Florida Pastor Drugged and Abused Young Girl

It seems to me that the headline “Florida Pastor sexually assaults girls” has become so frequent that it should probably be its own subreddit by now. God knows I’ve run out of ways to introduce these vile human beings to you. Still, a job is a job, and something’s got to be done about all these monsters who abuse the power and trust they’ve been given.

Rev. Monte LaVelle Chitty was recently arrested and given severe bail restrictions, as the judge felt that the man was a flight risk. He’s accused of spiking a young girls’ drink, and then assaulting her. He then sent her lude texts admitting to the crime, even claiming that she was not his first victim.

This moron is now in jail, and waiting for a trial date. Prosecutors are certain that there are other victims out there, and are encouraging anyone with information to come forward. Considering how brazen this guy was about this incident, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a litany of other victims out there.

It sounds like an open and shut case for this guy. Hopefully, we’ll see justice be done.

Salem Satanic Temple Attacked with Pipe Bomb

Christians feel persecuted. There is no reason for them to feel this way, but that doesn’t stop them from claiming that other faiths are out to get them. They fear the loss of their power so much that anyone they deem an enemy is fair game.

Take the case of Sean Patrick Palmer, a 49 year old man from Perkins, Oklahoma. He was recently arrested after being captured of film throwing a pipe bomb at a Satanic Temple located in Salem, Mass on April 8th of this year. His intent, it seems, was to destroy “crybaby Satan” with an improvised explosive device.

According to the charging documents, the pipe bomb appeared to have been constructed from a section of plastic pipe covered with metal nails, which were attached to the pipe with tape. The inside of the pipe was filled with a powder-like substance, preliminarily identified as smokeless gunpowder.

He also left a letter, written in all caps, telling Satanists that he was sent by God to first give them a peaceful message to abandon their faith. When that failed, he was then told to “smite” them. The whole thing seems as though it was written by a 5 year old. He certainly has a great deal of mental problems, which were no doubt masked for years under the guise of piety.


Palmer was caught because he had posts on social media that matches the clothing of the assailant caught on film. He was also posting weird messages that echoed the hand written note he left at the scene. This jackass now faces up to 20 years in prison. I’m sure he will claim to be yet another religious martyr. It’s easier than facing the truth: that he’s a low IQ arsonist who belongs behind bars.

Florida Book Ban Now Includes Bible

Christians love to ban things. For them, the idea that people should be allowed to make up their own minds is ludicrous. Their god is in charge, and he hates fun things like sex, music, and people who aren’t constantly going on about how amazing he is. This is why they are always trying to make sure that you are as miserable as they are.

In Florida, governor Ron DeSantis has been trying to score points with his religious base for a while. He’s desperate to have the same popularity among evangelicals that his political rival, the giant Orange Turd, benefits from. In a desperate attempt to “be cool”, he’s introduced laws that allow parents to ban books they deem offensive. Since Florida is full of crazies, the broad language of the law does little to clarify what kinds of materials are deemed inappropriate.

Luckily, the Bible is one of the most offensive books ever written. It contains countless examples of rape, genocide, baby killing, human sacrifice, and extreme sexual content that would make any other novel pale in comparison. So much so, in fact that when local agitator and all around amazing named Chaz Stevens started to try and ban the Bible, and even the Thesaurus to point out the absurdity and vagueness of the book banning law, DeSantis declared that the problem was not with his law but with people who abuse the system:

“The idea that someone can use the parents rights and the curriculum transparency to start objecting to every single book to try to make a mockery of this is just wrong,” DeSantis said the day before the bill signing. “That’s performative. That’s political.”

The irony of a career politician accusing someone else of engaging in performative politics is incredible. Sure, Stevens would be the first to admit that he’s a provocateur’s, but his point is to show just how useless and performative DeSantis’ own laws are. So far, he’s doing a bang up job, and it’s driving his governor crazy. He’s a wild idea: why doesn’t Florida just accept that people should be allowed to make their own minds and not try to use the power of the state to impose your own beliefs? It’s something called “freedom”. You should try it!


Superstitious Idiot Cancels Autism Awareness in Private School

Christians keep coming up with ways to alienate their own flock. It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. It’s impossible to look away, despite all the carnage.

In Palm Beach County, Florida, there is a school called Trinity Christian Academy. The private school was planning on celebrating World Autism Day by encouraging parents and kids alike to wear the color blue on their person. It could be something as mundane as a pair of socks or a tie. Think St. Patrick’s Day, but no one is pinching you for not participating. There are also no “kiss me I’m on the spectrum” shirts, although this might be because the holiday is still too new for people to figure out how to make money from it.

The planning was then abruptly cancelled by the lead pastor named Matt Baker. He sent out this little gem of an email to parents, many of whom were looking forward to the celebration as a way of making their special needs kids feel included. This was something that Pastor Baker was not going to let slide:

[A]ny philosophy, teaching, or program that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Period.  The world, in its rejection and hatred of Christ, often devises programs such as ‘Autism Awareness’ (and cultural figures like the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause, etc.) to get the benefits of His teachings (compassion, kindness, feeling love, and self-worth) without acknowledging Jesus as the ultimate authority and the source of all life.

Please allow me to translate the crazy out of this statement: “Anything that is good and not Jesus is the devil”. Parents like Andrea Gallik were less than impressed. One of her children id autistic, and when she read the email, she was left in tears.

“I’m offended as a Christian because I feel that he is using the Bible for his own interpretation. And his interpretation is offensive. Not just to my son but to any child, adult afflicted with autism… It breaks my heart.”

Newsflash lady: people have been interpreting the Bible to service their own needs ever since it was put into print. That’s the nature of religion. It’s not about truth. It’s about power and control. Simple as that.

Gallik has since pulled her kids from the school. She may not be the only one who leaves because of this fiasco. How many other parents were disgusted at this offensive email? If Christianity is trying to self destruct, then I’m all for it. Keep pushing your own people away, guys! It’s making my job a lot easier!

Iowa Governor Signs New Law Targeting LGBT Groups

Christians have a warped sense of justice. In their eyes, if their favorite religion doesn’t have unilateral control over society, then it means they are being oppressed. It reminds me of a bully that cries fowl the moment someone dares to stand up to them. No content with trying to ram their faith down everyone’s throat, they are now trying to use the legal system to attack groups they dislike.

In Iowa, their governor by the name of Kim Reynolds has signed a new bill in secret during a meeting with a conservative Christian organization, despite the fact that business leaders have vehemently opposed it, afraid that it could spell disaster for the private sector.

A person, corporation, church, foundation or other entity whose exercise of religion has been burdened can go to court to seek damages or other means of redressing the harm against them.

How is a corporation “exercising” their religion? Clearly, this is being done in order for religious groups, upset that they have to treat others with dignity and respect, to be able to sue these groups for money. Many businesses in Iowa will now need to tiptoe around these religious fanatics, lest they be taken to court for offending them.

This kind of unconstitutional law is just another example of religion encroaching on public policy. The first amendment can apparently suck it: so long as people continue to elect these fundamentalist morons, they will continue to create chaos. What person in their right mind would purposefully choose to live there now?

To all my Satanist friends out there, I think it’s time to put this law into effect. Have you been discriminated against because of your love of Baal? I can only imagine the outrage on Christian faces when other faiths start using these laws to sue companies like Hobby Lobby, or Chick-fil-a for discrimination. You know why it’s better for a country to have “no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”? It’s in order for every belief to have an equal footing.

If these guys want to fight dirty, I say we oblige them.

Dallas Man Claimed God told him to Molest Girl

Never trust people who say that they speak with God. For starters, religion is the ultimate expression of ego. It’s a way of trying to justify your personal beliefs by claiming they are divinely mandated. This kind of psychotic view of one’s own understanding of the universe is so common that we totally ignore the fact that millions of people think that an all powerful being believes in exactly the same thing they do.

Christopher Caudill is a 46 year old “man”, who had been abusing a young girl since she was 11 years old, was one such psychopath. News outlets have been very scant with the details. There’s no information about how he chose his victims, or why the abuse was allowed to go on for over 6 years. We do know that he believed his abuse was not only perfectly fine, but was in fact mandated by the all powerful creator of the Universe.

When interviewed by Carrollton police, Caudill admitted he sexually abused the girl and said he abused her because they had a relationship that was “a love like they had in the Bible.”

If you get your concept of “love” from the Bible, then that explains everything. The amount of rape and sexual assault in this book is staggering. Here’s just a few examples:

  • When the Benjamites were told they could kidnap any girl they wanted to rebuild their tribes. Around 600 girls were then raped.
  • Lot’s daughters get their father drunk to rape him.
  • David’s son rapes all of his father’s concubines in front of everyone to prove he’s the new king.
  • God tells Joshua that when the Jews slays their enemies, they can take any virgin who survive as “spoils of war”.

That’s just a few examples, but as you can see, “Biblical Love” is pretty disgusting. The good news is that Caudill was sentenced to life in jail. His sojourn is probably going to be rough, considering what happens to child rapists in jail.

So, remind me again: why should any sane person base their lives on this vile book? I just can’t figure it out.

Prison Justice for Pastor accused of Killing Girl During Exorcism

Prisons have their own form of justice. For those of us not familiar with prison life, we generally think that a building full of criminals must be chaotic, and filled with random violence. It’s far more complicated than that. Inmates have their own code of justice, which can largely be dependent on the state that you are in. This code has a kind of hierarchy of bad, meaning that there are some crimes that are considered “good” (like robbing a bank), and others considered evil (like raping or killing a child). Prisoners will often dispense their own form of punishment, which tends to be deadly.

Now, for the sake of clarity, I must also specify that there is a difference between prison and jail. Prison is where people convicted of a crime go. Jail is the holdover for people suspected of a crime. This is why those in jail still have the presumption of innocence. With that in mind, when former pastor Rene Tigueros Hernandez was booked recently in San Jose over allegations that he killed his 3 year old granddaughter following a botched exorcism, it didn’t take long for one of his neighbors to find out what he had done, and a bunch of them decided to do something about it. Hernandez is 60 years old, so odds are, he didn’t put up much of a fight.

The thing is, the details of the incident are what’s putting his life in danger.

On Monday, a coroner testified that 3-year-old Arely had so many injuries — including blunt force trauma on her face and internal abdominal injuries — that it was impossible to know which injury was “the final blow.” The coroner said she determined Arely’s cause of death was a combination of mechanical asphyxia and smothering

The defense attorney requested that the judge bar the media from publishing or airing “up-to-date-in-court images and video” that make it “easier for hostile inmates in jail to identify and attack him,” Fite wrote.

The thing is, all of this is merely to keep him alive before he can actually go to trial. Once he’s actually in prison, then he’s in big trouble. Prisoners have a way of finding things out about you. Usually this is done on the first day with what is called a “heart check”. A scary looking man approaches you, demands to know for what crimes you are there for, and will often instigate a fight to see if you have any “heart”, and will defend yourself even against a tougher opponent. The worst thing you can be is a child rapist or murderer. These people typically have short stays, followed by a quick trip to the morgue.

Given the extend of the little girl’s injuries, I can’t imagine that his fellow prisoners will give him much leeway. Keep in mind that many of these men are fathers first, and criminals second. No doubt the time away from their loved ones only amplifies their hatred for these types of crimes. Their distorted sense of justice will inevitably lead to more death, perhaps as a way for them to try and atone for their crimes. Such is the primitive nature of prisons. They have their own laws, and codes of justice, and this spells bad news for the Hernandez family.

You see, Hernandez isn’t the only one of the family that was in jail, and the other  members have all said that they’ve been threatened multiple times. Considering the brutality and severity of their victims injuries, I have a feeling that prison life is going to be extremely difficult for them.

All of this tragedy was the result of the fact that Catholics still believe in dangerously stupid shit like demon possession. They think that behavioral problems are the result of satanic forces, and so strong is this belief that the welfare of their own child was less important that their superstitions.

Lutheran Scamming Priest gets 8 months instead of 10 years in Jail

Imagine you steal more than $80,000 from your employer by selling a property and then pocketing the cash. How much time should you be in jail for? A few years maybe? Well, if you’re a religious figure, that number can be brought down to the low low price of only 8 months.

That’s how much time Erin Gullickson, who was the former pastor for the Our Savior Lutheran Church, got: an 8 months in prison handed down by an Illinois court. She’s also been ordered to pay back the 82 grand she stole, with the judge demanding that it be paid back in a year’s time. Unless she joins another church and starts stealing from them, I doubt she’ll be able to make good on it. So far, she’s only agreed to pay back 1000 bucks a month. At this rate, it will take her roughly 7 years to square things off.

Prosecutors were obviously upset that she got the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. A few months in jail and some probation sends a pretty clear message to other would-be scammers: Do the crime, do only a small portion of the time. You see, this is a class B felony, which usually carries a maximum prison sentence of around 10 years. She got less than 10 months.

Feland also disagreed with the notion that Gullickson, who has been in custody since her conviction, should not be subject to further imprisonment. The judge sentenced Gullickson to 10 years in prison but suspended all but time already served and an additional seven months, in addition to three years of supervised probation.

Why is it that the law works differently for religious people? Do they just have to promise that they will do better and are instantly believed? She abused the trust of the people that she ministered to, and literally stole from them. What was the reason for such leniency? If this person had embezzled this money while working at a bank, would she have been given such mercy on her sentence? I highly doubt it.

This shit stinks to high heaven of religious privilege. When will we be free of this special treatment that the faithful get? My guess is never.

Christians are Crybabies

In an effort to appeal to an increasingly diverse urban population, a UK supermarket chain have angered Christians after they decided to remove the symbol of the cross from their “hot cross buns”. They’ve substituted it with a nike-like swoosh, and this has outraged overly sensitive Christians who believe that unless they have total cultural domination in society, they are somehow “under fire”.

There’s a part of me that wonders if all those early Christian martyrs would be more than a little angry at these hypocrites who pretend that their lives are in danger. Bitch please. These jerks will do everything in their power to suppress other faiths, and then cry like little babies whenever their grip on society starts to slip.

Bible Museum Closes Due to Lack of Interest

Do you ever get tired of religious conservatives telling you that the Bible is the most popular book in the world? Sure, it’s the most “sold” book in history, but considering how illiterate most Christians are about the “good book”, it seems as though religious people are not really big fans of the Bible. I Speak from experience here on this matter: no one gives a shit about it. Sure, people say they do, but in the same way someone might say that if someone was having car troubles on the road, they would stop to help. The stats on that don’t lie: must of us wouldn’t. We just like to think we would.

This would explain why in Philadelphia, the American Bible Society’s “Faith and Liberty Discovery Center” is closing after only 3 years of operation. The “museum”, if we can generously call it that, costs roughly 60 million dollars to build. The ABS was convinced that they would attract a flood of tourists, but predictably, no one showed up. It might have something to do with the pathetic attempt at scholarship, or the boring attractions. In any case, this monument to failure is on its way out, and no one in Philly gives a shit. It’s beautiful.

You can judge for yourself if their sales pitch has any mustard to it:

“We’ve created a massive digital platform, disguised as a museum,” said Pat Murdock, the center’s former executive director. “It feels like a museum — we’ve got artifacts and all that, but really it’s a digital platform that is ripe for the way people are learning today. They want to learn from the media. They want to learn from a story. And they also want to collect things, and they want to create. That’s why we created the maker space.”

Wow, I’m convinced.

Anyone with a head on their shoulders could have told them it was a bad idea. Would they have even listened? When you build your whole life and identify on a lie, it’s hard to know what the truth is. These clowns thought huge crowds of people would rush to a museum where they are told that they are sinners, because that’s what they were told by people trying to be polite, or nice. In reality, they received 2% of their projected visitors. They didn’t even come close to meeting any of their projections, no matter how many times they prayed to their sky daddy.

If you’re worried that the 60 million dollar price tag of this monstrosity was paid for by taxpayers, I can at least confirm that this ode to the worst book in history was actually paid for by the ABS, who had sold their New York building for a cool 300 million, and moved to Philly because it was cheaper there. So cheap, in fact, that no one had the money to go visit this bloated establishment. If these morons want to keep wasting money building exhibits no one wants to see, I’m all for it. Just don’t expect anyone to give a shit, that’s all.

Christian Boarding School accused of Kidnapping

It’s always in those often ignored corners of America that some of the worst behavior imaginable is tolerated. Civilization is slow to reach some parts, and in these places, religion is still calling all the shots. Generally speaking, city folks think that the rest of the world has the same attitude about how to properly raise children. The notion of nurturing creativity, self expression and above all, their physical wellbeing, is a foreign concept to the harsh taskmasters of religion. Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child has been the attitude of many a Christian, and it’s not very surprising when the news identifies yet another story of abuse at their hands.

Religious schools benefit from little oversight. In the case of Lighthouse Christian Academy in Missouri,

ABM Ministries owners Larry Musgraves Jr., 57, and his wife, Carmen Musgraves, 64, were charged over the weekend with first-degree kidnapping for allegedly locking a student in a small room. The allegations are the latest against people associated with Christian boarding schools in Missouri.

The 15 year old boy was allegedly punch multiple times in the face, breaking his nose, as a supposed “preparation” for an upcoming boxing match. He was also apparently locked in a small room as punishment. The kid claims that it was because of comments he had made previously about one of the school administrators wife.

The school used to accept female students, until a lawsuit in 2009 that claimed a former principle had sexually abused a female students, and the Musgraves had been aware of the abuse and had done nothing. They settled for almost 1 million dollars. The offender walked away scot-free, and simply headed to another religiously run school called Agape Boarding School to cause more pain and hurt:

A former student at Agape said he was constantly raped and called “seizure boy” because of epilepsy from which he suffered, while other students have said they suffered permanent injuries after facing disciplinary action or being forced to work long hours of manual labour, it was reported.

There was also another nearby religious school, called Circle of Hope Girl’s Ranch, that had at least 5 employees charged with abuse, with their doctor, David Smock, being accused of over 100 separate counts of child abuse.

It’s beginning to be difficult keeping track of all these abusers. They all have one thing in common: because of Missouri’s lax laws when it comes to oversights, religious organizations are free to do pretty much anything that comes to mind, which tends to be some pretty unsavory shit.


Alabama Supreme Court is now the American Taliban

If you haven’t heard of the name Tom Parker, odds are you soon will. The Chief Justice is making news after declaring that embryos are children, in a landmark case that is bound to send shockwaves through the state, if not the country.

It all began with a lawsuit. A couple that was using Invitro fertilization wanted to sue the clinic in Alabama for accidentally destroying a few of their frozen embryos. The Center for Reproductive Medicine, located in Mobile, Alabama, had an accident during the transfer of the embryos, and they were lost as a result. The couple, rather than move on with their lives, decided that they wanted to sue them for wrongful death. The case went all the way to the state Supreme Court, which ruled an overwhelming majority of 8-1 that these embryos were indeed children. The court, which sounds more like a branch of the Vatican, quoted the Bible multiple times, and the name “God” is invoked over a dozen times.

“Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God,” he wrote in a concurring opinion that invoked the Book of Genesis and the prophet Jeremiah and quoted at length from the writings of 16th- and 17th-century theologians.

“Even before birth,” he added, “all human beings have the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory.”

Parker further claims that all governments are created by God, this despite the fact that the Constitution he swore to uphold makes it abundantly clear that government is to stay out of the business of mandating religion. He doesn’t see it this way. He’s part of a clandestine Christian movement called “The Seven Mountains”, which aims to inject their religious tyranny in all aspects of government. This plan has been in motion for decades, and because everyone around them was asleep at the wheel, they’ve effectively turned the state into their version of a theocracy, complete with religiously mandated laws.

As a consequence of this decision, fertility clinics across the state have suspended all services. This means that couples wishing to have assistance in having children are incapable of doing so until this insane mess is sorted. Considering how stacked with Christian nationalists the courts are, it’s doubtful that this will be repealed. Even Republican lawmakers seem confused about the decision. They claim to be “pro families”, but had no idea that declaring a frozen clump of cells a “human child” would have terrifying consequences for IFV clinics. Since the Supreme Court decision was literally made to allow a couple to sue over a few of their embryos being destroyed, this means that it’s doubtful that any medical organization would even dare operate in a state where they are always one mistake away from financial oblivion. This has spelled disaster for thousands of Alabamans struggling with fertility.

Again and again voters were sold a pack of lies, courtesy of religiously minded politicians that place their faith above their duty to their fellow countrymen. Many of them entered politics not with a desire to help, but with the ambition of turning their country into an unrecognizable religiously repressive place, where freedom is a thing of the past, and subjugation to their imaginary friends and his conflicting rulebook. It is time to weed out these religion elements and expose them for what they are: the American Taliban.

Christian Nationalist Think-Tank Ready to Pounce

If you’re an American, hopefully you’ve come to the realization that your country is in serious trouble. The rise of Christian Nationalism went from a growing concern to an outright menace to free society.

If you think I’m being hyperbolic, than it means you haven’t read this: the manifesto for The Center for Renewing America, a think-tank (I use the word loosely here) lead by a man named Russell Vought. Vought had previously worked as Trump’s director of Office of Management and Budget when he was president, and he’s preparing himself and others for the return of the big orange turd by crafting a document outlining all the messed up crap he wants to implement on Trumps first day in office.

Vought sees his and his organization’s mission as “renew[ing] a consensus of America as a nation under God,” per a statement on CRA’s website, and reshaping the government’s contract with the governed. Freedom of religion would remain a protected right, but Vought and his ideological brethren would not shy from using their administration positions to promote Christian doctrine and imbue public policy with it, according to both people familiar with the matter, granted anonymity to avoid retaliation. He makes clear reference to human rights being defined by God, not man.

First, I highly doubt that freedom of religion would remain a protected right. Currently, there are Christian lawmakers that have been trying to get Satanism removed from the list of recognized religions, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. These psychos will do just about anything to make sure their religion is top dog, and it wouldn’t surprise me if other faiths were soon on the chopping block.

Second, what I find terrifying is the renewed confidence of these assholes in thinking that the rest of us will just sit back and let this happen. They live in such a bubble that they think the majority of Americans feel the way they do. It simply isn’t the case. Most Christians are not dominionists, and considering how many different denominations there are, to treat them as a one large group has never really worked. Although we may not like it, atheists have to ally themselves with those faith groups that are strongly opposed to this kind of sectarian agenda.

Lastly, atheists have to get off their asses and start making moves themselves. Christians have been infiltrating governments for decades, and this strategy is starting to bare fruit. If we sit back and let other people get involved, than we shouldn’t be surprised if we end up with targets on our backs. The stakes are high, and we can no longer bury our heads in the sand hoping that people will drop religion like a bad habit.

Minnesota Youth Pastor Arrested for Multiple Assaults

You have to marvel at Christian hypocrisy. This is a faith that pertains to have “family values”, and yet every day, one of their leaders gets arrested on sexual abuse scandal. TGA’s been seriously considering making a Bingo style game to keep track of it all, since simply writing about it seems to be redundant at this point.

In Minnesota, a former youth pastor named Luverne Zacharias was arrested when it came to light that he had molested a number of students at a Christian High school in the mid 2000’s.

According to the criminal complaint obtained by the outlet, the alleged abuse took place between 2006 and 2009, when the victim was a student at El Shaddai Christian School in Owatonna. It was affiliated with and overseen by Christian Family Church, where Zacharias served as a youth pastor.

The woman told police that Zacharias would meet her in the basement of the school when she was sent to get milk for her classmates at lunchtime and during breaks. He allegedly touched her breasts and genitals over her clothing at first, doing it at least once every day, the woman said.

So this guy had a daily thirst for this kind of behavior. To call him an abuser would be an understatement. The guy was a straight up predator. Imagine the terror and humiliation visited upon them on a daily basis. Who knows if they will ever be able to enjoy intimacy with their partner thanks to this man’s traumatic behavior.

What do “family values” mean to Christians anyways? I keep waiting to see what the hell they are talking about whenever one claims this vaunted virtue. Does it mean disowning your child because they have a sexual preference you dislike? Does it mean beating, or abandoning your kids for questioning the teachings of a Bronze Age book? The lack of empathy and love displayed by the faithful can often be quite disturbing. Their claim to be the example to follow when it comes to family cohesion is a joke with no punchline.

I have personally witnessed a religious family being torn apart because of a disagreement about their own internal doctrines. If you’re looking for something to ensure family cohesion, Christianity certainly isn’t something an objective person would prescribe.

LifeWise Academy Needs to be Stopped

It has to be strange to be the bad guy, and not know it. When you hold onto a belief that claims that you are righteous, there’s no limit to the depraved and corrupt things you’ll do to makes sure everyone around you thinks the same way.

Some of you may remember that we covered this creepy organization in the past. Lifewise academy is a Christian Nationalist organization that seeks to indoctrinate kids into their club. In states like Ohio, Arkansas and Georgia, these busy bees have been able to operate with impunity, as US courts are increasingly becoming friendly to the notion of letting religious organizations proselytize during school hours.

The way these guys get around the obvious issue with teaching religion in schools is that they will “bus” kids out somewhere else, and teach them off campus. This is a loophole that is increasingly being exploited.

Now, some groups have pushed back .For instance, Satanist groups are now also doing the same, partly to offer an alternative to Lifewise, but also to outrage parents with the notion that they might be getting brainwashed (Satanists groups don’t engage in any religious teachings. Rather, they usually just offer extra curricular activities).

In response, lawmakers are trying to ban Satanism, and get it’s tax exempt status revoked. Typical strategy by Christians who don’t think the rules apply to them. If you want to support their effort, I encourage you to make a donation.

The part that really gets to me are the bogus claims that these extra curricular religious programs somehow help the students do better in schools. There are no studies to back this up, not that I expect religious zealots to know how to conduct such a study. These guys have never heard of sourcing anything, so if you were hoping for proof, that’s one word religious people have never fully comprehended anyways.