Pastor sells bleach as a cure for Autism

When you professionally believe in nonsense for a living, it can be nearly impossible to distinguish reality from fantasy. Most of the time, this kind of confusion is innocent, almost childlike. When you believe intently that putting your hands together and wishing things to make them come true, there’s very little harm you can do to yourself and others. However, when a person in a position of authority lacks the intelligence and the understanding to foresee danger, they can easily lead their flock astray.

Take as a prime example pastor Joe Salant. When he isn’t busy rapping to support political candidates, he’s selling industrial bleach tablets to his flock under the guise that this can cure autism. It works in pretty much the same way a gun would does: point it at the person you want to no longer have the disease, pull the trigger, and once they are dead, their symptoms will disappear.

You would think that people would be reluctant to ingest a poison. You would be wrong:

A message on the Safrax website informs customers that there is a 2-4 week delay in sending out orders specifically due to overwhelming demand for the product as a result of the tablets being featured on the radio show of pseudoscience conspiracist Mike Adams.

What I find surprising here is that no one is in jail. There are bound to be tons of people who get seriously ill from consuming this garbage. Where are the authorities in all of this? Is someone immune from prosecution when they poison people simply because it’s a matter of their faith?

As one customer review on their site indicates, these pills are crazy dangerous:

“I can’t find any information about the dosage of the tablets… and I am currently sick. I tried dissolving one in a gallon [of water] and it tastes like pure bleach. I just wanna get well.”

Who knew that ingesting the stuff you use to kill germs would have such an adverse affect on people? Oh yeah, I know who knew: fucking everyone with their head screwed on right!

p.s. The recommended use of this product is 1 PPM 9parts per million), which means that the guy who put it in a gallon consumed hundreds of times the recommended dosage.

Dentist called pastor instead of 911 during botched procedure

Going to the dentist is never pleasant. The needles they put in your mouth, or the high pitch drill they use to remove parts of your teeth, ranks pretty high up there in terms of nightmare fuel. However, for a 4 year old little girl, it was far worse than simply having a bit of pain. It basically ruined her life forever.

During a routine procedure back in 2016, Nevaeh Hall began to have seizures as soon as she was administered a sedative. Rather than call emergency services, Bathaniel Jefferson telephoned both her pastor and a pharmacist instead, and for several hours, the lack of oxygen to Nevaeh wrecked havoc on her brain and nervous system. She is confined to a wheelchair, is now blind and deaf, and will never fully recover from this dentist’s negligence.

A jury has found her guilty of one count of recklessly causing body injury to a child. The prosecution wanted 20 years. The sentence itself is only worth probation, so anyone hoping for more was greatly disappointed.

A civil trial soon followed, with the family being awarded a 95.5 million dollar lawsuit. Unfortunately, it is unlikely the family will ever see this money, as Jefferson’s insurance is unable to cover such a large amount.

Why the hell would anyone call a pastor in a time like that? Was she hoping for some magic prayers to fix he fuckup or something? Bizarre.

Father tries to drown child to appease his God

I’m sure most of you have used Lyft or Uber at some point in your lives. It’s become so normalized that most people barely think about it. In fact, it was so routine that when a customer by the name of Jeremiah Campbell climbed aboard his Lyft, he carried on his day like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Jeremiah was acting strange, however, which prompted the driver to call the police.

When the cops arrived at the scene, they attempted to knock on the suspect’s door, with no success.

Chicago police officers responded to the location and knocked on the door but no one answered. They looked inside a window and saw a man bending over the bathtub and making suspicious movements. Believing there was a drowning in progress, officers forced their way inside the home. With the cops inside, Campbell took the boy out of the bathtub. Officers could hear the boy coughing and saw him “coughing up water,” the report said.

The good news is that his 2 year old son is recuperating from the attempted murder. Jeremiah’s little attempt to recreate Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac is luckily over, and the man is set to appear in court in the next few days. Here’s hoping his little boy finds a home that isn’t inhabited by some religious psycho trying to win brownie points with his bronze age god.

Canadian Muslims organize anti-gay rally

Islam is the world’s most insecure religion. Every other day, they are jailing, or even stoning, apostates and non-believers. Of course, if you start to point out how violent and insecure they are, you get instantly accused of “Islamophobia”, their magic word that’s used to silence any critic. The mere mention of racism is enough to stifle most soft headed liberals who retreat at the idea of hurting anyone’s feeling, or challenging their identity. It’s what has allowed this barbaric religion to continue to abuse and even kill those who oppose their homogony.

Their obvious bigotry has become so open now that Canadian Muslims have decided that it would be acceptable to hold a march AGAISNT gay and trans people. They are billing it as a “Million Man for Kids”. The Alberta Muslim Social Association’s facebook page claims that the organization “…was built to bring families together in a safe and fun atmosphere.” Well, it’s all fun and games until someone in your family isn’t controlled by their Abrahamic faith, or likes someone of the same sex. Then it’s time to destroy them. Just listen to their bullshit mission statement:

As someone once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”, over the past few months, thousands of parents, community leaders and activists from the Abrahamic tradition and others have justly voiced their concern regarding gender ideology and the protection of kids demanding more control and transparency over school curriculums. These concerns haven’t stemmed from a place of hate but rather from the obligation of protecting and preserving our children and future generations.

The good news is that these clowns have had zero success in spreading the word of their hate-march. In fact, if you look at the comments on their page, it’s almost universally negative. If I had to guess, it’s doubtful more than a handful of these hate-mongers are going to show up. If you want to tell these assholes how you feel, don’t be shy! They deserve to know what we think of them.

Another Statue of Jesus Hit by Lightning

If you build a giant, 33 meter flammable statue in the middle of a town, you can’t exactly say that you couldn’t imagine the possibility that it might be hit by lightning and catch on fire. My guess is that they assured themselves that since they were building an effigy of their god, that surely it would be spare the wrath of nature. It only took two years for this ugly mess to be struck by lightning. Now, the small Mexican town that wanted to be known for having the world tallest Jesus statue will have to contemplate trying to spend another 6 years rebuilding it.

The hilarious thing is that it’s not the first time this kind of incident has happened. In 2007, a statue of Jesus was also hit by lightning, and the nuns were quick to claim that it held no religious significance and was simply an act of nature, and not God (boy when the miracle looks sinister, they sure like to pull the “nature” card). Then, three years later, the hideous “Touchdown Jesus” was also struck down. Both were repaired, their parishioners having learned nothing of the devastating power of mother nature.

So, I’m not a superstitious man, but if you religious symbols are being burned down systematically with what almost looks like targeted strikes, is it perhaps not time to rethink the whole affair?

Jim Caviezel is a crazy Q-Anon idiot

I’ve never thought much of Jim Caviezel. The fact that he played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s “Passion of The Christ” is the only thing I know him from, with the possible exception of the movie “Frequency”. His personal life was never something that interested me, and he never struck me as anything more than a pretty face. How wrong I was!

Recently, he did an interview where he claimed that Trump was chosen by God to be a new “King David”. Shockingly, the guy is way more crazy than just having a strange fetish with the Orange Cheeto. This put him on my radar.

Caviezal has blamed playing Jesus as a reason for why he is considered “toxic” in Hollywood. However, recent interviews and comments about him have surfaced, and it sounds like there are other reasons he is not getting any acting gigs. He’s apparently a huge Q-Anon, and a massive racist, and a genuinely dumb person. According to people who worked with him,  he puts people in serious danger due to his neglect and sheer stupidity.

In one scene filmed in Manhattan, he supposed to be driving to chase someone. He’s just supposed to pull out and stop the car for the camera, instead goes full blast, runs a read light, and nearly hits 4 pedestrians. When asked why he would do such a thing, he says it’s “because that’s what the character would do”

To make matters worse, the guy also has been pushing something called the “Adrenochrome conspiracy theory” with his film “Sound of Freedom“. This movie is about a former government official who rescues kids who are kidnapped by global elites intent on sucking the adrenaline out of their dying bodies in order to make a magic formula to live forever. He is convinced that this is based on a true story (it reminds me of the movie Kickboxer and how it was also billed similarly), and believes that he has done humanity a great service making this disguised religious dud.

If you really want to know more about this guy, I recommend you listen to this QAnon Anonymous podcast about him. It’s quite funny.

Lifewise Academy is a walking lawsuit

If there’s one thing you have to give Evangelicals (and believe me, it’s only this one thing), you would have to admire their hustle. When it comes to shoving their religion down our throats, they are on a whole other level.

Take Lifewise Academy. Because of a law in Ohio called the “Released Time” which allows students to substitute their secular schooling for bouts of fundamentalist religious teachings, they have been allowed to operate with impunity for decades.

The rules of this “Release Time” are simple: so long as they are privately funded, and done outside of school property, they are allowed to bus children away off site to fill their little minds with whatever nonsense they want, so long as parents “consent” to it.

There are similar laws in other states, such as Illinois, and it’s clear that these are attempts by religious organizations to use public funding to promote their faiths. That’s why the law was successfully challenged in the 40’s Illinois by a woman named Vashti McCollum, whose son had been forced to attend one of these special classes, with predictable results:

James – the only student in his class not participating in the religion class – was subsequently pressured by his teachers to conform, and his parents were pressured by school officials to permit him to join the religion classes to help James “get along.” The McCollums were angered at their son’s ostracism by his teachers, which included James’s being forced to sit alone in a hallway while the other pupils attended religion classes.

Sounds about right. Despite any assurance from these organizers that non-believers are not pressured or subjected to these views, we all know that this is untrue. There is no doubt that because it is promoted by schools that is violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution. Not only that, but they espouse a political view of the world that can only be described as Christian Nationalism.


New York Youth Pastor caught with Child Porn

I probably should be more specific in my headline, since this kind of thing has become so common, it’s almost impossible to come up with news titles.

In the case of a youth pastor at a Christian camp being caught for child pornography, I would say that apart from his name, Nathan Rogers, and his age, 39, everything about this story is what you’ve come to expect. The specifics are as follows: Rogers invited a young girl to his camper to change, and had setup a video camera beforehand to capture the moment. The girl noticed, and tried to delete the video out of a sense of humiliation, no doubt. Since we are no longer living in a society that keeps this kind of thing secret anymore, he has since plead guilty, and will be a registered sex offender when he gets out of prison. He faces up to 20 years for what he did.

Scientologist Danny Masterson gets life in Jail

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 20 years, odds are that you may have heard, or even watched, a television program called “The 70’s Show”. The ensemble cast found great success in the early 2000’s with a hit sitcom, and they all eventually became big stars in their own rights. Many of the cast were scientologists, with Danny Masterson being the most high profile. With fame often comes trouble, and Danny’s sexual proclivities seem to have included some sexual assault on the side. Three women recently came forward accusing Danny of rape. Now, because the crime has occurred so long ago, the statue of limitation had expired. However, because of a special law in California that makes it so that any crime committed that carries a life sentence cannot fall under the statute, the fact that Danny was a recidivist meant that he was not facing trial.

When the prosecution first presented its case, it was largely barred from being able to mention Scientology, despite the fact that the church had been responsible for not only covering up the crime, but also punishing the women who came forward as well. This first trial ended in a mistrial as a result. The prosecution pursued a new trial, and this time, Scientology was “fair game”. Well, when it was all said and done, Danny was found guilty by a jury of his peers, and was sentenced to life in prison, with the possibility of parole when he ironically turns 70.

Now, not only is this the highest profile Scientologist to face serious prison time, it’s also only the beginning. A civil trial is brewing, and Lia Remini has also joined in and filed a lawsuit against Scientology for it’s various crimes, including human trafficking’s, child labor violations, and kidnapping. It’s very likely that the discovery alone for these trials is going to put the battered religion in the hot seat. There are many ex-Scientologists that are convinced that we are witnessing the end times for the religion, as a huge variety of lawsuits could be incoming once the facts of the cases are presented.

It’s an exciting time for those of us that have been waiting for their downfall. Stay tuned for more incredible news in the coming months!

Haitian Pastor leads flock astray

Haiti is not a pleasant place to be right now. Following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, the government has been unable to control roving criminal gangs. It’s safe to say that the country may be one of the most dangerous places in the world right now.

It’s why the following story is so terrifying. In an act of both stupidity and hubris,  a congregation lead by pastor Marcorel Zidor of the Evangelical Church of the Pool of Bethesda, organized a mass protest with congregants confronting one of the most notorious gang, demanding they leave. Armed with machetes and faith, these deluded fools were no match for the gang armed to the teeth and led by a mysterious man known only as Jeff (no, not this guy).

Police said in a statement that they had tried to convince the religious group to stop their plan “to avoid a carnage by criminals who have an arsenal of war.” Elbé noted that the group had not notified police about the protest as required and that officers were unable to halt the crowd partly because it had split up into two groups.

7 people are now confirmed dead, with an unknown number of injured. A tragedy that could easily have been averted. How many people want to bet that this irresponsible pastor gets a slap on the wrist for this?

Christian school owes 100 million in abuse lawsuit

We keep thinking that children being abused by Christian institution is something that was prevalent in the past. To be sure, when religious institutions were in control, it was a damn epidemic. But that’s not to say that there are still major abuses that are happening even in this modern, highly connected world.

For instance, take the Miracle Meadows School in Virginia. It was founded in the 1980’s, selling itself as an educational institute for troubled teens, run by Seventh Day Adventists. Judging by how it operated, it sounded more like Shawshank prison than a school:

I was on a what I thought was a family weekend away, headed home. Until I arrived at a big tan building instead. When we got there, I was dragged out of the car by a really tall man and lady. I cried and screamed for my mom , dad and brother to help me. The staff told them to drive off. As I kicked and screamed for “what felt like forever ”, I watched them drive off. I was wrestled to the ground and placed in handcuffs. From there I knew that this was it. I was stuck.

Their education techniques involved basically physically breaking kids down and mistreating them on a continual basis:

If you look at the videos for MMS it looks like a quaint little place in West Virginia, run by Christians. What they did not show was the staff waking us up in the middle of the night to run laps until we threw up, or being locked in isolation for weeks while copying down “social rules,” and memorizing many verses, or entire chapters, of the Bible. We were digging ditches for hours then told to fill them back in. Digging the feces-covered rocks out of the sewer, and wheeling them a mile up the road.

They just lost a lawsuit for over 100 million dollars which detailed horrible sexual and physical abuse. This was after losing another lawsuit from another group of victims for roughly 52 million. Attorneys said that there were countless victims, and that like in most cases of abuse, only a small minority of victims were willing to come forward about it. The list of accusations is truly harrowing:

The latest suit included allegations that some students became pregnant after being raped and were given abortions. Some children ranging in age from 7 to 12 were infected with sexually transmitted diseases after being assaulted by staff members, the suit claimed.

I mean how young can these victims get? Is there a limit to this kind of depravity? This institution operated for almost 40 years, spreading misery, STI’s, and mental scaring troubled teens that needed love, and received misery. How many more of these kinds of institutions are hiding in plain sight even today?

Illinois Publishes report on Catholic sexual Abuse

The Illinois Office of the Attorney General has just released it’s report of clerical abuse, and the numbers are staggering. Over 450 priests were found to have engaged in serious sexual abuses of almost 2000 children over the last 70 years (that’s an average of about 30 victims a year). This number was far higher than the paltry 103 the Illinois Diocese had self reported.

The investigation also revealed claims by at least 1,997 survivors who were sexually abused by the 451 Catholic clerics and religious brothers who are now publicly disclosed in Illinois as substantiated child sex abusers, numbers far greater than those reported by the Pennsylvania grand jury

Since no one is actually going to be held accountable for the equivalent of raping a small town, the report instead has a number of “suggestions” that the church has absolutely zero legal obligation to follow. The most reasonable, and least likely to be followed, is the request to reform the way they report crime (which has been “don’t ask don’t tell”). Unless people start going to jail over this, then there really is nothing to force the Catholic church to make any significant changes.

So, the end result is this: zero arrests, a 600 page report that exposes serious sexual abuse that will most likely be ignored by the general population. What exactly was the whole point of it then?

Oklahoma erodes Separation of Church and State

The Catholic church is a sneaky organization. It functions in the shadows, using the justice system as its cudgel in order to gain ground in their effort to regain dominance over society and our lives. It is all very gradual. For instance, when the government began to fund more playgrounds in schools, they went all the way to the Supreme Court (a known friend of religion these days) and pursued a judgement which declared that they too could receive funds, since playgrounds are not educational material.

Now their move is more overt. In Oklahoma, the effort to fund chartered religious schools have been realized, and now tax dollars are being used to fund these indoctrination centers. Its a clear violation of their constitution, but this didn’t stop their government from approving of such nonsense. Now, the population is equally divided over the issue, which is not usually the case.

To be clear, the debate isn’t whether or not believers can set up their own schools. The government still allows parents to deny a proper education in favor of homeschooling, and plenty of private religious “educational” institutions litter the country. Worse still, these Catholic tricksters even get the government to pay their tuition for students who don’t have access of public schools. No, this is specifically the fact that taxpayers, already inadvertently paying for religious organizations by their refusal to pay taxes, are now forced to shell out money to ensure that an insecure and controlling religion can be forced upon people.

With the Supreme Court stacked the way it is, I wouldn’t be surprised if any pending lawsuits this results on a state level will undoubtedly lead to more favorable decisions by a justice system now completely tainted by religion. It’s ironic that, in a world where there are fewer religious people than ever in the population, they have more power than ever. Our indifference to their actions has cost us dearly, and will continue to do so.

Woman shot over Pride Flag by Religious extremist

Ignorance is tragedy, especially when it turns someone into a violent maniac. On Friday, August 18th, Laura Ann “Lauri” Carleton was shot and killed after an argument erupted with a customer at her store. The reason for the row? Laura had proudly displayed the pride flag outside of her shop, and this greatly angered Travis Ikeguchi, who decided that the way to resolve this dispute was to include Smith & Wesson into the mix. When the police arrived and demanded he drop his weapon, his 9mm handgun did the talking, and officers responded in kind.

All that remains of this sad, angry man are his hateful social media posts, which spoke predictably of the evils of abortion and homosexuality, care of his faith based upbringing. As for Laura, she was well loved in the community, so much so that film director Paul Fieg wrote about his loss.

“Our wonderful friend Lauri Carlton (seen in this picture) was murdered yesterday in her store @magpi_shop in Lake Arrowhead by a 27 year old man who didn’t like that she had a large pride flag hanging outside of her shop,” he wrote. “He ripped it down and when she confronted him about it he shot and killed her… Lauri Carleton was my friend. She was a wonderful person who did so much for the LGBTQ+ community as well as the community at large. What happened to her is an absolute tragedy. If people don’t think anti-gay & trans rhetoric isn’t dangerous, think again”

These are strong words, but they lack the fundamental element that allows this degree of hate to foment in the first place. You’ll find at the root cause is still religious organizations, and their murderous obsession with making the whole world fit into their narrow world view. It angers me still that everyone always fails to point out the gigantic elephant in the room.

Young Woman Paralyzed after visit to Chiropractor

Imagine for a moment that you have a sore neck, and a friend suggests to you that you should go visit a chiropractor. Like most people in pain, you are desperate for relief, and figure that you have nothing to lose by going. Except that in some cases, you do have a lot to loose, like in the case of Caitlin Jensen, a 29 year old women who was paralyzed last year when a chiropractor (or as I like to call them, medical fraudsters) manipulated her neck and broke it, causing her to have a stroke. She is now paralyzed and requires the use of a wheelchair to get around. Her recovery has been slow, but she is lucky to be alive after being the latest victim of an industry without oversight.

When are people going to wake up and realize that chiropractic “medicine” is nothing but a bullshit pseudoscience peddled by people too lazy or stupid to attend medical school. These scammers take money from people, cracking their backs and neck without any real medical training. If you trust your life and future to these charlatans, you might just end up like poor Caitlin. What a waste.