Mosque Bombing in Pakistan kills 50

Religion is a poison. It is a cancer that eats away a person’s empathy and love. Instead of trying to learn to live with your fellow man, religions like Islam demands that those who believe differently be destroyed. Devoid of mercy or compassion, these murderous fools are willing to destroy their lives, and the lives of others, in the mistaken belief that a bronze age god cares about the mundane details of existence. The so-called “religion of peace” should rather be given the moniker of “religion of pieces”, for it seems some of their members have a hard time holding themselves together.

If you want a bunch of examples from one country just this month, look no further than Pakistan. The country has been rocked by multiple incidents over the past few days. It began in the early days of October, when 11 people were killed in a mosque in Kyber Pakhtunkhwa province. A few days later, another 5 lives were taken in a separate attack. Now, more recently in the city of Mastung, 50 people have been slain during a celebration in a mosque, victims of an unidentified group that no doubt had some petty theocratic dispute.

It’s a confusing act for those of us outside the faith. We forget that there are far more internal conflicts within Islam than with the secular world. Religion is not monotheistic, and the various interpretations are not confined to mere intellectual disagreements. To these deluded fools, the stakes could not be higher in their deadly game of pretend. I promise you that until humans have the foresight to reject these violent and dangerously insecure faiths, these tragedies will continue to happen with frightening regularity.

Faith Healing Fails Compilation

“In my mind, I was healed so my whole body was healed”

This coming from a man who was tricked into believing that his arthritic leg was healed, and he overexerted it to the point where it had to be amputated. Rather than understand the tragedy that had befallen him, this man doubled down on his belief. He thinks that his “spiritual” leg will be waiting for him in heaven. It this kind of stupidity and gullibility that can only occur with religion.

Lets not also forget about the boy with type 1 diabetes that was rushed to the emergency room. He had been “faith healed” in a similar way, and almost fell into a diabetic coma.

Isn’t faith healing fun?

Church Roof Collapses on Mexican parishioners, killing 10

When a cancer patient going through medical treatment has a relapse, if they happen to be religious, they are sure to use the word “miracle” to describe what happened. In the view of the faithful, God takes an active interest in individuals, and anything positive is credited to the big daddy in the sky. However, it must be stated that the same instinct to credit their deity with good outcomes does not extend to bad ones.

Take for instance a recent incident that occurred in the city of Ciudad Madero. Located north of Mexico City, this coastal town is known for it’s beautiful beaches and lighthouse, which attract plenty of tourists. It is now notorious for a church roof collapsing and killing at least 10 people, and injuring 60 others.

This tragedy occurred in the middle of a baptism, which meant that there were many children among the victims. As of the writing of this article, rescue workers were still trying to get to potential survivors, and I hope there will be more saved.

As bodies were being pulled out of the rubble, the familiar impotent solution of the religious was again credited with the rescue of people still trapped.

“From underneath the rubble, thanks to divine providence and the work of the rescue teams, people have been pulled out alive!” Alvarez’s diocese wrote in a statement posted on it social media accounts. “Let’s keep praying!”

Were people not praying hard enough during the ceremony to prevent this tragedy from occurring in the first place? The ones who are alive should be reluctant to thank the same deity that so poorly protected them. If I was a superstitious person (which I thankfully am not), I would start to wonder if I was praying to the right god after something like this. If anything, offering thanks to your lord for people NOT killed in his place of worship just seems weird, especially when a bunch of the victims were kids.



Oklahoma Superintendent thinks Establishment Clause is a myth

Religion makes you dumb and blind to reality. Take for example Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters. He’s been in the news several times for his attempts to shove religion down everyone’s throat. He wanted teachers to take a patriotic oath, which is a crypto-fascist tool used by dictators to have complete control over their populous. His speaks in the familiar tone of fundamentalists of any faith:

“We will bring God and prayer back in schools in Oklahoma, and fight back against the radical myth of separation of church and state.”

This is the dream and vision of Ryan Walters, who believes that the idea that Congress disallowing the establishment of a particular religion is a myth. Never mind the fact that it’s spelled fairly clearly in America’s founding document, or in Jefferson’s letters, further clarification of the concept. No, so long as Ryan believes in the superiority of his beliefs, such inconvenient truths will be ignored.

It’s typical that these types of clowns fail to realize that the entire reason for the clause was to allow the proliferation of all religious ideas. Christianity has over 30,000 denominations (thanks largely to that establishment clause we talked about), and many are extremely different from one another. I very much doubt that a Baptist would be happy with the dogma of 7 Day Adventist, and vise versa. The only way people can ensure that their religious rights are respected is if everyone has a level playing field.

Study finds Muslim women have Vitamin-D deficiency

As I’ve spoken many times before, criticizing Islam is a tricky business. Accusations of racism abound, despite the fact that an idea, and not an ethnic group, is being attacked. There are few things as contentious as the Hijab, that restrictive piece of clothing forced upon women that suggests that the desire that men feel for them is their fault, and more importantly, their responsibility.

It should come as no surprise that constantly wearing a piece of fabric on your head, or all over your body, is not natural, and that there are consequences for doing so. A study in 2012  found that women who wear concealing clothing were likely to have serious vitamin deficiency, which would lead to a number of health problems later in life, including bone density issues, as well as muscle weakness. So, not only is the restrictive dress code of Islam bad for women psychologically, it turns out that it’s also causing a lack of vitamin-D, but it can also lead to serious hair loss, bad odors, and infections galore.

I’m sure there are still soft-headed idiots that will claim that restricting the choices of women is an important part of Islamic culture. This sort of excuse is ridiculous. The health and wellbeing of people is far more important than outdated, sexists traditions that seek to put limitations and control on the opposite sex. So, the next time someone wants to celebrate women wearing the Hijab (like making statutes celebrating it)*, you at least have something to show them.

*On a side note, the statue looks like someone trapped in an iron mask. Fitting, wouldn’t you say?



South Korean pastor charged with molestation of defectors

Did you know that there are now more Christians in South Korea than there are Buddhists? Since it’s late arrival in the 18th century*, Christianity has been growing steadily in the country. Many converts see it as a defacto way of adopting a more “western” lifestyle. Hell, in my neighborhood, there are TWO Korean churches within only a few hundred meters of one another, and they’re the only ones that seem to regularly attend services, as opposed to the empty catholic cathedrals in desperate need of maintenance.

Well, since they are busy taking on our religious tradition, it seems as though their priests are also engaged in one of the oldest traditions of the church: molesting kids.

The victims of the alleged abuse were 13 to 19 years old and were all enrolled at his school between 2016 and 2023, prosecutors said. One of the allegations pertains to the alleged abuse of a 16-year-old student while they were sleeping in the school’s dormitory in Dec. 2022.

Pastor “Chun”, as he’s been identified, is believes to have assaulted more children under his care. Keep in mind that these students had escaped the hell of North Korea, only to face their own nightmare from someone claiming to want to help them. Isn’t it just like a religious organization to hurt the ones they claim to want to help?

* It was introduced earlier, but had been banned for over 200 years

Danes ban burning of Koran

I’m getting pretty sick and tired of the way Europe and North America kowtow to Islam. Due to both misplaced fear of prejudice and genuine fear of reprisal from the “religion of peace”, the Danish people have decided that criminalizing the defacing of religious symbols is a good idea. Well, I should be more specific: spineless social democrats and Liberals made this decision, not the general public.

This is actually a move backwards. The country had eliminated blasphemy laws back in 2017, but has since re-introduced a version that explicitly calls out the defacing of the Koran as having “major consequences”:

The bill prohibits “the improper treatment of objects of significant religious significance to a religious community.” There is no doubt, however, that it is the public burning of the Quran that the government wants to prevent. Indeed, the bill refers to such acts, mentioning their “major consequences” for Denmark and “its interests,” as well as its “security.”

I’m hoping that the hundreds of artists and writers who signed a petition demanding the withdrawal of the bill has some traction, but I’m guessing otherwise. What really needs to happen is that someone with some balls needs to challenge this ridiculous law. I would love to see them squirm to punish someone who dares to defy this unjust law. If any Dutch Muslim has a problem with free expression, they can always move to a country that does not value this sort of thing.

“Sound of Freedom” producer sexually assaults child

A couple days ago I reported on the stupidity of one Jim Caviezel, and lambasted his ridiculous movie “Sound of Freedom” as a QAnon wet dream. The film, for those of you luckily ignorant of this cinematic turd, revolves around the supposed life story of an ex-Homeland Security operative who was sick of the bureaucratic red tape and decided to rescue victims of child trafficking. Keep in mind that the man who inspired the film, Tim Ballard, admitted that the events in the movie had never happened. He also alleges to have broken up Satan worshiping cults, which just sounds like the rehashed moral panics of the 1980’s (in QAnon, the old is new again).

If you thought that wasn’t bad enough, now there is credible evidence that Paul Hutchinson, an executive producer for “Sound of Freedom”, was one of the people captured on film fondling a young girl in Mexico during a 2016 undercover operation.

Footage of the incident and its aftermath was captured by videographers working with Operation Underground Railroad, or OUR, the private anti-trafficking group Ballard founded. An investigator with the Davis County Attorney’s Office obtained the footage and wrote detailed descriptions of it as part of a criminal investigation into Ballard and OUR carried out with the FBI. That investigation was closed this year without any charges being brought.

You know, it never ceases to amaze me just how the people who cloak themselves in good deeds in an effort to divert attention away from their bad ones. A man spreading false information about child trafficking (which is a real problem that needs solutions) is implicated in the very crime he pretends to care about.

Pastor sells bleach as a cure for Autism

When you professionally believe in nonsense for a living, it can be nearly impossible to distinguish reality from fantasy. Most of the time, this kind of confusion is innocent, almost childlike. When you believe intently that putting your hands together and wishing things to make them come true, there’s very little harm you can do to yourself and others. However, when a person in a position of authority lacks the intelligence and the understanding to foresee danger, they can easily lead their flock astray.

Take as a prime example pastor Joe Salant. When he isn’t busy rapping to support political candidates, he’s selling industrial bleach tablets to his flock under the guise that this can cure autism. It works in pretty much the same way a gun would does: point it at the person you want to no longer have the disease, pull the trigger, and once they are dead, their symptoms will disappear.

You would think that people would be reluctant to ingest a poison. You would be wrong:

A message on the Safrax website informs customers that there is a 2-4 week delay in sending out orders specifically due to overwhelming demand for the product as a result of the tablets being featured on the radio show of pseudoscience conspiracist Mike Adams.

What I find surprising here is that no one is in jail. There are bound to be tons of people who get seriously ill from consuming this garbage. Where are the authorities in all of this? Is someone immune from prosecution when they poison people simply because it’s a matter of their faith?

As one customer review on their site indicates, these pills are crazy dangerous:

“I can’t find any information about the dosage of the tablets… and I am currently sick. I tried dissolving one in a gallon [of water] and it tastes like pure bleach. I just wanna get well.”

Who knew that ingesting the stuff you use to kill germs would have such an adverse affect on people? Oh yeah, I know who knew: fucking everyone with their head screwed on right!

p.s. The recommended use of this product is 1 PPM 9parts per million), which means that the guy who put it in a gallon consumed hundreds of times the recommended dosage.

Dentist called pastor instead of 911 during botched procedure

Going to the dentist is never pleasant. The needles they put in your mouth, or the high pitch drill they use to remove parts of your teeth, ranks pretty high up there in terms of nightmare fuel. However, for a 4 year old little girl, it was far worse than simply having a bit of pain. It basically ruined her life forever.

During a routine procedure back in 2016, Nevaeh Hall began to have seizures as soon as she was administered a sedative. Rather than call emergency services, Bathaniel Jefferson telephoned both her pastor and a pharmacist instead, and for several hours, the lack of oxygen to Nevaeh wrecked havoc on her brain and nervous system. She is confined to a wheelchair, is now blind and deaf, and will never fully recover from this dentist’s negligence.

A jury has found her guilty of one count of recklessly causing body injury to a child. The prosecution wanted 20 years. The sentence itself is only worth probation, so anyone hoping for more was greatly disappointed.

A civil trial soon followed, with the family being awarded a 95.5 million dollar lawsuit. Unfortunately, it is unlikely the family will ever see this money, as Jefferson’s insurance is unable to cover such a large amount.

Why the hell would anyone call a pastor in a time like that? Was she hoping for some magic prayers to fix he fuckup or something? Bizarre.

Father tries to drown child to appease his God

I’m sure most of you have used Lyft or Uber at some point in your lives. It’s become so normalized that most people barely think about it. In fact, it was so routine that when a customer by the name of Jeremiah Campbell climbed aboard his Lyft, he carried on his day like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Jeremiah was acting strange, however, which prompted the driver to call the police.

When the cops arrived at the scene, they attempted to knock on the suspect’s door, with no success.

Chicago police officers responded to the location and knocked on the door but no one answered. They looked inside a window and saw a man bending over the bathtub and making suspicious movements. Believing there was a drowning in progress, officers forced their way inside the home. With the cops inside, Campbell took the boy out of the bathtub. Officers could hear the boy coughing and saw him “coughing up water,” the report said.

The good news is that his 2 year old son is recuperating from the attempted murder. Jeremiah’s little attempt to recreate Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac is luckily over, and the man is set to appear in court in the next few days. Here’s hoping his little boy finds a home that isn’t inhabited by some religious psycho trying to win brownie points with his bronze age god.

Canadian Muslims organize anti-gay rally

Islam is the world’s most insecure religion. Every other day, they are jailing, or even stoning, apostates and non-believers. Of course, if you start to point out how violent and insecure they are, you get instantly accused of “Islamophobia”, their magic word that’s used to silence any critic. The mere mention of racism is enough to stifle most soft headed liberals who retreat at the idea of hurting anyone’s feeling, or challenging their identity. It’s what has allowed this barbaric religion to continue to abuse and even kill those who oppose their homogony.

Their obvious bigotry has become so open now that Canadian Muslims have decided that it would be acceptable to hold a march AGAISNT gay and trans people. They are billing it as a “Million Man for Kids”. The Alberta Muslim Social Association’s facebook page claims that the organization “…was built to bring families together in a safe and fun atmosphere.” Well, it’s all fun and games until someone in your family isn’t controlled by their Abrahamic faith, or likes someone of the same sex. Then it’s time to destroy them. Just listen to their bullshit mission statement:

As someone once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”, over the past few months, thousands of parents, community leaders and activists from the Abrahamic tradition and others have justly voiced their concern regarding gender ideology and the protection of kids demanding more control and transparency over school curriculums. These concerns haven’t stemmed from a place of hate but rather from the obligation of protecting and preserving our children and future generations.

The good news is that these clowns have had zero success in spreading the word of their hate-march. In fact, if you look at the comments on their page, it’s almost universally negative. If I had to guess, it’s doubtful more than a handful of these hate-mongers are going to show up. If you want to tell these assholes how you feel, don’t be shy! They deserve to know what we think of them.

Another Statue of Jesus Hit by Lightning

If you build a giant, 33 meter flammable statue in the middle of a town, you can’t exactly say that you couldn’t imagine the possibility that it might be hit by lightning and catch on fire. My guess is that they assured themselves that since they were building an effigy of their god, that surely it would be spare the wrath of nature. It only took two years for this ugly mess to be struck by lightning. Now, the small Mexican town that wanted to be known for having the world tallest Jesus statue will have to contemplate trying to spend another 6 years rebuilding it.

The hilarious thing is that it’s not the first time this kind of incident has happened. In 2007, a statue of Jesus was also hit by lightning, and the nuns were quick to claim that it held no religious significance and was simply an act of nature, and not God (boy when the miracle looks sinister, they sure like to pull the “nature” card). Then, three years later, the hideous “Touchdown Jesus” was also struck down. Both were repaired, their parishioners having learned nothing of the devastating power of mother nature.

So, I’m not a superstitious man, but if you religious symbols are being burned down systematically with what almost looks like targeted strikes, is it perhaps not time to rethink the whole affair?

Jim Caviezel is a crazy Q-Anon idiot

I’ve never thought much of Jim Caviezel. The fact that he played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s “Passion of The Christ” is the only thing I know him from, with the possible exception of the movie “Frequency”. His personal life was never something that interested me, and he never struck me as anything more than a pretty face. How wrong I was!

Recently, he did an interview where he claimed that Trump was chosen by God to be a new “King David”. Shockingly, the guy is way more crazy than just having a strange fetish with the Orange Cheeto. This put him on my radar.

Caviezal has blamed playing Jesus as a reason for why he is considered “toxic” in Hollywood. However, recent interviews and comments about him have surfaced, and it sounds like there are other reasons he is not getting any acting gigs. He’s apparently a huge Q-Anon, and a massive racist, and a genuinely dumb person. According to people who worked with him,  he puts people in serious danger due to his neglect and sheer stupidity.

In one scene filmed in Manhattan, he supposed to be driving to chase someone. He’s just supposed to pull out and stop the car for the camera, instead goes full blast, runs a read light, and nearly hits 4 pedestrians. When asked why he would do such a thing, he says it’s “because that’s what the character would do”

To make matters worse, the guy also has been pushing something called the “Adrenochrome conspiracy theory” with his film “Sound of Freedom“. This movie is about a former government official who rescues kids who are kidnapped by global elites intent on sucking the adrenaline out of their dying bodies in order to make a magic formula to live forever. He is convinced that this is based on a true story (it reminds me of the movie Kickboxer and how it was also billed similarly), and believes that he has done humanity a great service making this disguised religious dud.

If you really want to know more about this guy, I recommend you listen to this QAnon Anonymous podcast about him. It’s quite funny.

Lifewise Academy is a walking lawsuit

If there’s one thing you have to give Evangelicals (and believe me, it’s only this one thing), you would have to admire their hustle. When it comes to shoving their religion down our throats, they are on a whole other level.

Take Lifewise Academy. Because of a law in Ohio called the “Released Time” which allows students to substitute their secular schooling for bouts of fundamentalist religious teachings, they have been allowed to operate with impunity for decades.

The rules of this “Release Time” are simple: so long as they are privately funded, and done outside of school property, they are allowed to bus children away off site to fill their little minds with whatever nonsense they want, so long as parents “consent” to it.

There are similar laws in other states, such as Illinois, and it’s clear that these are attempts by religious organizations to use public funding to promote their faiths. That’s why the law was successfully challenged in the 40’s Illinois by a woman named Vashti McCollum, whose son had been forced to attend one of these special classes, with predictable results:

James – the only student in his class not participating in the religion class – was subsequently pressured by his teachers to conform, and his parents were pressured by school officials to permit him to join the religion classes to help James “get along.” The McCollums were angered at their son’s ostracism by his teachers, which included James’s being forced to sit alone in a hallway while the other pupils attended religion classes.

Sounds about right. Despite any assurance from these organizers that non-believers are not pressured or subjected to these views, we all know that this is untrue. There is no doubt that because it is promoted by schools that is violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution. Not only that, but they espouse a political view of the world that can only be described as Christian Nationalism.