The Neuroscience of Religious Delusion

I’ve always found that the belief in god is merely an externalization of our own solipsism. Deep down, we all believe that we are gods, but some people merely transfer those feelings on to the outside world. Why else would anyone assume not only to know there is a god, but that he is in complete agreement with you?

Candace Owens Is Loosing It

You have to laugh whenever a believer accuses others of trying to “brainwash” people. It’s not like they are generally opposed to the idea. They just don’t like that it’s not their special brand of crazy that’s being espoused. Hilariously enough, it seems as though even the right of the political spectrum considers Owens to be radioactive. It could have something to do with her raging anti-semitism, but who knows. It’s not like Christians were ever big fans of the Jews.

Church Tricks Dying Woman into Changing Will

It’s the kind of story that makes you sick: an aging woman, with a serious medical condition that effected her thinking was manipulated by the pastor of a California church named North Avenue Baptist Church into changing her will. Her son, Michael, is now trying to fight this fraud. For those of you interested in helping him out, Charles has a GoFundMe set up to fight it.

Jeff Sharlet Interview on Christian Nationalism

If you’ve never heard of Jeff, he’s been studying Christian Nationalism before it was given that moniker. His illuminating book, “The Family”, is a must read for those interested in learning more about how religion is fusing with American politics.

In this interview, he talks about the mutation of Christianity, and what it means for the future of the country.

Christians Get Off on Persecution

Here is the trailer for yet another Christian movie where the protagonists are living in a world where their beliefs are being persecuted. You might remember the entertaining but preposterous movie “Book of Eli”, where Denzel Washington played a blind man that had memorized the entire Bible, and as a result was the target of an evil Gary Oldman. At it’s heart, it was an action movie, which is what made it worth watching.

Unfortunately for entertainment, this premise wasn’t ludicrous enough. Now, a Christian production company has decided to make a distopia in which the Bible is made illegal, and the government forces people to have a more “inclusive” Bible. The main characters must now run all over the place with dramatic music playing in order to stop an evil government.

The comment section is pretty telling. A bunch of delusional Christians that feel as though the whole world is against them. These are the same people that are attempting to impose the Bible on everyone else, hoping to use the government as their cudgel to force it down our throats.

The agenda that is the teaching of the devil and is leading people to hell with him. Follow Christ’s teachings, and you will have eternal life. People different from you have every right to be on the same planet, but the right to enter the kingdom of heaven is given by it’s king, and his name is Jesus Christ. You will see him coming on the clouds, on the day he will judge you, and me, and all the living and the dead. The difference is, he is with me, and I am with him. Who are you with?

So basically you only really have the right to follow the Bible, and everyone else can burn in hell. What a pleasant god you believe in! No wonder his followers are all so fucking annoying: they keep thinking that if they aren’t in charge, the whole world will fall apart. This kind of fantasy is probably intended to make them believe that their attempts to undermine the separation of church and state is ultimately for the greater good. It just the kind of delusional, non-reality based thinking that these clowns are famous for.

So, whose in the mood to watch a bunch of crappy, third rate actors cry over not being able to read about how Jesus cursed a bunch of pigs. So sad.

Christians Face Political Division and Abandonment

It always fascinates me the way that religious people try and justify the reasons for why their sales pitch isn’t landing anymore. Some say that it’s trust in institutions in general that has eroded people’s faith. Others point to the fact that the increasingly worrisome behavior of Christians Nationalists have turned people off to their religion.

Still, you can’t expect a person who’s livelihood is dependent on the continued existence of these man made religions to have much insight as to why people are leaving in droves. Keep in mind that religious organizations are some of the richest groups on earth, and they have a near unlimited amount of funds that they could use to set an example, and to attract people due to their good works. Instead, they all behave similarly: their greed and avarice is obvious to all. The Mormon church has a financial portfolio of over 100 billion dollars. They could literally end world hunger tomorrow. Imagine how many new converts they would have with such a move.

IT also seems telling that no one has answered that the decline of religion occurred at the same time that the Internet began to have more influence in our lives. This means that people were able to learn more about their religion, and in almost every case, this tends to make people less religious.

This Dude is Dumb

Why is it that Christians who have never in their life studied evolution think that they know anything about it? I realize that there’s a cottage industry of hucksters that constantly pump into their deluded heads that Charles Darwin was a racist, and how this signifies that evolution is therefore wrong. Still, the Dunning Kruger effect is in full swing here, where this dude thinks he can undermine the most tested theory in science because its founder was racist.

First, it’s always tricky when discussing the views of people who lived in different times. Was Charles Darwin a racist? If we were to judge him by the standards of the time, he was no more prejudice than the average person. This meant that he believed the idea of the time that humanity was separated into different races. It’s not difficult to understand why. But this only means that he was unaware of the true extent of his theory, and it would be hard to imagine that any person living in the 1800’s would not carry with them the prevailing opinions of the time. This would be the equivalent of denying gravity because Newton drank mercury, fully aware of its dangers. Truths are not defined by the people who discover them. They exist independently of the individuals bold enough to discover them.

Secondly, it’s quite hilarious how out of touch with modern science Christians really are. Darwin’s contributions basically ended with his theory, and we have since moved far beyond his speculations. We now have a number of complementary sciences that corroborate this incredible discovery: genetics, fossil records, and geology to name a few. Each of these disciplines lends credence to the idea that we all share a common ancestor.

Thirdly, the reason why Christians are so scared of evolution is because of how it shows that there is no need for a creator for our existence. All of the diversity of life can be explained through the mechanisms of evolution, which includes, but is certainly not limited to, natural selection.

Lastly, I think it’s pretty disgusting to accuse black atheists of supporting racism by practicing intellectual integrity. Your “blackness” was supposedly a curse from God , if I recall the Bible correctly (Shem seeing his father naked and being cast out), and this is a truly grotesque and disgusting idea, far more than the fact that we all share a common ancestor.

I got bad news for you my man. You dumb. The good news is that if you read more than one book, you might actually start to learn something.

More Bibles in Schools, Less Free Lunches

What happens when you interview the coauthor of an insane bill designed to force the 10 commandments in schools? You get one of the more unhinged and deranged individuals yet! And let’s not forget this dangerous idiot is just getting started!

This woman is against programs that would help children from poorer families to benefit from a meal program. That kind of charity is not in the 10 commandments, so it can promptly go to hell I guess.

You know, when claiming that America is a Christian nation, I think that this religiosity should be pointed at whenever we see the legacy of racism. After all, the Bible condones slavery, and was one of the main documents used to justify it. That’s history folks, and if they insist on accuracy, I say we oblige them. “Introduction to Christian Atrocities 101” sounds about right, doesn’t it?

Standoff with a Religious Wacko in Florida

What do you get when you cross a pervert and a mentally unstable man? Well, you get this man: Robert Shawn Detherow, a 56 year old man who was recently arrested after a tense standoff. Police were originally called due to a noise complaint, but Detherow had barricaded the road in anticipation of a police standoff. When they arrived, police were peppered with beer bottles.

Detherow is a “survivalist”, which baically means that he’s a doomsday prepper that has a strong hostility with authority. In the video above, he basically taunts officers to kill him, all because he is upset that transgender people exist in America.

After a standoff that lasted over 6 hours, Detherow was finally placed in their custody. He now faces serious charges for assaulting officers. With Christian Nationalists continuing to fill diseased heads like Detherow, these kinds of incidents will continue to happen with disturbing frequency.

Christians are Crybabies

In an effort to appeal to an increasingly diverse urban population, a UK supermarket chain have angered Christians after they decided to remove the symbol of the cross from their “hot cross buns”. They’ve substituted it with a nike-like swoosh, and this has outraged overly sensitive Christians who believe that unless they have total cultural domination in society, they are somehow “under fire”.

There’s a part of me that wonders if all those early Christian martyrs would be more than a little angry at these hypocrites who pretend that their lives are in danger. Bitch please. These jerks will do everything in their power to suppress other faiths, and then cry like little babies whenever their grip on society starts to slip.

LifeWise Academy Needs to be Stopped

It has to be strange to be the bad guy, and not know it. When you hold onto a belief that claims that you are righteous, there’s no limit to the depraved and corrupt things you’ll do to makes sure everyone around you thinks the same way.

Some of you may remember that we covered this creepy organization in the past. Lifewise academy is a Christian Nationalist organization that seeks to indoctrinate kids into their club. In states like Ohio, Arkansas and Georgia, these busy bees have been able to operate with impunity, as US courts are increasingly becoming friendly to the notion of letting religious organizations proselytize during school hours.

The way these guys get around the obvious issue with teaching religion in schools is that they will “bus” kids out somewhere else, and teach them off campus. This is a loophole that is increasingly being exploited.

Now, some groups have pushed back .For instance, Satanist groups are now also doing the same, partly to offer an alternative to Lifewise, but also to outrage parents with the notion that they might be getting brainwashed (Satanists groups don’t engage in any religious teachings. Rather, they usually just offer extra curricular activities).

In response, lawmakers are trying to ban Satanism, and get it’s tax exempt status revoked. Typical strategy by Christians who don’t think the rules apply to them. If you want to support their effort, I encourage you to make a donation.

The part that really gets to me are the bogus claims that these extra curricular religious programs somehow help the students do better in schools. There are no studies to back this up, not that I expect religious zealots to know how to conduct such a study. These guys have never heard of sourcing anything, so if you were hoping for proof, that’s one word religious people have never fully comprehended anyways.

David Koechner calls Catholicism a Cult

The actor who played Champ in Anchorman opens up to comedian Neal Brennan about his experiences growing up in a strict Catholic family. Having had 2 uncles and aunts that joined as nuns and priests, he was in a household that lived by the Churches doctrine. In this part of the interview, he talks about how his family’s poverty was one of the main reasons for them joining up.

It’s crazy how many people out there have been abused and victimized by the Catholic Church. We tend to forget that about 40 to 50 years ago, the Church had way more power than it does today. It’s also sad to consider how many lives were ruined simply because of the desire to learn. It’s a reminder of how lucky we are today to have access to so much information and knowledge. While it’s definitely a blow against the Church in a variety of ways, it doesn’t mean they haven’t found new ways to try and entrap people to their vile blood cult.

Local Rabbi is Infecting Babies with Herpes

The ritualistic mutilation of young boys is a practice that will forever baffle me. Originally it was an Egyptian tradition, reserved only for the royal family. Like all fads, it was eventually abandoned by most of its practitioners, save one: the Jews, who believe that the act of cutting off the foreskin of the penis is part of their covenant with God, who does not seem to be a fan of this particular piece of flesh.

In America, plenty of Gentiles are also circumcised. It’s estimate that about half of American males have been mutilated. It doesn’t hurt that this practice is a cash cow for doctors, who often cite poorly conducted studies on its supposed health benefits. Little is discussed of the physical trauma of cutting off one of the most sensitive areas of a young child without any anesthesia. After watching a few of these procedures, where the children often go into a kind of shock, you’d have a hard time keeping your lunch down.

The pain of this procedure is not the only dangers that these vulnerable children face. In Orthodox Judaism, the mohel who cuts the foreskin will also use his mouth to suck on the penis of the baby, supposedly in an effort to “disinfect” the wound. Instead, these disgusting individuals often carry sexually transmitted diseases, which are then passed on to the child. Naturally, this religious minority is extremely secretive, which means that this kind of abuse goes completely under the radar. Even when it comes to light, authorities will usually trip over themselves to avoid arresting or pressing charges against these mohels, for fear that they might anger the Orthodox community, which tends to have a great deal of voting power.

So, what is Rochester doing to prevent more babies from getting infected? Well, they certainly aren’t prosecuting the people involved. No, instead they are printing out brochures warning people not to allow their religious leaders to engage in their disturbing practices. “you can do it if you want, but know the facts” was one victim’s statement.

I guess giving diseases to babies is kosher, so long as there’s a religious ritual to justify it!