Nigeria is still messed up

Continuing our coverage of the messed up situation in Nigeria, here is a video care of Unreasonable Faith showing a mob of Christians faithful to Helen Ukpabio disrupting a humanist conference. The main issue they were going to discuss was the huge problem of abused children suspected of “witchcraft”.

The humanists (dressed in white) try in vain to calm everyone down, but in the end they can just sit and watch as these nutjobs yell, scream and jump around like wild animals. At minute 1:26, they attack one of the peaceful humanists, breaking his glasses and stealing a bag containing his camera and cell phone. How Christ-like of them, no?

Children in Nigeria are being tortured and killed over this superstitious nonsense, and meanwhile, monsters like Helen Ukpabio are making a small fortune from their ignorant and violent flock. I admire all of the courageous Nigerian men and women who fight against this terrible religiosity, especially in light of such terrible odds.

This is what passes for “fair and balanced” at Fox News

Here Steve Doocy shows us precisely why Fox News is such a bankrupt news organization. According to this moron, putting the word God in your ad signifies that you must believe in him. By that logic, putting up a sign that says there is no Santa somehow secretly acknowledges the existence of the jolly bearded one. Fox’s new slant on the whole controversy of atheism is to constantly remind us that people are “offended” by non-religious individuals who are speaking their minds. Guess what guys, it isn’t a fucking crime to offend anyone (well, not yet at least), so get over yourselves.

Can you recognize the relative success of these ads now? Every time one goes up, the media literally goes bananas. I’m starting to appreciate the subtle genius of this campaign, don’t you?

Boohoo, atheists are so mean!

Christians hate plurality. They realize if you start celebrating every stinking holiday, they might start having to share the spotlight with other faiths, or others that have no faith. I love how outraged Gretchen (what a terrible and tragic name) is at “Festivus”, as though this harmless little holiday is going to bring down the destruction of mankind. She’s also terrified that little kids might see an atheist sign and freak out or something. Oh no, run for your lives! The atheists are coming, and they are going to corrupt your children into doubting the existence of your God. For the love of science, will no one stop these monsters???

Oh wait, that’s a good thing…

Tim Minchin is the man

I went to see Tim Minchin two years ago when he came to the Just for Laughs festival. I always love watching these kinds of performers, who combine humor, intelligence, and insight into their acts. As most TGA fans have probably realized by now, I get a huge hard-on for rationality.

Science is awesome

While religious institutions try to deal with the stupid and pointless question of ‘what does this God fellow want’, science continues to blaze forward to improve people’s lives. Here they are offering sight to blind people using stem cells, the very things these same religious institutions want to ban. Go science!

Spiritual mathematics

You have to love guys like Jerry Falwell and the twisted way they persuade people to give them money. Here he is giving people what is perhaps the worst financial advice I’ve ever heard: if you don’t have a lot of money, it’s because you aren’t giving enough of it to your church. I guess God is for sale, and in Jerry’s case, business was always booming. It’s no secret this guy was rich. How can you not be when people are giving you 10% of their salary?

I miss George Carlin

He hasn’t even been dead for a year and already I miss his antics. We need a new comedian to fill the role of hilarious curmudgeon to otherwise shame and ridicule people who believe in stupid things. Here he is pointing out that UFO believers are actually less crazy than Christians.

You die because you sin!

Alright, it’s time for Ray Comfort to explain the mysteries of life to you. Here he is explaining to people why you cannot go to heaven based on your own goodness, since all human beings are inherently evil. Like the rest of his evangelical ilk, he believes the only way to ‘secure’ your place in magic land is by believing in Jesus, who had to be tortured and killed as blood atonement for the curse God (who is also supposed to be Jesus) placed upon all of us from birth.

He also claims it isn’t aging that kills us; it’s sin. So, the reason we get old and die is because our bodies decay like the Emperor in Star Wars. As you can guess, this is not the reason we die, and it certainly sends a pretty bleak message about how terrible we are as people, since salvation is impossible for anyone who isn’t into blood sacrifice. Pretty sick ideology if you ask me.

Steroids and Jesus: a match made in heaven

I had never heard of John Jacobs and the Power Team until now. In case you were like me, this evangelical tour uses feats of strength to convert people to Jesus. These kinds of quasi-religious sideshows are nothing new; Shaolin monks have perfected this shtick for hundreds of years. The only difference is they weren’t ‘beefed up’ by the power of the Lord!

I guess breaking off handcuffs is supposed to be a metaphor for life. If that’s true, I’m not sure what ripping a phone book in half symbolizes. Maybe you don’t like calling people, perhaps? If you’re wondering what Jacobs is up to, he declared bankruptcy in 2003, and after allegedly physically assaulting one of his ‘troops’, he went out and started another organization called ‘John Jacobs and the Next Generation Power Force‘. Kinda sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon to me…

Now she’s pissed

Sometimes when you’re in this ‘atheist game’, you get a little frustrated and annoyed when religious people make absurd claims like ‘God cured me of cancer’ when they are at a hospital.

Medical Miracle? She was on Chemo!

o, this women is on chemotherapy and has surgery to remove her tumors. They luckily didn’t return, and she is cured. While her doctors were busy using science to save her life, she’s given a disgusting old finger bone of some obscure dead priest by friend, and suddenly, we’re supposed to forget the fact she was being treated for cancer and believe a divine miracle saved her. So while the real story is we have another brilliant victory for science, these morons focus on her creepy necklace. Surely her survival must be the work of God! After all, he wouldn’t want this obviously brilliant woman to join him in his magical Funland just yet.

Great job Fox News in proving once again you have no journalistic credibility whatsoever.