The Atheist who stole Christmas

Once upon a time there was a mean old atheist who didn’t like the fact his government was showing obvious favoritism to the dominant religion of his fellow citizens. He dared to ask that other holiday displays not affiliated with the mythology of Jesus also be allowed to be publicly displayed, and a more inclusive form of festivities could be added, so as to reduce the alienation of others.

Luckily, a lovable crank had a dream about what would happen if America didn’t shove Christianity in everyone’s face with a bunch of ghosts, and when he woke up the next morning, he gathered up all his strength and headed over to his little TV station and let the world know about that awful man trying to ruin 70% of the population’s good time. What a hero!

Maybe Pat was talking to Satan

I wonder if Pat Robertson remembers this little gem from back in January, when he claimed God told him in advance that Obama was going to lose the election…which he of course did not. If I was him, I’d just pull the same stunt Mohammed did whenever he was caught making a bullshit prediction: just blame it on the devil. He’s the go-to guy for all your lame excuses: did you cheat on your wife? The devil made you do it! Did you fail to pay your taxes? The devil’s work I tells ya! Man, why take personal responsibility for anything when you can blame some supernatural entity?

Pat Robertson hates free speech

I know he’s a bit of an easy target, since every second word out of this man’s mouth is something horribly offensive and totally out of date. We all have that racist, misogynist grandpa we’re embarrassed by, except we don’t normally have to listen to his hateful rhetoric on TV. Pat has a massive audience of gullible idiots who continue to pay for his lavish lifestyle, and it’s with his network that he’s now decided to attack atheist billboards, which displease him so much, he ironically demands that atheists should not be allowed to speak freely, and all this ‘first amendment’ stuff doesn’t mean jack shit.

I don’t know about you, but I like that he’s feeling rattled. I hope he continues to say shit like that, because if I know Americans, if there’s one thing they can’t stand, it’s anyone telling them to shut the fuck up.

Pay the tithe and tell your wife to get back in the kitchen

You hear that fellas? You’re the “high priest” of the household, which means you can do whatever the fuck you want. Wow, what a great deal, and all because I have a penis! If you’re a misogynistic, gullible idiot who would rather give your money to a bunch of scammers than pay your bills and take care of your family, then the Church has room for you, my friend!

Because Religious Dictators are so much better…

“Our Freedom comes from God”

I’ve heard this argument before. Apparently when you’re living in a delusional bubble, only an all powerful entity can grant people the freedom to damn themselves to an eternity of hellfire. Wow, sure sounds like a fair deal.

Haitian ambassador schools Pat Robertson on history

How awesome is this guy? Here he is schooling Pat Robertson on history, showing the victory of Haiti over the French led not only to the purchase of Louisiana by the United States for roughly 3 cents an acre, but also to the eventual independence of South America. Their historic and heroic victory would change the world forever. Not bad for a “pact with the devil”, eh?

Pat Robertson is insane

I guess once you surrender your mind to the corrosive influence of religion, your grip with sanity is bound to slip eventually. How else can you explain his insane comment that Haiti signed a pact with the devil to gain their independence from the white man? Does he believe everything the little voice in his head tells him? Pat, you need to take medicine for the kind of mental illness you’re obviously suffering from.

I have to wonder if perhaps he’s not being influenced by some kind of deep seated racism. Does he consider Haiti’s independence a bad thing? Would he have preferred they remain a fiat state and the population be subject to the despotic rule of the French? Right now this small poor country is suffering, and all he can do is blame the devil. Does this moron even understand why earthquakes happen? It’s not because an invisible man in the sky gets angry every once in a while. That’s what our primitive and uneducated ancestors used to believe. Now we all know better, except of course for old dinosaurs who don’t have the common decency to die.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 111

patWelcome back for another episode of The Good Atheist Bonus show. This week Ryan and Jeff both join me for a very special episode of The Good Atheist. We talk about Pat Robertson and his insanity, and why young people don’t vote.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 111