Hey, remember this post I put up a few months back? Well, since Christmas is coming up, I have an excuse to put it up again. You can’t have a merry Christmas without playing this at your holiday party. Guaranteed to get a shitload of laughs, especially if the audience is filled with “Christmas cheer”.
Category Archives: Videos
This guy is scary, but luckily he just died
Say what you will about Oral Roberts; at least he wasn’t boring. This guy was a pioneering televangelist, who basically invented the idea of scamming people out of their hard earned money on TV. In 1977 he claims he had a vision of a 900 foot tall Jesus urging him to construct a hospital, which he did. He also started a crazy Christian school, and despite the most famous of his graduates being a fictional character (Ned Flanders), it’s still in operation despite having gone massively into debt (having found a generous and obviously pious contributor). He died today, which I regard as stellar news.
In this video you can hear his painful/hilarious opinions about intercourse, including how “wild and crazy” gay sex is. Does anyone else find it slightly ironic that a man named Oral would be so objectionable towards fellatio? Just sayin’.
Sam Harris lambasts liberals for excusing fundamentalists
You’ve got to love Sam Harris. He’s not afraid to speak his mind. On his radar screen these days are the liberal apologists who try and excuse Islamic fundamentalism on economic and social disparity. Is it so hard to believe a religion can entice its followers to hate others for very little cause? I love how he mentions the religious nutbags in America are better suited to understand the danger of Fundamentalist Islam; takes one to know one, I guess.
Scientology is creepy
So apparently Scientology is trying to secretly raise money to begin their “Crusade” (their choice of words, not mine) to build a ton of their creepy “Orgs” around the country. They made a video, and it was recently leaked (man, do I love the Internet), so now you get to have a first hand look into their weird and distorted picture of the world. These delusional idiots really believe that the world needs to be “clear” and alien engrams are causing them all kinds of problems. One woman in the video admitted to waking up one day and hating her husband. I guess the thought her hatred wasn’t the result of alien soul interference might have made her feel like a pretty shitty person, no?
I love in the first few minutes how they start ranting about how messed up the world is today: Oh no, there’s tons of scary things out there in the world, and it’s so FUBAR that only a religion started by a terrible science fiction writer can possibly save us! These Scientologist scumbags have the audacity to claim no one except for them have any decency and morality. These are the same individuals that actually charge you money to “cure” you of your self doubt. So here we have a cult of greed pretending they are a charity. Incredible.
Best line of this whole mess of a video: “Without us actually doing something and changing the course of [the]future, with us like…ARRGG…getting in there, it’s a no go, and I don’t want to live like that for the rest of my eternity”. The runner up: “Every eternity to come starts with a single step”
I think after watching this video, you can come to two very simple conclusions: #1, Scientologists are obsessed about the thought of living forever, and #2, they are incredibly creepy regarding this singular obsession.
I knew it: Pokemon IS evil!
If there’s any doubt as to the Satanic nature of Pokemon, I’d sure like to hear it. I’m just glad I was too old to fall into that “collect them all” insanity every kid was going nuts about. Of course, I don’t think I ever hated it as much as this fucking guy. You’d think the cartoon was forged in the fires of Hades with the vitriol he reserves for it!
Interview with a suicide bomber
Can you believe how insane this guy is? Such is life when you live your life by some insane and murderous dogma. This fucker doesn’t even care if his family is killed as a direct result of his actions. This is precisely why I find the concept of the “afterlife” so corrosive; assholes like this suicide bomber make decisions based on the stupid assumption there is life after death.
I also love how the interviewer argues that jihad is only OK if you have permission from the Islamic State. What the fuck is that about? Way to look civilized, moron.
Eugenie Scott fights the good fight
If you want to know what kind of fight you have to put up against creationists, let veteran of the game Eugenie Scott tell you all about it. It’s rather scary when you think about it, really. It already seems incredibly difficult and painful just pushing back against the irrationality of these very vocal and stupid people. It also doesn’t help when clowns like Kirk Cameron keep showing up telling everyone they are wrong.
Hitchens debates some guy no one cares about
You might recall Rabbi Boteach as the annoying idiot who doesn’t do more than just make statements without any evidence. In fact, his first turn at the microphone is spent simply insulting Hitchens and his book, and he doesn’t say one thing of value. The most hilarious/tragically ironic part of the video occurs about 46 minutes in when he accuses Hitchens of character assassination not 10 minutes after having done the very same thing (and he continues to do so for the rest of his speech).
Why do atheists care about religion?
Here’s a pretty comprehensive video about why atheists care about religion. No, it’s not just because we’re a bunch of crusty fucks (although I fully admit I might sometimes fall into that category). I also kind of dig the techno song playing in the background (in a cheesy electronic music kind of way).
Hitchens, Harris & Dennett Vs Boteach, D’Souza, Wright & Taleb
I personally find it pretty painful and embarrassing to listen to D’Souza talk. At least Wright takes the stance it could be some mysterious force out there in the Universe that directs evolution (it’s stupid, but lots of really smart people believe in this bullshit). D’Souza, on the other hand, tries to make the claim that Christianity is the most scientific of all faiths, despite the obvious fact his system of belief discourages skepticism and relies on a rigid and nonsensical dogma. I guess he’s got to defend what he believes, but it doesn’t stop his ramblings from being painful to hear. Luckily, he gets spanked by the Horsemen.
Daniel Dennett is awesome
I was lucky enough to go to one of Dan’s lectures when he came to Montreal a few years ago. Dan is one of the “Four Horsemen”, but he doesn’t really get the respect he rightly deserves. Dan is funny, provocative, and looks like a cross between Santa Claus and Charles Darwin. What’s not to love? I know it’s long, but WATCH THIS!
Bill Donohue thinks victims abused by Catholic Church are “Gold Diggers”
You’ve got to love Bill Donohue; no matter what the Catholic Church does, Bill is there to defend them to the death. Here he is claiming that the abuse of thousands of kids in Ireland at the hands of priests is an almost complete fabrication, and all of the victims are just a bunch of money hungry gold diggers. Thanks to the hard work of insane douchebags like “Dr.” Bill here, atheists have to work a lot less hard to convince people to abandon their religion. Thanks for just being your crusty, ignorant self Billy-Boy!
Bill Donahue is a fucking liar
Bill Donahue is a busy man; so busy in fact that he doesn’t even have time to watch the shows he criticizes. Here’s a radio interview with Louis C.K. calling Bill on his bullshit. Bill tries to pass this off as some kind of joke, but clearly, his words aren’t meant to be funny at all:
The sacred and the profane are elements found in every society. In our society, the sexual and the scatological often constitute the profane, as in this show. Ironically, the sacred, which is Roman Catholicism, cannot be ignored, even by the depraved. But that is no excuse for this barbaric presentation.
Wow Bill, you are so fucking hilarious. Maybe they should do a TV show with you someday. If I was the producer, I know what I would call it: The Bill Donahue Obnoxious Liar Dickbag Hour. Nah, you’re right; an hour is way too long.
This woman is an embarrassment to humanity
Every single time you hear a person start a speech with “My Gawd, my Gawd, my Gawd”, you need to pull your ear plugs out of your pocket and put them on immediately. This woman compares homosexuals with dogs, and claims the “Devil” is now loose and running wild in her community. You don’t need a supernatural entity to commit evil, lady; you’re doing just fine spewing your bigoted hatred without any help.
On a side note, does this stupid banshee wear garments of different cloths, or eat meat on the weekend, or have pierced ears? Those are all sins, you know…
This woman broke my brain
After having listened to the excellent presentation on the Cosmos of Mr. Lawrence Krauss, listening to this idiot trying to teach something she clearly knows nothing about is almost too painful to bear. If you have a will made of iron, or you’ve already given up on humanity, maybe, just maybe you can make it through this entire video without having a subdural hematoma. Watch this at your own risk, for the stupid, it BUURRRNNNSSS!