Flying Korans kill Salman Rushdie

Ok, here’s the skinny on this video before you watch it: In 1989, Salman Rushdie released his most famous work, “The Satanic Verses”, which sends the Muslim world into a major spaz attack. To capitalize on this, “International Guerrillas” was born. The film revolves around three brothers united by their hatred of the blasphemer who set out to destroy Rushdie. The video above is the climactic scene where God smites him down with the power of the Koran. Pay careful notice to how hilarious everything is.

It’s funny to note that the movie was almost banned in the UK. Rushdie himself opposed the use of blasphemy and libel laws to try and censor the film. Gotta love the guy.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 214

We cover a huge range of topics, from Evangelicals trying desperately to reconcile science and faith, to Muslims in Indonesia doing a little ‘house cleaning’. B

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 214

Australia and Sharia

Sharia: providing a framework for the subjugation of women for over a thousand years, and with the help of misogynistic clerics, perhaps a thousand more! Hey Australia, that’s the second time in two days that you make it on my site. Not a good sign…

NOTE: I’ve been informed of the low reliability of this so-called “news” program. I wonder, is it owned by Rupert Murdoch by chance?

Jerusalem Day is terrible

Here we see a glorious display of nationalism, xenophobia and religious division. There’s nothing like showing up to your neighbor’s house, chanting “Death to Arabs” while waving a gigantic Israeli flag. Is it any fucking wonder why the Middle East is still a gigantic shit-hole? Maybe it has something to do with all these assholes about.

Muslim Heaven and other similar nonsense

I love whenever people start making specific claims about their magical play-land in the sky. Did you know you’ll be able to finally drink all that wine your local mullah told you was forbidden? Good thing you never bothered to actually try the stuff when you were alive…better to wait until you’re dead to enjoy the little pleasures in life.

I think the Muslim concept of Heaven is by far the most provincial. It’s quite obvious that a group of repressed desert people made it up. The rest of us couldn’t give a rat’s ass about rivers of honey and wine that doesn’t make you drunk (what is it, Synthohol?). And if there’s no such thing as jealousy in heaven, why the fuck do you need all your women to be virgins? Sounds like some pretty serious sexual insecurity there…

Did anyone like the sexy lady who called believers “idiots”? What did you think of the religionists trying to argue that belief in God is the same as our trust in currency? Hilarious.

The trial of Geert Wilders

If you aren’t from the Netherlands, odds are you’ve never heard of Geert Wilders. In the fight against sectarian ideologies, Wilders is a bit of a wild card. While I applaud his efforts to combat the rising tide of irrationality and superstition in his country, this “champion of free speech” is the same man who wanted to ban the Koran. Let’s just say he’s a hard man to love.

He’s currently on trial for inciting hatred and discrimination against the Muslim religion and Moroccan immigrants. The judges overhearing his cases refused to allow Geert 15 of his 18 witnesses (which included the man who murdered Theo Van Gogh), arguing that fundamentalists would not adequately represent the religion.

Yeah, that sounds like a fucking fair trial to me. Be sure not to include anyone that actually takes their religion too seriously, otherwise you might frighten people!

I may not agree with everything that man has to say, but I can spot a bullshit trial when I see one. Hey, is anyone holding the fundamentalists accountable for inciting hatred of non-believers, honor killings, violence against women, and the host of other barbarities associated with this primitive faith? Why are the Dutch so afraid of someone speaking his mind?

Muslim men jailed for religiously motivated attack

Gary Smith was a friendly and popular religion teacher with a promising career, until four thugs, incensed by their fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, decided to beat him to within an inch of his life to teach him a “lesson” for educating women about their nonsense religion.

Gary Smith, 38, was beaten as he walked to Central Foundation Girls’ School in Bow, east London, last July.

The gang left him unconscious after attacking him with a metal rod and a brick, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard.

The attackers, Azad Hussain, Akmol Hussein, Sheikh Rashid, and Simon Alam were each given a mandatory 5 year jail sentence for the attack. The Judge was also quick to reprimand these psychos for having been motivated by religious dogma, believing (not unreasonably) that they would continue their life of crime if they continued down this path.

The court heard how the men were only caught because Hussein’s car was being bugged on an unrelated matter.

Normally I might be a little freaked out at the idea of citizens being “bugged”, but it looks as though this was the right call with these psychos. If you read the amount of emotional and physical trauma the victim had to go through, you realize these guys weren’t fucking around. Turns out they were terrorism suspects, and considering the fact they were willing to attack an innocent man guilty only of educating young women, that doesn’t seem too far fetched.

The Security Service had placed a listening device in a car driven by one of the men as part of an investigation into a suspected terrorist network in East London, sources told the Daily Telegraph.

Evidently these morons have a problem living in a society where women are treated as equals. Luckily for them, they’ll be in an environment of only men now. Wonder how that’ll work out…

More Wife-Beating debates

You’ve got to be impressed with any culture that has a televised debate on the merits of wife beating according to the Koran. Hey, here’s a fucking idea: stop trying to reconcile modern values with a book written in the 7th century.

Muslim actress threatened over Playboy pictures

When I think of someone famous taking off their clothing for money and more attention, it’s rare that I compare their actions to those of great revolutionaries. Of course, that’s probably because I live in a society that values freedom of expression, and where the female form isn’t something we like covered up (which is why winter sucks so hard). That’s why I had to take a few moments to appreciate the fact that a German Muslim actress named Sila Sahin has received death threats after posing nude for Playboy.

Her Turkish parents are apparently uber-conservative and called her all kinds of nasty names for doing what she wants with her own body.

“For years I subordinated myself to various societal constraints. The Playboy photo shoot was a total act of liberation.”

You know you’re on the side of good when you’re trying to defend a society that has citizens who feel liberated when they show people their naughty parts!

Suicide Bombings are not political in nature

In a large Suffi shrine in Southern Pakistan, two young men with explosives strapped on their backs navigate nervously through a packed crowd. They are looking for an ideal place to murder as many of their fellow human beings as possible. The plan is surprisingly evil: the second boy is there to detonate himself the moment help arrives to care for the victims of the first attack.

As chance would have it, Umar Fidai‘s bomb didn’t discharge properly. It ended up only partially detonating, ripping away his left arm and tearing his insides apart. Before Umar could reach his grenade – a fail-safe given to suicide bombers allowing them a chance to still enter a martyr’s paradise – he was shot in the other arm by a police officer. Bleeding, incapacitated and watching the torment and pain of those around him, Umar felt shame and remorse at the sight of the medics and civilians rushing to their aid. Mere minutes before, all he could think about was the taste of the otherworldly fruits he would enjoy from such pious labor.

Young Umar is only 14 years old. What motivated him to commit his failed violent act was not political. It was religious. As I read his recollection of the events that led to his mangled state, I couldn’t help but feel that the seeds of his destruction, and of so many other victims, were planted long ago. The soil was fertile from a lifetime of indoctrination to dangerous and poisonous ideas. Umar’s targets were fellow Muslims, part of a different traditional set of doctrinal convictions, and therefore unbelievers. To the Taliban, the nearly endless supplies of human explosives – packed tight with anger, confusion, alienation, and ready to ignite with the mixture of religion- makes their task effortlessly easy. They need only light the wick and point.

You’ll often hear Muslim apologists refer to the problem of suicide bombing in political rather than religious terms. They do this to mask the terrifying reality of religious indoctrination, either deliberately or unknowingly. We ask why humans continue to commit atrocities – why we kill each other with impunity and cause untold misery and destruction – yet we refuse to accept the simple answer. It is unquestionably religion that creates the systemic barbarism, cruelty and ignorance of the world we live in. We have ample evidence of this. That it makes some happy is inconsequential. It should not enter into our minds as something worthy of consideration. Should you care if a drunkard is admittedly happier when he drinks if he later beats his wife and children as a result?

If you still cling to the notion of geopolitics as the root of the problem, why not ask the villains themselves? The very words of acolytes, saved from their own annihilation due to faulty mechanics, is a chilling wake-up call to apologists. It was their conviction paradise awaited them, not their political desires that motivated their actions. Until we stop denying the obvious, it’ll keep blowing up in our faces.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 193

This week, Ryan joins me as we talk about the joys of swearing, how the Spanish Catholic Church stole babies, and we make fun of al Qaeda’s new women’s magazine al-Shamika.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 193

Al Qaeda releases women’s magazine

Ladies, did you know napalm isn’t only useful for sending American G.I’s to hell; it’s also great for the skin! This and other great tips are yours with a subscription to al-Shamika, a women’s magazine being published by your favorite terrorist organization, al-Qaeda.

al-Shamika’s table of contents lists articles on “Marrying a jihadist,” “Sharia law that applies to you” and “Your house is your kingdom,” as well as a “meeting with a jihad wife.”

I can’t wait until they come out with more articles like “How to avoid beatings”, “10 ways to prevent your teenage daughter from being honor-killed”, and finally the classic “Learn to suffer in silence”. Get your subscription now, ladies!

Christians protest Muslim fundraiser for homeless shelter

Now all of you are acutely aware of how disdainful I am of religion in general, but I have the common courtesy not to yell either obscenities or jeers at Muslims just going about their business. These Tea Party racist jackasses are upset because people of a different flesh tone are praying to an equally ridiculous God, and they can’t stand the idea.

Them chanting “USA, USA” during a hate rally is the cherry on top of this shit sundae, isn’t it?

Sectarian peace in all its glory

Nigeria is currently the battleground between Christianity and Islam. Since last year, over 2000 people have died fighting. Despite communities trying to sign various peace treaties with one another, every once in a while they just start attacking one another again. It’s a perfect example of the kind of division and strife that mutually incompatible beliefs cause.

The latest incident involves 18 Christians who were killed, and 12 were injured after being attacks by a roving gang armed with guns, cutlasses, and arrows (that’s pretty damn old school).

I can only imagine the situation getting worse, especially considering revenge killings are just a fact of life. All hail the religions of peace, and their uncanny ability to civilize mankind!

(update: That figure has since jumped to over 43,000 christians killed)

Winnipeg Muslims unhappy with music and co-ed education

Canadians are a bunch of sobbing vaginas (I say this being an actual citizen of the country). We’re always paranoid of acting in an abusive or forceful manner that we allow all kinds of ridiculous shit to happen on our watch.

The most recent example involves a dozen Muslim families living in Winnipeg that have complained the music and co-ed physical education programs are un-Islamic. Rather than tell them to fuck off and crawl out of the 8th century culturally, school officials are bending over backwards to accommodate these ridiculous demands.

Is there anyone with a brain and some balls willing to tell these families what we’re all thinking?

Mahfooz Kanwar, a member of the Muslim Canadian Congress, says he has some better ideas.

“I’d tell them, this is Canada, and in Canada, we teach music and physical education in our schools. If you don’t like it, leave. If you want to live under sharia law, go back to the hellhole country you came from or go to another hellhole country that lives under sharia law,” said Kanwar, who is a professor emeritus of sociology at Mount Royal University in Calgary.

Kanwar has some interesting things to say about the failure of multiculturalism, and I have to agree here. All it’s done is ghettoize immigrants and made it impossible for many of them to assimilate to the values and traditions of Western countries. We tend to forget all the positive advancement we’ve made in civil liberties and assume (incorrectly) cultures are equally tolerant and equally just. It just isn’t so, and we need to stop fucking pretending it is.

If those Muslim families in Winnipeg don’t want their kids to benefit from our educational system, then they should take a trip back to their theocratic hellholes.