Thousands of Women Victim of Witch Hunts in India

I am not a cultural relativist. It’s become a bit of a fashion for my friends on the hard left to adopt the idea that all cultures have some inherent value, and that to judge these cultures is to impose our own morality on others, which is another form of colonialism. I call bullshit on this idea. This isn’t to say that there hasn’t been abuse in this sphere, or that people in the West are not guilty of brutalizing the culture of others in order to make them fit into our societies. However, to ignore that there are still aspects of sheer barbarism that still exists in human cultures is simply wrong, and ignores the real suffering of oppressed people.

I propose that there should be a few criteria to judge whether or not a culture tradition is valid or not. The most obvious of these would be how a culture treats women. For thousands of years, the female of our species have been abused in countless societies. It’s a redress that we have yet to full implement here in the West. While things have vastly improved, women are still harassed and abused in our societies. The rates of domestic violence, rape and harassment only demonstrate the fact that as a society, we are still a work in progress.

But progress is not the same in every country. Take India as an example. The world’s largest democracy also happens to be it’s most volatile, with women being treated in much the same way as they were in Europe during the Dark Ages. In particular, single women are often the target of wild accusations of sorcery, usually born out of a desire to steal their land, and their lives.

Battles over land and property are common starts to witch hunts, says Soma Chaudhuri, a sociologist at Michigan State University who studies gender violence in India. Chaudhuri says witch hunts and beatings provide an outlet for men living in poverty to vent frustrations over their own lack of power.

The numbers are terrifying. From what Scientific American has gathered, thousands of women have been accused of witchcraft, being beaten, or even killed by mobs of ignorant and violent men intent on stealing their goods. It’s despicable, and an example of what happens when you hold women in such low regard. It’s wrong, and needs to be discussed without fear of being accused of “colonialism” for standing up for the rights of women.

Baby Dies after group jumps out of window

Another tragedy in the name of superstition:

A four-month-old baby is dead and 10 other people are injured in the small town of La Verriere, west of Paris, France after they jumped out of their apartment’s third-storey window after believing to have seen the devil.

The story is still a bit of a mess, but it goes something like this: in a crowded apartment, a bunch of naïve superstitious dummies mistook the baby’s father for the devil (who was naked at the time), and they all jumped out of a 3rd story window to get away from him, baby in hand.

What the hell is wrong with people?

Happy Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th, and considering the fact there are still lots of people out there who seem to think a number can be unlucky, I thought it would be fun to try and discover the story behind this superstition (you know, to seem all smart and shit). While there are lots of theories as to its origins, the truth is no one knows exactly why it persists. I suppose it may not even really matter; so long as people are told that they have something to fear, typically they will respond in kind. Statistically, fear of this day actually causes people to act more cautiously, and car accidents have been reported in many countries as actually being lower than most other Fridays of the year.

2009 was a bit unique, as it has three Friday the 13th’s (that’s the most you can have in a given year). The next year when this occurs is 2012. You know how disdainful I am of the crackpot theory that the earth is supposed to end on Dec 21, 2012, and I have to wonder if any of these idiots will try to make a correlation between all those “Black Fridays” and the stupid belief that an invisible planet will collide with Earth. Here’s hoping I didn’t give them another talking point!

I say spend the time walking under ladders, breaking mirrors, and stepping on every crack in the sidewalk.

Young women in India plow fields naked to bring rain

Most of the time, religious superstitions are just silly, stupid, or dangerous. There are plenty of apartment buildings in my city that don’t have a 13th floor for no other reason then people are annoyingly superstitious. Obviously, irrational thinking will make you do irrational things. I’m not telling you anything you don’t know.

Once in a blue moon, however, you come across a particular superstition that is so strange that you can’t help but crack a smile. Take this story in Patna, India, where farmers have been asking their unmarried daughters to plow the fields naked in order to embarrass the gods enough to make it rain.

Now I’m normally the first to tell people this kind of nonsense is ludicrous, but I find this kind of thing too funny to even criticize. A bunch of young, naked chicks plowing the fields is a sight I would PAY to see, so I guess I’ll keep my mouth shut until I can see this ritual for myself. They may not bring much rain, but I’m sure they aren’t going to stay “unmarried” for very long doing this kind of sexy activity.

Two-faced baby worshiped in India

I’ve written a few articles on many of the strange superstitions that run rampant in India. Luckily, this one is a much less harmful (especially compared to witch burnings), although still just as damn weird. It seems a baby was born near New Delhi that has two faces, and now the locals believe she is the reincarnation of a god.

Since I don’t like being a depressing atheist killjoy all the time, I’ll tell you a bit of good news for a change. It seems that the fascination of the locals may actually help the parents, since they are giving them gifts and donations in hopes of pleasing this new deity. Babies born with these kinds of serious deformities tragically die quite young, but so far, doctors are saying she’s fine. Hopefully, this harmless though relatively silly superstition will help a young girl get to experience the joys of being alive. Let’s just hope all this ‘God talk’ doesn’t get to her head…