Christian chiropractor fires employee for being an atheist

What is more Christian than discrimination? I wonder. It seems like every day I hear about someone being fired from their jobs, or losing a big promotion simply because their bosses discover they do not believe in God. I don’t normally give my belief (or lack thereof) a second thought, but that’s because I am lucky enough to live in a city where my religious beliefs have never been a contentious issue. Not everyone, unfortunately, is as lucky as I am.

Amanda Donaldson did not benefit from the kind of tolerance I am acclimatized to. She recently got fired by her Christian boss specifically because she is an atheist. After Dr. Scott Dawson read her husband’s atheist blog, he confronted her about the fact she had been identified as not believing in a God. Even though she expressed clearly the fact that her beliefs were private and not related in any way to her job performance, Dr. Dawson became upset that his worker did not believe in his bearded sky god. As a consequence, he gave her the old pink slip, meaning that she lost her medical insurance. This is especially worrisome because Amanda is currently fighting aggressive breast cancer.

Let’s recap here: a Christian boss fired his atheist employee for no other reason than his simple bigotry and intolerance of other world views, and did this knowing full well she was sick and in need of medical treatment. Yep, that’s some of that good old fashioned Christian love for you!

Unfortunately, there isn’t much Amanda can do about this. At this point the best thing everyone can do is help either by contributing to the cost of her treatment, or helping find her another job. There’s no real legal precedent that would allow her to fight this injustice. They’ve already collected over 1k in donations, so if you’re feeling generous, than I suggest giving what you can (no matter how small, it will help!).

Courts step in, force child to undergo chemotherapy

There’s always a story involving a family that refuses to treat their child for religious reasons. As we speak, one mother is facing charges in the preventable death of a young girl with diabetes, and another family in Minneapolis are being forced to give chemotherapy to their son.

Colleen Hauser believes in a New Age religion called Nemenhah, a kind of glossy ‘Native American’ style cult (founded by a known fraudster). They shun modern medical science and opt instead for a variety of New Age treatments. Colleen’s son has Hodgkin’s lymphoma; a highly treatable form of cancer. She’s repeatedly refused to seek treatment, opting instead to follow the teachings of her faith

The courts in Minneapolis have decided the life and well being of the child are more important than the parents’ religious beliefs. Mrs. Hauser may feel cheated and upset from this decision, which only goes to show how selfish and deluded these people are. They accuse the courts of supporting ‘big government’ interference in their lives. Because of their decision, however, her son Daniel will have a 90% chance to pull through, which is a big improvement over the 0% chance he had with his colonics and vitamin water.

I don’t have a child myself, but you can bet if I did, I wouldn’t put my religious belief over their well being, nor would I force those beliefs onto them. Colleen Hauser may not yet realize it, but the ‘unfair’ decisions of the court have saved her from a life of torment. I doubt her silly religion would have provided the comfort she would need from being responsible for her child’s death. Take a look at this woman to see just how little comfort religion can be in light of such facts.


Cheezus Christ!

I’m sick and tired of people making toast and suddenly declaring their blurry burn marks are the divine image of Jesus. Here’s one woman claiming her cheese toast has the profile of the King of Kings. It looks a lot like Eddie the Head from Iron Maiden to me, but what do I know? I’m just a silly naked ape just trying to make my way in a confusing world. I’d just eat the damn thing and go about my business, like the millions of other normal, intelligent human beings who don’t automatically assume their Gods are somehow trying to communicate with them through food.

Now I finally understand why the image of Muhammad is forbidden; the early mullahs must have gotten pretty damn annoyed at every stupid claim that their prophet was appearing in all kinds of places. Best to just recognize these things as false idols and get back the the business of praying, or whatever it is they did for fun back then.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 059

It’s Friday, and what better way to enjoy the weekend than by listening to another edition of The Good Atheist Podcast. This week, Ryan and I talk about politeness in religious debate, a Cardinal in Britain thinks atheists aren’t fully human, as well as discuss the University of Manchester and their attempts to explain how life came about. All of this in a healthy 30 minutes!

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 059

Stupid things smart Christians believe

Here’s an article dealing with the ‘stupid’ things Christians sometimes believe will affect their faith. Pastor Osborne claims too many of his parishioners were complaining about having a bad life despite their Christian status. This often leads them, he says, to have a spiritual meltdown when they realize having faith does not protect them from harm anymore than unbelievers.

Now it’s nice of Osborne to tell everyone the truth here, but it sounds to me if you follow a religion’s rules, pray like a madman, and still get royally screwed over, it might be time to call it quits on their whole religion business. After all, they do claim your life will be improved by believing, and if that’s just not the case, then logically you can determine those making these claims are full of shit. Nothing too surprising about that, no?

Osborne takes the practical approach to faith. He says you shouldn’t expect God to lift one finger to help you, but rather your faith is essentially a lottery ticket you’ll be able to cash out when you die.

They all lived by faith “yet their faith didn’t fix anything,” Osborne points out. What faith does promise, however, is forgiveness and the gift of eternal life.

Yeah, I’m not convinced this God of yours who apparently offers no special protection or services to mankind will suddenly appear in the 11th hour and whisk me away to that big ‘House Party’ in the sky. How about I don’t waste my life pretending to understand what this confusing entity wants from me and instead live my own life the way I see fit. At least if I screw up, it’ll be my own fault!

2010: the year of the Bible

When I think about the year 2010, the first thing that comes to mind is the sequel to 2001 A Space Odyssey. It makes me think about how optimistic Arthur C. Clark was in terms of the human race’s engineering skills. Let’s just say it’s doubtful we’ll be sending anyone to Jupiter. In fact, rather than being a scientific Mecca, the world seems to have taken a nasty turn towards superstitious belief. Case in point: there is currently a bill floating around in Congress that wants to make 2010 the ‘Year of the Bible’.

(1) to designate an appropriate year as ‘The National Year of the Bible’; and

(2) to issue a proclamation calling upon citizens of all faiths to rediscover and apply the priceless, timeless message of the Holy Scripture which has profoundly influenced and shaped the United States and its great democratic form of Government, as well as its rich spiritual heritage, and which has unified, healed, and strengthened its people for over 200 years.

The text goes on to say the Bible has apparently “…inspired compassion, love for our neighbor, and the preciousness of life and marriage, and… healed and blessed our families, communities, and our entire Nation, especially in times of war, tragedy, and economic and social crisis”. I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but anyone who thinks the Bible is an adequate moral guide has never actually bothered reading it. The wording makes reference to the moral teachings of both the Old and New Testament. You might remember that these same texts were used to justify slavery, and used to torture and kill suspected witches by the Pilgrims. Anyone who has any degree of moral fiber will admit the Bible is one of the worst ethical texts in history.

These kinds of stupid and unconstitutional bills are in direct response to the momentum and visibility of the Atheism movement, make no mistake; the Right is trying to show everyone the Bible is the true heart and soul of the country rather than The Declaration of IndependenceThe Constitution, or The Bill of Rights. This is the kind of fight we have to be prepared for. These religious idiots will fight us at every turn. Each time a poll comes out showing that our numbers are growing, they will act with increasing impunity to destroy the separation of church and state. It’s going to be a long and hard battle against superstition, ignorance, and nonsense. Hope you’re all ready to fight the good fight!

Stop indoctrinating kids

Here is a great article on the Independent asking the British government to stop forcing kids to engage in prayer. Since I’m not from the UK, the fact this is mandatory is new to me. I suppose it makes sense; there was a time not so long ago where the majority of Britain was pretty religious. That time has now passed, however, and it’s time for a change:

I can understand why the unelected, faltering religious institutions cling to this law so tightly. When it comes to “faith”, if you don’t get people young, you probably won’t ever get them. Very few people are, as adults, persuaded of the idea that (say) a Messiah was born to a virgin and managed to bend the laws of physics, or that we should revere a man who at the age of 53 had sex with a nine-year-old girl. You can usually only persuade people of this when they are very young – a time when their critical and rational faculties have not yet been developed – and hope it becomes a rock in their psychological make-up they dare not pull out.

I also find the majority of comments are hilariously abusive; the writer is accused by one fellow of being a left wing ‘tosser’. You Brits are too funny.

Church tried to lure kids into creepy van for baptisms

It used to be you only needed to warn your kids not to trust strangers trying to lure them into their vehicles for fear they might be kidnapped. Now parents in Colorado Springs have to worry about the Cornerstone Baptist Church luring their kids inside their creepy vans in order to baptize them. That’s what nearly happened to a 7th grader at Russell Middle School. Administrators immediately sent a warning out to parents to remind their kids that religious nutballs are scary and should be kept at a safe distance.

Personally, I find this almost as funny as hearing about Mormons baptizing the deceased. Do these clowns not realize a baptism is merely a symbolic gesture on the part of believers? If there really was a rule that every human who wanted to go to heaven was required to have water splashed on their face by a dude in a costume, how stupid would that be? Oh wait, the whole idea of heaven is pretty stupid, isn’t it?

Also, how desperate is this church for new members? I’m pretty confident parents would not respond positively to a their kids being temporarily abducted in order to perform a weird religious ceremony. Just a thought.

See the world through a fundie’s glasses

I’m always on the lookout for cool/hilarious fundie websites, and today I found this guy: Steve Noble sounds like a repressed homosexual who seems to have a big hard-on for God. His website is well designed and obviously has plenty of TLC behind it. Unfortunately, Steve is completely insane, which is immediately obvious from his splash page, where we are invited to see the world through his glasses. Let’s just say it makes Dante’s Inferno look like Disneyland.

Look, I get the whole “I love Jesus” thing most of these religious wackos have, but is it really necessary to paint everything in apocalyptic terms? I guess when you read the Bible, it’s the part of the book that leaves the biggest impression on you: in their eyes, the world is going to come to a fiery end, and they have to do what they can to save everybody. It’s a nice gesture, but these clowns have no idea it’s their religious fervor that threatens to make their vision come true. If they could all just chill the fuck out, then I think the world would be a better place.

I invite you to listen to his podcast just to enjoy the fundie goodness within. Plus, I have to congratulate his graphic designer. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many exclamation marks on one page. I never knew you could have so many.

The real dangers of racism, bigotry and hatred

I’ve been a little obsessed with the media lately. I really can’t help myself in the light of Dr. George Tiller’s death. It was only after his murder I had an opportunity to see the full scope of the religious right’s campaign against him. The carefully worded press releases all publicly condemn the act, but it’s no surprise the majority of them are in fact quite pleased at Tiller’s death.

I’ve begun to realize the seriousness of their rhetoric, and the unsubtle messages that many religious leaders are implanting in their congregation. Take Pastor Wiley Drake as a perfect example: he recently stated unless Obama reverses his policy on abortion, he is actively praying for God to kill him. He also has this to say on Tiller’s murder:

I’ve been a Baptist pastor for a long time, been in the pro-life fight, been face-to-face with Tiller, told him about Jesus, and I’ve seen many, many others tell him about Jesus over and over and over again. And I’ve seen horrific things that go on in those death “abortuaries” — and that’s what they are — and so my initial response to those people, they said, ‘Well what was your response,’ and I said, ‘Well, in all honesty I have to just respond directly and say I am glad that he’s dead.

Drake shows his true colors by calling Obama a ‘secret Muslim’, accusing him of being a usurper, and not a real American. Drake is sending a message: if someone kills him, they will be doing God’s work. How else can you explain his reaction to Tiller’s murder. Yep, like all good Christians, Drake prays for those he hates to be sent to hell, hopefully sooner than later.

In most other countries, this type of hate speech would not be swept under the carpet. Enticing others to violence is not free speech issue, especially when the people doing this have such a high profile. This man has a large following who listen to everything he says. Drake and his ilk are extremely dangerous, and if you underestimate the risk of allowing this kind of hate speech to continue, you may realize too late what the consequences are.

Madonna of Orgasm Church gets the shaft

Remember these guys? Last time they were in the news, the government of Sweden had given it the right to register as a faith community. Since then, however, they’ve had a change of heart, saying the name is purposefully offensive to the Christian faith, and it has therefore been bitch slapped back to ‘weirdo’ status.

Personally, I find it hilarious that the only reason they deny these guys the title and privileges of religion is because of their general prudishness. For some reason, all world governments are intimidated by orgasms. Does it really seem that far fetched someone would end up worshiping pleasure? I’m not a religious man, but I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: if there’s one religion I could get behind, it’s this one!

If you live in Sweden, you need to support these guys. Why? Well, I believe major religions have way too much sway in people’s lives. Why does Christianity get to be a religion but Madonna of Orgasm doesn’t? I say we let those smaller religions to get a bit of face time. The more alternatives there are, the less people end up believing in any one of them. Let’s water down this concept they call ‘religion’, shall we?

Moral high ground my ass

According to this survey, church goers are more likely to support torture. Evangelicals were the group that support it the most, and considering that because of them, we had to endure 8 years of W. Bush, then yeah, that makes sense to me (also, The Passion of the Christ is probably the longest snuff movie in history).

Are you not as tired as I am with all the moral righteousness of Christians? There isn’t a day that goes by where they don’t attack atheists and accuse us of having no morality. The fact that they can turn around and support torturing other human beings is beyond me.

I have an idea; next time some religious jerkoff gets in your face and starts telling you there is no morality in atheism, ask them why 6 in 10 of them find it’s not a big deal to inflict pain on other human beings.

Villagers kill 5 ‘witches’ in Kenya

If you have a weak stomach, then I urge you not to watch this video. This is uncensored human stupidity at work. If you’ve ever said superstition isn’t harmful, then you’ve obviously never traveled to some of the less fortunate parts of the world, where the combined brutal ignorance and extreme poverty are a recipe for disaster.

If you think this video is outrageous, consider the fact the person who recorded this video had also notified the police 45 minutes before the attack, but they did nothing. Now 5 people are dead, and all we can hope is that the video itself can lead to some convictions and help curb these kinds of attacks.

America is not a Christian nation

An article here tries to make the case that both the Left and the Right are wrong about the Founding Fathers establishing (or not) a Christian nation. The author makes a good case for why religious conservatives are wrong, but he doesn’t seem to say anything constructive about why the Left is mistaken. I must assume he feels perhaps secularists like myself may not fully appreciate the contribution Christians have made in forming this country. I thought, therefore, I might talk a little bit about my thoughts on the subject.

We cherish our memories. Without them, our experiences would simply fade, and we would lose the ability to learn. This is why history is such an important subject; the progress of our society has only been possible because of the shared and recorded experience of millions of human beings who are now deceased. We stand on the shoulders of giants, and we directly benefit from their knowledge so long as we take the time to examine the past.

History is a neglected subject, and easily corruptible; after all, how many are willing to lie to further their agendas and politics? Take for instance the ‘religious right’ and their revisionist perception of the Founding Fathers, who they believe were devout Christians. They uphold the factually incorrect idea that the United States of America was founded to be a Christian nation, or even that the founders had intended to make Christianity the official religion. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Declaration of Independence was a statement against the tyranny of kings, princes, and clergymen. This is precisely why the separation of Church and State is such a fundamental principle; it is designed to prevent the usurpation of freedom by men of the cloth.

I won’t deny Christianity has had a supreme influence on the West; it does not mean, however, our morality is inherited from the Bible. If anything, our modern society was shaped and influenced by moral philosophers coming out of the Enlightenment. It just so happened that many tried to apply their models to that of Christianity, despite the fact much of it is contradictory. They were pious men, but although they may have been inspired by God, it does not mean their morality reflected the message and tone of the Bible. If anything, they did what most Christians do these days; they ignore anything that conflicts with their morality, or declare the stories are meant to be taken allegorically. It’s one or the others, guys; not both.

If the US was really a Christian nation, then all other religions would be outlawed, or at the very least, severely limited. Yes, the majority of Americans are Christians, but so what? It does not mean the entire country should be defined by what a large portion of the population believes. To do so misses the whole point and strength of the American model of government; that people should be free to seek out their own happiness as they themselves see fit. If that involves rejecting God, then anyone should be able to do so without fear or retribution, discrimination, or lost opportunity. Sadly, the reality is that Muslims, gays, and atheists are pariahs in the eyes of many Christians. Their livelihood is largely dependant on the fairness and objectivity of a secular society. This is why history is so important. We must learn the lessons of the past; that no one mode of thought or religion can be enforced on others, and no religion (or even lack of religion) should be forcefully imposed onto others. America is not a Christian nation, and you can thank some pretty smart guys for that one.

Romanian nun dies during exorcism

So here you are, a Romanian priest who’s been ‘trained’ by the Church to perform exorcism, and some poor nun has to die right in the middle of it. To make things worse, the police are at your front door, asking what the hell happened. You casually explain to the officers that you had bound, gagged and starved the woman for three days only for her to later die of asphyxiation. The police don’t seem very impressed with your answer, and all of a sudden, the media shows up. Talk about a bad day!

I wish I was making this story up, but unfortunately, I’m not. Father Daniel, who committed this vile crime, is unapologetic and has no remorse for his actions:

“I don’t understand why journalists are making such a fuss about this. Exorcism is a common practice in the heart of the Romanian Orthodox church and my methods are not at all unknown to other priests.”

In his eyes, he was following church doctrine. The nun was possessed by a demon, so he did the only logical thing: he crucified her, and she eventually died. What is most shocking about this is the fact he doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. As far as he’s concerned, he saved that woman’s soul.

I predict this whole affair is going to get very messy. There are tons of Romanians who are deeply religious, and may feel the state getting involved is oppressive to their religious beliefs. These poor deluded fools actually trust a man who believes incantations and ‘holy’ water is enough to cure serious mental illnesses. Exorcisms are not only stupid, dangerous, and ignorant; they are quite obviously deadly.

Hopefully this nun’s death will not be in vain. If it can help stop this kind of practice, we can take comfort in the fact her death can at least prevent more tragedies like this from occurring.