The only lesson I can gather from the story of Job is he was a pawn in a cosmic pissing match between God and the Devil. Had this actually happened, I would have been disgusted, but luckily it’s just your typical desert people myth. Man with lots of wealth gets fucked over but keeps on believing in God. The lesson: don’t expect to have a good life even if you are devout. What a fair deal, no?
Category Archives: Videos
Hitchens talks about the Jesus myth
It wouldn’t be a good morning unless it involves Christopher Hitchens laying the smackdown on the notion that the story of Jesus is anything more than a clever fabrication; an exaggeration and distortion of history.
John Safran tells it like it is
This scene is from “John Safran vs God“, a television program from Australia. Although his voice may be shrill and annoying, the guy knows how to make good television (I strongly recommend downloading it). Hopefully, I’m one of those guys who’s smart enough to be an atheist, but hey, you never know…
Glenn Beck is annoying
Glenn Beck needs to stop thinking he’s William Wallace from Braveheart. He always looks like he’s on the edge of tears for absolutely no reason. It must be a sad time to be a Republican if they gravitate towards such a fat and annoying crybaby. Your whinny, desperate speeches only inspire the delusional or stupid, Glenn.
Warning: this is painful to watch
If you don’t know anything about evolution, it’s usually a good idea to do a little research before talking about it, especially if you think it’s wrong. Here’s a video from some douche who fancies himself both wise and hilarious; sadly he is neither. At first I was hoping he was one of the good guys, but as it turns out, this budget Ryan Seacrest seems to think both Intelligent Design and Evolution are unscientific. It’s a pretty bold claim for a scientist to make. Good thing he isn’t one.
Personally, I find these mindless idiots rather irritating and exasperating. No, evolution isn’t about “improvements”, and no, species don’t become increasingly better as time progresses. Evolution isn’t a progression of ever increasing complexity; it’s actually more like a tree, with species branching off (typically because a group becomes genetically isolated for an extended period of time), and slowly changing to better adapt to its environment. If this jackass would simply sit down and try reading a book rather than film himself saying stupid shit, he might actually learn something.
I actually have an idea for you buddy; if you don’t think evolution has ever been proven, then why not submit your idea to a scientific journal, citing all your facts and research to prove your point. If you’re right, a Nobel prize and handsome stipend will be your reward. It sure beats trying to become rich and successful making a series of unfunny and uninformative videos, don’t you think?
Cool video on the Big Bang
It’s always really cool to see talented people making videos promoting science for no other reason other than “science rocks”. It sure does.
Who wants this man for mayor?
OK, I was tempted to make fun of what this guy is saying, but he is literally incomprehensibly insane. I think he says Jesus Christ a total of 12 times in less than 3 minutes. He wants people to work for a dollar a year (and fire anyone who says no), and claims as mayor, he’ll refuse to work with anyone connected with Satan. This Glenn Moon character should forget about running for mayor, and instead look for a job with Fox News.
Also, don’t you love how much he yells? Is he running for Mayor or coach of a little league team?
Bibleman is terrible
I wonder which part of the Bible he follows. Do you think he would stone kids to death for being disobedient, or swearing at them? There’s also a chick superhero in the group. I bet whenever she’s on her period, the others ask her to stay out of their secret fortress or something (hey, I didn’t make the rules here!). The show is apparently geared to 6 year olds, which goes a long way to explain why it looks so goddamn terrible.
Can you believe this crap?
Ryan and I will be recording a show later today about the “coming” apocalypse of Dec. 21, 2012, and I thought I’d include this video so you could get pumped about the podcast. Here’s my favorite quote: “History has a surprisingly accurate track record for those who say the end is almost near”…Uh, what the fuck does that mean? How can anyone have been accurate about improperly predicting the end of the world? I think the very fact that we are still here seems to prove that statement to be, oh, I don’t know, entirely MADE UP!
Rabbit Jesus!
I actually think I prefer this version of the story to the Christian gospel (it also involves chocolate, which is awesome). It finally made me understand why all my old pets are burning in hell. I should have told them about Rabbit Jesus!
Can you make it through the whole song?
Your challenge for today is to make it through the whole song here without losing your sanity. If I did it, so can you. For those of you who are gluttons for punishment, you can go visit Billy Wayne here.
I think the most interesting line in this terrible song is this: “He sent his only son to bear my shame”. I really have to wonder what shame he’s talking about. Is it possible this former Broadway actor has some kind of deep, dark (and possibly sexy) secret, and only Jesus can admonish him for such a shameful sin? I wonder what it could be…
Science is wicked!
The majority of religions are convinced their vision of the universe is beautiful and inspired, but you really need to turn to science for the good stuff. Not even the most clever religion can grasp the true size and scope of the cosmos. For some, the scope of the universe may be overwhelming, and it may convince them that without the notion of gods, our existence is random and meaningless. But what does that matter? Does one need meaning to get up in the morning and enjoy the pleasures of being alive? You live in a universe with billions of other galaxies, all retreating away from one another at astonishing speed. Is that not mind-blowing?
Super Atheism
I have to admit this fucking guy confuses the hell out of me. Martin Martinovich (who seems Russian to me) has a religion called “Super Atheism”, a belief that a super advanced alien civilization created man as he exists today (by crossing Chimp DNA with their own “Super Sapien” DNA). He also claims the legend of Atlantis is present all over the world, even though the only mention of it is in Plato’s Republic (guess that doesn’t really matter to him). For him, Atlantis is actually the home planet of our genetic masters in the sky, which orbits the Sirius star. Yep, sure sounds like atheism to me!
This junk is your standard New Age bullshit, except this one tries to use the word “atheism” in it. As an unbeliever, I have to tell you this idiotic and fanciful theory is both extremely childish, stupid, intellectually dishonest, and embarrassing. I can sum it up nicely by quoting a few passages from Martinovich’s own website:
Super Atheism respects and understands the power of RA: a hidden cosmic light as a balance, nature’s low, structure of the Universe and mankind that lives within. Light determines meaning, structure, and purpose of everything: known and unknown. Light has a constant tendency to become a matter.
What the hell does this garbage mean?
Smack them Christians down!
Ok, so I’ll admit the song is actually kind of lame, but I can dig all the effort they put behind this thing. It’s obviously very tongue-in-cheek, and I’m glad the fat guy from Office Space is still getting work (he played the corrupt minister in the beginning).
Test your Faith vision!
Blog superstar Pharyngula posted this yesterday, and I thought it was too funny not to show those of you who don’t follow his blog the works of Edward Current. He’s done tons of videos like this. What’s great about them is they tend to fall under Poe’s Law for some, and it’s always funny to read the YouTubers who think he’s actually being serious.