Villagers kill 5 ‘witches’ in Kenya

If you have a weak stomach, then I urge you not to watch this video. This is uncensored human stupidity at work. If you’ve ever said superstition isn’t harmful, then you’ve obviously never traveled to some of the less fortunate parts of the world, where the combined brutal ignorance and extreme poverty are a recipe for disaster.

If you think this video is outrageous, consider the fact the person who recorded this video had also notified the police 45 minutes before the attack, but they did nothing. Now 5 people are dead, and all we can hope is that the video itself can lead to some convictions and help curb these kinds of attacks.

Extreme Cult Behavior

A cult that incorporated more elements of the Old Testament? Toys and enjoyment are considered sin? Physical and verbal abuse is commonplace (with a cattle prod apparently)…Sounds like a damn hoot. The woman in this video shares her experience living in a small, creepy cult. Some pretty insane stuff.

Hitchens not amused at circumcision

Here’s a discussion where a group of theologians (with Hitchens there to provide the atheist perspective) are trying to answer the question: why do bad things happen to good people? Hitchens has a very simple explanation: “religion compels people to do wicked and unforgivable things”.

The best part of the video is the argument between him and Rabbi Harold Kushner about circumcision. Hitchens tries to use it as an example of people doing terrible things out of dogmatic faith, and it’s interesting to watch the quiet outrage of his Jewish adversary who wants to convince him the practice of cutting off the foreskin of an infant without the use of anesthesia is somehow a wonderful and beneficial practice. There are lots of misguided people who think the aesthetic of the penis is somehow augmented by it, but in truth it is a highly irresponsible and dangerous mutilation that puts the lives of babies at risk, and causes a tremendous amount of suffering on their part.

There’s this ridiculous notion the babies in question don’t feel any pain, but that’s usually because they are actually in shock, and are unable to cry. Now, before some of you get your panties in a twist and try to tell me it’s also a health issue (and the evidence is pretty weak on that front), consider the fact the cutting off of the tip of the penis is not a decision left up to the person being mutilated.

Hard core science!

Here’s something that will make you smile. A professor is claiming he can prove the existence of God using what he calls ‘hard core science’. Yea, I know you’re all impressed with his nomenclature, but there’s more. He also claims quantum physics can prove the birth of Jesus, and the resurrection story. It seems like everyone under the sun loves to use quantum mechanics to justify their crackpot ideas.

The only person in the entire story who made any sense was Bishop Eddie Long, who stated, quite correctly, that science cannot prove the existence of God since the whole thing is supposed to be about faith. But don’t tell Franky boy that; he’s already working on a book about it. I’m sure it’ll be a page turner…

Oh noes, It’s the collapse of “Darwinism” in Europe!

Remember this clown? I put up a post a few months ago about Harun Yahya (also known as Adnan Oktar), who’s back to making outrageous claims that have no factual basis. The first minute of this video is just his face plastered all over the place. It’s obvious he wants to be adored and admired. Too bad he’s an idiot.

If you can manage to watch the whole thing, then I commend you on your ability to hold food down.

What hell listens to

This one is from Atheist Media Blog. Considering how terrible rap is these days, I’m sure if there was hell, this is what would be playing. Is it just me or did the good old days of rap end when it started involving lots of money?

Love can be dangerous

This video, from Crooks and Liars, sums up nicely what kind of man Rick Warren is. At first you might be outraged that he is inspired by Nazi Germany to get his followers to be as dedicated as they were. He defends this statement only by saying Hitler is the personification of evil, and to him, it’s enough. No further discussion needed.

What Rick doesn’t realize, and what most people seem to forget, is the people they call monsters were as fanatically devoted to their ideals as most Evangelicals are. This devotion felt no doubt as important, special, and as good as Warren’s feelings about Christianity. You cannot measure the moral superiority of something by the level of devotion with which it is followed. It is in fact this very devotion that allows murderous ideologies to take such a powerful hold of people. We tend to have the foolish idea that our love for something is always pure and good. It has never occurred to most of us this feeling is just as corruptible as anything else. Men like Hitler and Stalin were deeply in love with the vision of the world they had pictured. Totalitarianism is what results from men and women wanting the whole world to live their own private visions.

Warren wants an expanded Kingdom of God, and for his congregation to do “Whatever it takes”. How frightening is this statement? This Orwellian slogan exemplifies everything that is wrong about religious belief. No, please do not do everything in your power to expand your Christianity in the world. Do not subjugate others, do not try forced conversions, do not deny men and women in Africa access to condoms, and keep your own insane ideas to yourself.

It may seem impossible for you to believe Rick, but it is your love for God that scares me. Love is not a ubiquitous good. Simply because you have love in your heart does not mean you do not have hate there too. In fact, it is this unquestioning love and devotion that often makes your actions so despicable and evil, Mr. Warren. I do not doubt your conviction sir; I am scared to death of it.

The controversial thing here is you may not fully realize it, but it is love that makes men do atrocious things. Love for God will convince a man to strap a bomb to himself and jump in front of a bus full of kids, just as love for an ideology will make people force innocent men, women, and children into gas chambers. Love itself can be a good thing, but it is no guarantee that what we love is itself good. We must abandon the idea of using love as a universal good, and begin to realize it can be manipulated for all kinds of nefarious purposes.

Feel da holy rhythm

If you’ve ever wondered why some people get hard core into their church weirdness, witness if you will how eerily similar these services are to raves, complete with the few guys who just take that shit too far.