless of gender. But to the Saudi, this type of rebellion is usually met with swift and brutal action. I wouldn’t be surprised if these types of places were soon shut down, and the women who frequent these establishments were punished. It’s just the way things are in that part of the world.

The human need to rebel is strong, and some of these women may not realize to what degree they are challenging their country’s social mores. I hope this all ends positively, but considering women still aren’t allowed to drive in that part of the world, it doesn’t look too promising.

26 percent of Turks support honor killings

I always knew that a portion of Muslims in the world endorse honor killings, but I never realized until today just how big that number is. A new survey in Turkey shows just how chilling the response is, and how incompatible this cultural attitude is to modern societal values. 26 percent of adults and teenagers are in full support of honor killings. That’s a full quarter of their population.

I find it surprising there was almost no difference between the opinions of the older generation compared to the younger one. It’s a testament to the power religion has in this country, where something as frightening and deplorable as murdering your own daughter is considered a necessity.

According to the population, it’s the media that is mostly responsible for making this practice acceptable. I don’t speak Turkish, so I can’t accurately judge what kind of media coverage they have, but I get the feeling the blame isn’t being put on the right institution. At the end of the day, it’s the mosques and mullahs who have the real power, and I have serious doubts any of them publicly speak out against honor killings. It is, after all, a tradition to murder disobedient female children in this religion. Reformed this barbaric practice, it has not.

Another senseless honor killing in Jordan

Every time I hear about a girl getting killed by her own family, it sends a chill down my spine. It seems inconceivable that anyone would put their loved ones in danger, and even more so that they would be their killers. Such is the reality of conservative Muslims in Jordan, where an average of 20 women a year are slain in ‘honor killings’. This week, it’s a 19 year old girl who was beaten to death by her father and brothers for simply talking to a stranger.

There’s a long tradition of honor killings that, unsurprisingly, date back to the Bronze Age. In powerful, patriarchal societies, the reputation of a family was its most valuable asset, and anyone who would threaten it was summarily executed. It’s now used as a way of threatening women into subservience. Each death is a cruel reminder there are some parts of the world that reject the idea of human rights.

The father and his sons are facing prosecution, but it isn’t for the reason you might think. The problem was there was no infidelity going on, but if it was, this law would have set them free:

he who discovers his wife or one of his female relatives committing adultery and kills, wounds, or injures one of them, is exempted from any penalty.”

Is your stomach turning yet?

Afghanistan is Messed up

I don’t like to talk about Afghanistan, mostly because as a Canadian, my government has armed forces over there being killed for a country that sentences journalists to death for speaking out against the Qur’an. Pervez Kambaksh is a student journalist who wrote an essay condemning some of the more sexist verses of the Qur’an, and was trying to speak on women’s rights. The 23 year old was sentenced to death, and is now rotting in jail while his lawyers try in vain to appeal this decision in what is essentially a corrupt ‘Supreme Court’.

It’s time we got the fuck out of this country. If it is impossible to inculcate our values, than we have no business being there in the first place. If they want to run their country into the ground with their Sharia law, then so be it. There are some places in the world that are not ready to consider women as equals, or religious freedom as paramount.

The truth is the Taliban has never truly left. They are still there, disguised as moderates, secretly bleeding us dry while biding their time before raising the fundamentalist flag again. What can be done in a place like this? I’m not sure. So far we haven’t figured it out. Perhaps there is nothing we can do. One thing I can tell you for sure is our continued presence will do nothing to change the minds of the people in power. Afghanistan is messed up, and it won’t get better anytime soon.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 041

This week, things get heated up when Ryan and I discuss agnosticism! Also join us as we talk about the UN Anti-Blasphemy resolution, as well as the potential execution of two young women in Iran.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 041

Terrorism has different meanings

I read an interesting article on the Christian Science Monitor about the percentage of people in Muslim countries who favor bombing civilians, and the numbers reveal far more Americans are willing to commit this act than they are.

If you need this put in perspective, consider the image we have in the West of a terrorist is a Muslim guy wearing a dynamite covered belt bomb, while in Muslim countries a terrorist is simply the guys firing missiles at you from 5000 miles away. Both are caricatures, but they reflect the fact that how we perceive terror is different specifically because we have been conditioned to fear one another.

There aren’t many Americans who would consider themselves terrorists, but that isn’t a label anyone chooses for themselves. Freedom fighter is a far more popular nomenclature, and it’s the other side of the terrorist coin. When the US invaded Iraq and dropped thousands of cruise missiles, were the innocent civilians who died any less terrified than the victims of 9/11?

The problem is we believe terrorism is only the result of fringe groups bombing innocent civilians for no reason other than to scare the shit out of them. The truth is terror is just as likely to come from your own government than from guerrilla warriors. What frightens us is the image of the modern religious fanatic who takes his own life to kill, harm, and injure others, but it is no less frightening than a political nutjob who kills those of a different political creed. The issue here is that of these people are willing to use the innocent as targets in their struggle. That a modern, civilized country like America can have 24% of its population in favor of this type of action chills me to the bone.

We cannot sugar coat the fact a significant portion of Americans would gladly bomb Iran, Saudi Arabia, and any other nation they consider ‘rogue’ without batting an eyelash. Is this form of terror any less real to its victims? When are we going to learn when fighting our enemies we must never become like them?

Not allowed to be blasphemous?

A lot of you will disagree with me on this one, but the UN is possibly one of the most useless and corrupt organizations in existence today. The ideology behind the UN is nice enough, but in execution, it has shown itself to be inefficient, blind, and often backward. This new resolution to make blasphemy illegal is just another example of how corrupt the UN is.

The law calls making “acts of hatred, discrimination, intimidation and coercion resulting from defamation of religions” illegal . In other words, you can’t talk smack about religion, because apparently some people get a trifle upset. There’s a clear agenda behind this: Islamic countries are tired of people making the link between terrorism and Islamic faith. Newsflash: there is a direct link.

One guy in India was arrested for ‘hurting the feelings of Muslims’. Great. I was worried my own government was slowly becoming a police state. Now I’m going to have to watch what I say as well? I fucking dare them to come to my door and arrest me. I’ll make such a stink they’ll think twice about pulling this kind of shit on anyone. Hey UN, stay out of my house, stay out of my life, and deal with the fact people are allowed to say whatever the hell they want.

Irony, thy name is Islam

Imagine you’re Muslim, and you want to show people that your religion isn’t the violent, backwards faith the mainstream media portrays. Starting your own English TV station centering on your religion is probably a reasonably good start. Bridges TV was such a project. It featured shows such as Democracy Now, a cooking show called Veggie Table, and the saccharine sounding Talking Peace.

In a twisted bit of irony, the founder of the TV station, Muzzammil Hassan, is currently under police investigation for beheading his wife. It appears the TV station will be folding as a result of the news.

I actually thought the idea for a TV station was a good one; clearly, the religion needs a new PR person, and it was refreshing to see Muslims on the boobtube who weren’t reading a terrorist memo, or talking about eradicating the Jews from the earth. But just like Hassan, the Muslim faith has two faces; one of piety, submission, and adherence to religious ritual, and the other a violent, implacable ideology that is glaringly incompatible with modern values.

It would be silly to assume the behavior of Muzzammil Hassan reflects the general attitude of all Muslims, but it would be irresponsible to discount the role his faith had to play in the murder. The problem with Islam is it has struggled to modernize, and there is a large contingent of believers who would rather die than see that happen. Until they all can be brought into the fold of society’s mores, then we will continue to see tragedies of this sort unfold.

Things are heating up in Iraq

It’s never good news when Iraq makes the front page of the news. That’s usually because we’ve become so accustomed to tragedy, that daily events, bombings, and massacres are casually relegated to a dark and lonely corner of most mainstream media sites.

Thursday was particularly brutal, as a female rights activist was beheaded in her home. Violence against women has been escalating, and is unlikely to stop. It was obviously intended to discourage other women from speaking out, and my guess is it may well have that consequence.

All of this comes a little over a month before their general elections, which the US hopes will help stabilize the country and give the population incentive to get involved in their government. Is it just me, or is this a fundamentally bad idea? The country is in no shape to vote, and their priorities should be focused on bringing order and peace to the region. Setting up a fragile government composed of warring groups will only further exacerbate the situation. Order in a country is the result of trust in government. It is unlikely this will occur. If anything, these elections will prove just how the Sunni, Shi’ite, and Kurds are unwilling to negotiate with one another. I predict more disaster, and far more politically motivated violence.

I knew it, Christmas IS evil!

More on the War on Christmas, and this time, it’s not coming from us filthy atheists. Anjem Choudary is a Muslim chairman for the Society of Muslim Lawyers, and preaches on the corrupt influence Christmas apparently has on Muslims. Now it’s one thing to dislike a holiday, but it’s another entirely to decree yuletide festivities are a ‘pathway to hellfire’.

You gotta love these brimstone and hellfire guys. They really love to rub hell in everyone’s face. Apparently, having a little bit of turkey on the 25th is something that Allah cannot tolerate. This is a God with an inferiority complex at the thought of anyone celebrating any other deity but him.

The thing that always gets me about the War on Christmas is just how sensitive all these religious people are. If I had a firm belief in the absolute truth of my God, I wouldn’t worry too much about other religions. Surely if I have the truth, my chosen Deity can fully intervene and show these infidels just who they are messing with. A little celebration, be it Christmas, Ramadan, or Yom Kippur certainly wouldn’t give me much pause; after all, I’m one of the chosen people, right?

What’s funny in all of this is Muslims actually believe in the historical Jesus. The only major difference is they believe he was a great prophet and not a God. Seems to me there’s no reason they couldn’t simply make a few of their own alterations to the celebration and not feel completely left out of all the fun. Because you know something; at the end of the day, celebrating the winter solstice with your friends, your neighbors, and your family is a pretty awesome thing. Not being able to participate because some asshole tells you that you’ll burn in hell forever puts a damper on things, doesn’t it?

Muslims condemn attacks, go on defensive

In case you were completely cut off from the whole world and haven’t heard, a group of Islamic terrorists executed 170 people in cold blood in Mumbai, India last week, and many religious leaders in the Muslim community have come out condemning the attacks, while also vehemently denying there is anything about their faith that may be causing these violent outbreaks. If Islam is such a peaceful religion, why is there so much violence and hatred?

Luckily, not everyone is blind to the impact terrorist attacks are having on the world perception of Islam. Al-Jenfawi, a columnist for a Kuwaiti newspaper, said this concerning the problem of perception:

Muslims and Arabs must confront the violence that is taking place in our name and in the name of our (Islamic) tenets. Unfortunately, we have yet to see a distinguished popular condemnation in the traditional Arab or Muslim communities that strongly rejects what is happening in the name of Islam or Arab nationalism

As far as I can tell, there’s no reason to believe this will happen anytime soon. The violent assaults we are witness to are only the beginning. The truth of the matter is the Muslim faith has done little to reform itself, and as a result, its dogma often reflects values and traditions that are incompatible with modern life. Although there are many moderate Muslims, they are generally considered corrupt, evil and infidels within other more orthodox traditions. Reformation seems impossible unless a majority of Muslims agree that there are elements of their faiths that must be expunged. I very much doubt anything of the sort will happen.

Tensions are going to continue to rise unless something drastic happens. How many Islamic terrorist attacks will occur before the public grows suspicious and mistrustful of any Muslim? I don’t defend judging an entire religion on the action of extremists, but why exactly is it so difficult for this religion to get some of its members under control? There is no denying there is a great deal of hatred in the Middle East, much of it directed against the West, and Jews in particular. If moderate and modern Muslims want to avoid being feared and mistrusted, they will need to do more than simply condemn the actions of their religious brethren. If, following the attacks, Muslim organizations had mobilized to bring help and assistance to the victims, it would have sent a clear message that it wasn’t a situation of them vs us. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like this is very likely, and the continued failure of Muslims to integrate Islamic faith in our modern world could well create a impenetrable cultural barrier.

Worst Video Game Idea Ever

Ever wonder what it would be like to kill Mohammad and Jesus to stop the spread of the powerful monotheistic religions they helped create? Yeah, me neither. But apparently, a small game developer in Virginia has decided it’s a good idea. Here’s an excerpt from the article:

The new game, not yet released, is giving a voice to the atheist community, that’s according to the game’s creator, a University of Virginia graduate student. He wouldn’t release his name, for fear of his safety.

Atheists have never really had anything to speak for them like this. It’s the general atheist premise that the world might be a better place without some of those religions, explained the creator of the game.

The object of the game is to stop the spread of Christianity and Islam by murdering Abraham and the authors of the Bible, before beheading Muhammad.

I don’t know about you, but it sounds like this game might seriously suck. I’m not entirely sure how this gives me a voice; I’d be just as offended if a bunch of Christian nutjobs made a game about killing Darwin, or Richard Dawkins. And what’s with beheading these guys? Seems just like a pathetic way to make a buck, and will only make us look like bloodthirsty bigots.

Facebook kills!

If you’re like me, you use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and find people you haven’t talked to in years. But in restrictive, religious countries, the site has a reputation for being a ‘lustful hotbed of activity’. That’s why a young Saudi Arabian woman was murdered by her father, who caught her having a conversation with an unknown man. He beat and then shot his own daughter, presumably an honor killing, simply for having innocent conversations over the Internet.

Firstly, I’m not sure about you, but I’ve never had a ‘hot and lustful’ conversation on Facebook, much to my dismay. I normally just wish people a happy birthday, and occasionally try and organize a house party. The clerics who claim that Facebook is a place of debauchery have more than likely never visited it.

Secondly, even if it was a place where young people were sharing naughty messages, what is the harm in that? Sexy notes shared between two forbidden lovers makes for great story telling. We can all identify with a love that was never meant to be, and sometimes, fantasizing about what could be is the only thing that makes our dreary lives bearable.

I’m always personally outraged every time an ignorant and highly religious man kills his own flesh and blood for some mistaken ideal. Although I have no children of my own, it blows me away that a person’s own protective instincts towards his children could so easily be ignored over the delusion an invisible cloud deity would seriously care that one’s daughter is on Facebook.

There is something terribly wrong with a religion that places outdated and dangerous concepts, such as ‘family honor’ over the lives of others. My disappointment is always furthered by the non existent protestations of moderate Muslims, who seem to regard such matters as being private, rather than symptomatic of the deeply violent nature of their faith.